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Generations: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America’s Future 世代:Z世代、千禧世代、X世代、潮世代和沉默世代之间的真正差异--以及它们对美国未来的意义
IF 0.7 0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-12-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf12-23twenge
J. Twenge
GENERATIONS: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--and What They Mean for America's Future by Jean M. Twenge. New York: Atria Books, 2023. 560 pages. Hardcover; $32.50. ISBN: 9781982181611. E-book; $16.99. ASIN: B0B3Y9RSFP. *"Thinking without comparison is unthinkable. And, in the absence of comparison, so is all scientific thought and scientific research." --Sociologist Guy Swanson, 1971 *Certainly, the ideas behind Swanson's observations guide the work of San Diego State University psychologist Jean M. Twenge, who has published scores of peer-reviewed empirical studies comparing the responses of different birth cohorts (generations) on the same social survey questions over time. Although limited to the United States here, her empirical research mostly compares present attitudes to past ones and compares different generations to each other in the same time frame. She has long been thinking with comparisons. *Twenge's previous book, iGen (2017), drew on publicly available data from four major social surveys to argue convincingly that social media heavily influenced Gen Z (composed of people born between 1995 and 2012), often to their physical and psychological detriment. In her sequel, Twenge seeks to widen the scope and the audience for such research and even purports to predict the future of America. Even if the science of comparing generational cohorts will fall short in predicting the future (as seems likely), readers will benefit from learning about typical traits of different generations or birth cohorts in the United States. *Generations compares six generations of Americans: the Silent generation (born 1925-1945), Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Generation X (born 1965-1979), Millennials (born 1980-1994), Generation Z (born 1995-2012), and Polars (born 2013-present). Each of the substantive chapters (chaps. 2-7) focuses on a single generation and contrasts its members' average responses on a wide array of social survey questions from twenty-four datasets with a combined number of 39 million respondents. Most readers will be able to identify family, friends, and neighbors from each generation that exemplify some of the attitudes that Twenge labels as distinctive. *Twenge constantly uses charts to show differences between generations and average attitudinal shifts over time. While the book is hefty and full of statistics and charts that can occasionally overwhelm the reader, the prose is mostly lively and sprinkled with humor. The overall impact is to convince the reader that generational cohorts do tend to share outlooks. My copy is studded with post-it flags marking places in the text where her observations surprised me or nailed down something I had only vaguely sensed before. As a member of Generation X, for instance, I was surprised at how many traits identified by Twenge resonated with my own life experiences, and I suspect other readers will have similar "aha" moments for their generation. They
