Arathy Ravindran, Bradley J. Peters, Klaus Mezger, Eric Hasenstab-Dübeler, Maya J. M., Maria Schönbächler
<p>The short-lived radionuclide system <sup>146</sup>Sm-<sup>142</sup>Nd can provide direct information about geological differentiation events in the terrestrial Hadean (>4.0 Ga) mantle. The spatiotemporal formation and evolution of crustal material that formed from different mantle domains can constrain the existing geodynamic environment in which continental crust formed and plate tectonics was initiated. The coupled <sup>146,147</sup>Sm-<sup>142,143</sup>Nd isotope systematics of contemporaneous felsic and mafic-ultramafic igneous rock suites emplaced in the western Dharwar Craton (India) at ∼3.6 Ga record distinct Hadean mantle differentiation events in their source. The older mantle differentiation at <span></span><math>