Bergstra and Klop have shown that bisimilarity has a finite equational axiomatisation over ACP/CCS extended with the binary left and communication merge operators. Moller proved that auxiliary operators are necessary to obtain a finite axiomatisation of bisimilarity over CCS, and Aceto et al. showed that this remains true when Hennessy’s merge is added to that language. These results raise the question of whether there is one auxiliary binary operator whose addition to CCS leads to a finite axiomatisation of bisimilarity. We contribute to answering this question in the simplified setting of the recursion-, relabelling-, and restriction-free fragment of CCS. We formulate three natural assumptions pertaining to the operational semantics of auxiliary operators and their relationship to parallel composition and prove that an auxiliary binary operator facilitating a finite axiomatisation of bisimilarity in the simplified setting cannot satisfy all three assumptions.
In this article, we study several aspects of the intersections of algorithmically random closed sets. First, we answer a question of Cenzer and Weber, showing that the operation of intersecting relatively random closed sets (random with respect to certain underlying measures induced by Bernoulli measures on the space of codes of closed sets), which preserves randomness, can be inverted: a random closed set of the appropriate type can be obtained as the intersection of two relatively random closed sets. We then extend the Cenzer/Weber analysis to the intersection of multiple random closed sets, identifying the Bernoulli measures with respect to which the intersection of relatively random closed sets can be non-empty. We lastly apply our analysis to provide a characterization of the effective Hausdorff dimension of sequences in terms of the degree of intersectability of random closed sets that contain them.
We introduce and study a natural extension of the Alternating time temporal logic
We establish fixpoint characterizations of the temporal goal assignments in a μ-calculus extension of TLCGA, discuss its expressiveness and illustrate it with some examples, prove bisimulation invariance and Hennessy–Milner property for it with respect to a suitably defined notion of bisimulation, construct a sound and complete axiomatic system for TLCGA, and obtain its decidability via finite model property.
We design a proof system for propositional classical logic that integrates two languages for Boolean functions: standard conjunction-disjunction-negation and binary decision trees. We give two reasons to do so. The first is proof-theoretical naturalness: The system consists of all and only the inference rules generated by the single, simple, linear scheme of the recently introduced subatomic logic. Thanks to this regularity, cuts are eliminated via a natural construction. The second reason is that the system generates efficient proofs. Indeed, we show that a certain class of tautologies due to Statman, which cannot have better than exponential cut-free proofs in the sequent calculus, have polynomial cut-free proofs in our system. We achieve this by using the same construction that we use for cut elimination. In summary, by expanding the language of propositional logic, we make its proof theory more regular and generate more proofs, some of which are very efficient.
That design is made possible by considering atoms as superpositions of their truth values, which are connected by self-dual, non-commutative connectives. A proof can then be projected via each atom into two proofs, one for each truth value, without a need for cuts. Those projections are semantically natural and are at the heart of the constructions in this article. To accommodate self-dual non-commutativity, we compose proofs in deep inference.