《世代:Z世代、千禧一代、X世代、婴儿潮一代和沉默世代之间的真正差异——以及它们对美国未来的意义》,作者:Jean M. Twenge纽约:阿特里亚图书公司,2023年。560页。精装书;32.50美元。ISBN: 9781982181611。电子书;16.99美元。最佳翻译:B0B3Y9RSFP。*“没有比较的思考是不可想象的。如果没有比较,所有的科学思想和科学研究都是如此。”——社会学家盖伊·斯旺森,1971年*当然,斯旺森观察背后的思想指导了圣地亚哥州立大学心理学家吉恩·m·特温格的工作,他发表了许多同行评议的实证研究,比较了不同出生群体(世代)在同一社会调查问题上的反应。虽然仅限于美国,但她的实证研究主要是将现在的态度与过去的态度进行比较,并将同一时间段内的不同代人进行比较。她一直在用比较来思考问题。*特温格的上一本书《iGen》(2017)利用了四项主要社会调查的公开数据,令人信服地认为,社交媒体严重影响了Z世代(由1995年至2012年出生的人组成),往往对他们的身心造成损害。在她的续集中,特温格试图扩大这种研究的范围和受众,甚至声称要预测美国的未来。即使比较世代群体的科学无法预测未来(这似乎很有可能),读者也会从了解美国不同世代或出生群体的典型特征中受益。*《世代》比较了六代美国人:沉默的一代(生于1925-1945年)、婴儿潮一代(生于1946-1964年)、X一代(生于1965-1979年)、千禧一代(生于1980-1994年)、Z一代(生于1995-2012年)和北极星一代(生于2013年至今)。每一个实质性的章节(章)。2-7)聚焦于一代人,并对比了其成员对来自24个数据集的广泛社会调查问题的平均回答,这些数据集共有3900万受访者。大多数读者都能从每一代人的家庭、朋友和邻居中找到一些能体现特温格所标榜的独特态度的例子。Twenge经常使用图表来显示代际差异和随着时间的平均态度变化。虽然这本书很厚,充满了统计数据和图表,有时会让读者不知所措,但它的散文大多是活泼的,点缀着幽默。总体影响是让读者相信,同代人确实倾向于分享观点。我的稿子上贴满了便利贴,标出了她的观察让我惊讶的地方,或者明确了我以前只模模糊糊感觉到的东西。例如,作为X世代的一员,我很惊讶地发现,特温格所识别的许多特征与我自己的生活经历产生了共鸣,我怀疑其他读者也会有类似的“顿悟”时刻。他们还可以重新认识到其他几代人是如何影响美国社会的。*代际人群是如何产生差异的?在第4-19页上,特温格的论点是,技术变革推动了代际差异,而这种差异往往是由个人主义和“低出生率、慢发展、对每个孩子投入更多资源和照顾的慢生活策略”(第18页)介导的。随着死亡率降低、预期寿命延长和技术变革,年轻一代可以从容地完成学业、开始职业生涯、结婚、买房和生孩子——如果他们甚至决定要孩子的话。正如特温格所指出的那样,“到2020年,青少年和20岁出头女性的出生率都是自1918年有记录以来的最低水平——大约是1990年的一半”(第377页)。在年轻一代中占主导地位的慢生活策略,可能是书中描述的最重要的转变,此外还有宗教信仰和行为的减少。*即使学术研究人员可能会对她将“技术”作为一个非常广泛、包罗万象的术语进行吹毛求疵,但不可否认的是,这些趋势正在这些群体中的典型成员身上发生变化。任何认识20多岁或30多岁受过大学教育的年轻人的人都能明显感受到这种影响。与前几代人相比,他们不太可能结婚,不太可能生孩子,不太可能参加宗教仪式,也不太可能持有传统的性别认同观点。与加拿大和其他工业化国家以及更多样化的国家进行跨国比较,可能有助于澄清这种态度和行为的代际转变的原因。*此外,当这本书在最后一章试图预测未来时,感觉很勉强。 特温格自己引用了尼尔·豪(Neil Howe)和威廉·施特劳斯(William Strauss)至少三个失败的预测,他们是代际分析的前辈(第295页)。三十年后的读者应该重新阅读这本书,看看特温格的预言是否站得住脚。有人怀疑,我们会对一些无法预料的趋势感到惊讶。*值得注意的是,对于本杂志的读者来说,宗教仪式和信仰的衡量指标显示,从千禧一代(1980-1994年出生)开始急剧下降,Z一代(1995-2012年出生)继续下降。对于任何关心社会福祉的人来说,这是一个令人不安的趋势。正如特温格所指出的,“人类有一种天生的欲望,去相信比自己更重要的东西,去寻找生活的意义。如果宗教不再扮演这个角色,其他的东西就会取而代之”(第504页)。特温格不禁表达了对美国社会在这里和其他地方的未来的担忧。基督教学者应该加入她的行列。毕竟,我们的信仰是代代相传的。正如诗篇145:4所说:“这代人称赞你的作为;他们传扬你大能的作为。”我们是否未能将这个故事传递给年轻一代?这本书收集了大量证据,证明我们可能是——美国社会可能因此变得更糟。*《世代》最好不要被理解为推动心理科学的尝试,而更应该被理解为一位忧心忡忡的美国心理学家的数据丰富的哀嚎。为了说服我们关心美国社会的未来,特温格比较了成千上万的数据点,美国社会推崇个人主义,损害了集体福祉。那些被召唤去爱他们的邻居的人应该好好研究一下这里的趋势,思考一下他们如何才能更好地关心这些邻居的所有世代。对于我们这些属于“存到万代”王国的人(诗篇145:13),我们可以从特温格那里学习如何在促进一个不那么个人主义的社会的同时,接触到今天活着的每一代人。*由俄亥俄州坎顿市马龙大学国际政治学教授兼通识教育主任斯科特·瓦克斯(Scott Waalkes)审阅。
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引用次数: 4
Emergence in Context: A Treatise in Twenty-First Century Natural Philosophy 语境中的涌现:21世纪自然哲学论著
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23bishop2
Robert C. Bishop, Michael Silberstein
EMERGENCE IN CONTEXT: A Treatise in Twenty-First Century Natural Philosophy by Robert C. Bishop, Michael Silberstein, and Mark Pexton. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2022. 363 pages. Hardcover; $103.65. ISBN: 9780192849786. *Reductionists dream of a day when all scientific truths can be derived from fundamental physics. Bishop, Silberstein, and Paxton show that dream is now dead, or at least it's quite ill. But what will replace it? One answer is "emergence," although that term is ambiguous. In its weak sense, it merely expresses pessimism about our ability to fully understand how microphysics produces all other phenomena. In its strong sense, it means that some entities have a kind of autonomy from physics, with their own "causal powers," including downward causation. Bishop et al. seek to replace