This paper focuses on the critical task of accurately predicting seasonal energy import demand for countries heavily reliant on foreign energy supplies. Given the significance of optimizing energy supply structures and formulating effective policies, precise forecasting is imperative. However, due to complex cyclical fluctuations, it is challenging to construct a prediction model that can handle seasonal sequences with multiple patterns and trends. And the construction of the model relies on the extraction of data information. Based on the differences impacts between new and old data information on future predictions, this paper proposes a new seasonal grey power model using new-information-priority principle. Nine types of seasonal series with different cycles, trends and patterns, and lengths are used to test the adaptability of the new model. Among these, the seasonal data distributions, and modelling effect of daily and hourly series are studied for the first time in grey forecasting system. Furthermore, three monthly energy imports demand, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, crude oil imports are utilized to verify fitting and predicting accuracy of the proposed model. The results demonstrate that the new model exhibits higher prediction accuracy and lower volatility compared to other models, containing prevailing grey models, machine learning models, and statistical models. Besides, the performance of different swarm intelligent algorithms, such as Cultural Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Simulated Annealing optimization algorithms in hyper-parameter optimization of the new model is analyzed. Finally, the new model generates forecasts for three energy imports demands each month from 2023 to 2026. And some practical implications and policy suggestions are also discussed.