Background: Hypertension complicates 5-10% of pregnancies and is a common cause of perinatal death. The perinatal mortality is estimated to be 3 to 5 times higher in hypertensive women compared to those without hypertension.
Methods: A hypertensive mother either with a stillbirth or if baby died within 7 days of life was included as a case. Once a case was recognized, the next two consecutive hypertensive mothers who delivered a live baby, who survived up to 7 days of life, were taken as controls. Fetuses with congenital malformations incompatible with life and multiple pregnancies were excluded from the study. One hundred and twelve women in cases and 224 women in controls were studied.
Results: Among 112 cases of perinatal death, 70% had died in utero before labor. Among the 33 fetuses alive, 50% were born still after labor and 50% died within 7 days of birth. We found that early onset hypertension (< 34 weeks) (p-< 0.001 (Chi2-23.819)), gestational age at termination of 28-32 weeks (OR 2.76), value of serum creatinine > 1.1 mg/dl (OR 10.1), abruption (OR 6.2) and birth weight < 1.5 kg was significantly associated with perinatal mortality (p-0.007, OR 5.7). Abnormal Doppler findings was a predictor of perinatal deaths.
Conclusion: Severely growth retarded fetuses in association with early onset severe preeclampsia are likely to die in utero and need vigilant monitoring antenatally. Abnormal umbilical artery Dopplers predict perinatal mortality. Caesarean section at the gestational age of ≥ 32 weeks and an estimated fetal weight of ≥ 1.2 kg in our hospital resulted in favorable outcome.