strong and weak emergence with "contextual emergence." *Let's start with an example (sec 2.4). Rayleigh-Bénard convection occurs when a fluid is trapped between a heating plate below and a cooler one above. Convection cells emerge as warmer fluid rises toward the top and cooled fluid sinks. While molecular interactions play a part in this, sustained convection is impossible without the macroscopic plates. This behavior is not wholly determined by the fluid's constituent parts but rather by the context in which the fluid exists. *What this and scores of other examples show is that phenomena at a given scale often depend on a host of "stability conditions" at other scales--sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Contra the reductionist, the authors argue that the behavior of entities, properties, and processes at a given level is never wholly determined by events at a lower level. Macroscopic conditions (among other things) play an essential and ineliminable role. If we knew all the truths of nature, we would see that not all dependence is bottom-up. *"But the plates in your example are made of matter," says the critic, "We can reduce those to the behavior of atoms as well." A complete mathematical description without idealizations? "Well, it can be done in principle." Let's consider another example while we wait. Physicists in the Newtonian era devoted much time to the study of planetary orbits. One surprising stability condition is three-dimensional space. In four dimensions, regular orbits that resist small perturbations would be impossible (p. 29). Note that spatial dimensions are not part of the system. They are the context in which the system exists. Three dimensions are a necessary condition for stable orbits but cannot be reduced to the system's constituents even in principle. The properties of the parts do not determine the properties of the whole. This example illustrates why emergent properties are often inexplicable or unpredictable given complete knowledge of lower-level constituents: stability conditions are typically not at some lower level. While some stability conditions are causal and mechanical, like the plates in the convection examp
语境中的涌现:罗伯特·c·毕晓普、迈克尔·西尔伯斯坦和马克·佩克斯顿合著的《21世纪自然哲学论著》。牛津,英国:牛津大学出版社,2022。363页。精装书;103.65美元。ISBN: 9780192849786。*简化论者梦想有一天所有的科学真理都能从基础物理学中推导出来。毕晓普、西尔伯斯坦和帕克斯顿表明,梦现在已经死了,或者至少是病得很厉害。但什么会取代它呢?一个答案是“涌现”,尽管这个词很模糊。从微弱的意义上说,它只是表达了我们对充分理解微物理学如何产生所有其他现象的能力的悲观情绪。在强烈的意义上,它意味着一些实体有一种独立于物理学的自主性,有自己的“因果力”,包括向下的因果关系。Bishop等人试图用“情境涌现”取代强弱涌现。让我们从一个例子开始(第2.4节)。当一种流体被困在下面的加热板和上面较冷的板之间时,就会发生瑞利-巴姆纳德对流。当较热的流体上升到顶部而较冷的流体下沉时,对流细胞就出现了。虽然分子间的相互作用在其中起了一定的作用,但没有宏观板块,持续的对流是不可能的。这种行为并不完全由流体的组成部分决定,而是由流体存在的环境决定。*这个和其他许多例子表明,一个给定尺度上的现象往往取决于其他尺度上的一系列“稳定条件”——有时高,有时低。与还原论相反,作者认为,给定层次上的实体、属性和过程的行为从来不完全由较低层次上的事件决定。宏观条件(以及其他因素)起着至关重要和不可消除的作用。如果我们了解自然的所有真理,我们就会看到,并非所有的依赖都是自下而上的。“但是你举的例子中的盘子是由物质构成的,”批评家说,“我们也可以把它们还原成原子的行为。”没有理想化的完整数学描述?“嗯,原则上是可以做到的。”让我们在等待的时候考虑另一个例子。牛顿时代的物理学家花了很多时间研究行星轨道。一个令人惊讶的稳定性条件是三维空间。在四维空间中,不可能有能抵抗小扰动的规则轨道(第29页)。请注意,空间维度不是系统的一部分。它们是系统存在的上下文。三维是稳定轨道的必要条件,但即使在原则上也不能简化为系统的组成部分。部分的性质不能决定整体的性质。这个例子说明了为什么在完全了解较低层次成分的情况下,涌现特性通常是无法解释或不可预测的:稳定性条件通常不在较低层次。虽然一些稳定性条件是因果的和机械的,比如对流例子中的板块,但其他稳定性条件是因果的,比如守恒定律和最小作用原理。更多的是维度的抽象性质和数学空间的几何。无论哪种情况,作者都认为这些条件与基础物理水平上的任何东西一样真实或“基本”——这使本书与简化论和许多其他版本的涌现论区别开来。*涌现通常与新奇有关,例如当一个新的和意想不到的高级属性从其基础出现时。作者认为这种关注是错位的。相反,他们关注的是稳定条件如何打开或关闭“可能性空间”区域。可能性空间是一种抽象,其中每个点代表系统的一种可能状态或行为。例如,棒球的可能性空间中的一个点代表它在轨道上,这是一种可能永远不会实现的可能性。在牛顿力学中,球也可能以光速运动。另一方面,在狭义相对论中,那部分可能性空间是靠近球的。因此,没有任何物质可以达到这个速度。更有趣的和被忽视的情况发生在稳定性条件创造对部分可能性空间的访问时。例如,激光在自然界中不存在。它们的稳定性条件包括谐振腔的存在,在谐振腔中原子可以被电刺激并与环境隔离,并将这些原子置于适当的状态以开始该过程(第4.9.1节)。当这些条件都具备时,表示相干光的可能性空间区域就变得可访问。这样的光在物理上一直是可能的,但没有必要的背景,它就无法成为现实。*作者对科学哲学中的一些老生常谈的问题作了几个应用,我没有空间详细说明。
