Purpose: The impact of digital health on medically underserved patients is unclear. This study aimed to determine the early impact of a digital innovation to grow quality care through an interprofessional care team (DIG IT) on the blood pressure (BP) and 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score of medically underserved patients.
Methods: This was a 3-month, prospective intervention study that included patients aged 40 years or more with BP of 140/90 mmHg or higher who received care from DIG IT from August through December 2021. Sociodemographic and clinical outcomes of DIG IT were compared with historical controls (controls) whose data were randomly extracted by the University of California Data Warehouse and matched 1:1 based on age, ethnicity, and baseline BP of the DIG IT arm. Multiple linear regression was performed to adjust for potential confounding factors.
Results: A total of 140 patients (70 DIG IT, 70 controls) were included. Both arms were similar with an average age (SD) of 62.8 (9.7) years. The population was dominated by Latinx (79.3%) persons, with baseline mean BP of 163/81 mmHg, and mean ASCVD risk score of 23.9%. The mean (SD) reduction in systolic BP at 3 months in the DIG IT arm was twice that of the controls (30.8 [17.3] mmHg vs 15.2 [21.2] mmHg; P <.001). The mean (SD) ASCVD risk score reduction in the DIG IT arm was also twice that of the controls (6.4% [7.4%] vs 3.1% [5.1%]; P = .003).
Conclusions: The DIG IT was more effective than controls (receiving usual care). Twofold improvement in the BP readings and ASCVD scores in medically underserved patients were achieved with DIG IT.