{"title":"Emergence in Context: A Treatise in Twenty-First Century Natural Philosophy","authors":"Robert C. Bishop, Michael Silberstein","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23bishop2","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23bishop2","url":null,"abstract":"EMERGENCE IN CONTEXT: A Treatise in Twenty-First Century Natural Philosophy by Robert C. Bishop, Michael Silberstein, and Mark Pexton. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2022. 363 pages. Hardcover; $103.65. ISBN: 9780192849786. *Reductionists dream of a day when all scientific truths can be derived from fundamental physics. Bishop, Silberstein, and Paxton show that dream is now dead, or at least it's quite ill. But what will replace it? One answer is \"emergence,\" although that term is ambiguous. In its weak sense, it merely expresses pessimism about our ability to fully understand how microphysics produces all other phenomena. In its strong sense, it means that some entities have a kind of autonomy from physics, with their own \"causal powers,\" including downward causation. Bishop et al. seek to replace strong and weak emergence with \"contextual emergence.\" *Let's start with an example (sec 2.4). Rayleigh-Bénard convection occurs when a fluid is trapped between a heating plate below and a cooler one above. Convection cells emerge as warmer fluid rises toward the top and cooled fluid sinks. While molecular interactions play a part in this, sustained convection is impossible without the macroscopic plates. This behavior is not wholly determined by the fluid's constituent parts but rather by the context in which the fluid exists. *What this and scores of other examples show is that phenomena at a given scale often depend on a host of \"stability conditions\" at other scales--sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Contra the reductionist, the authors argue that the behavior of entities, properties, and processes at a given level is never wholly determined by events at a lower level. Macroscopic conditions (among other things) play an essential and ineliminable role. If we knew all the truths of nature, we would see that not all dependence is bottom-up. *\"But the plates in your example are made of matter,\" says the critic, \"We can reduce those to the behavior of atoms as well.\" A complete mathematical description without idealizations? \"Well, it can be done in principle.\" Let's consider another example while we wait. Physicists in the Newtonian era devoted much time to the study of planetary orbits. One surprising stability condition is three-dimensional space. In four dimensions, regular orbits that resist small perturbations would be impossible (p. 29). Note that spatial dimensions are not part of the system. They are the context in which the system exists. Three dimensions are a necessary condition for stable orbits but cannot be reduced to the system's constituents even in principle. The properties of the parts do not determine the properties of the whole. This example illustrates why emergent properties are often inexplicable or unpredictable given complete knowledge of lower-level constituents: stability conditions are typically not at some lower level. While some stability conditions are causal and mechanical, like the plates in the convection examp","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"15 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686684","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Naturalism in the Christian Imagination: Providence and Causality in Early Modern England 基督教想象中的自然主义:近代早期英国的天意与因果关系
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23jordan2
Peter N. Jordan
NATURALISM IN THE CHRISTIAN IMAGINATION: Providence and Causality in Early Modern England by Peter N. Jordan. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 218 pages. Hardcover; $99.95. ISBN: 9781009211987. *How should religious conviction shape scientific thought? This is the question many early moderns asked themselves, and which Peter Jordan explores in his book. In a close analysis of prominent early modern English theologians and scientists, Jordan weaves together a coherent intellectual outlook that provides important commentary on the relationship between science and religion. *Jordan's selection of early modern Protestantism will not be new to those interested in the relationship between science and religion. Jordan's PhD advisor, Peter Harrison, who oversaw the dissertation from which this book developed, has left his mark on this topic for the last three decades in books such as The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science (1998), The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science (2007), as well as The Territories of Science and Religion (2015). As a consequence Jordan's guiding assumption, that Christian thought created a context within which early modern science was explained, is not anything novel. What is unique is his recognition that early modern theology was not entirely static or homogenous in its relationship to science. By focusing on shifting ideas of the Christian doctrine of providence, what Jordan highlights is the way in which certain thinkers accommodated the doctrine of providence to embrace new scientific developments, such as mechanism and atomism. As a result, this work reminds us that the area of early modern science and religion, while well studied, still has areas of investigation that may bear important fruit. *The book itself, which contains an introduction, conclusion, and five chapters, is organized into four parts. The first part introduces his analytical term of "providential naturalism," by which he means a perspective on the natural world that integrates Christian commitments to providence and explanations of the natural world. It is because he is analyzing the doctrine of providence that his selection of English Protestants makes sense. As he explains in chapter two, English Protestants developed a well-structured formulation of providence, which explained the wide variety of ways in which God acted within the world, activities which could contain--though were not entirely constrained by--the natural world. The important implication of this, which Jordan explores later in the work, is that the newer developments of science, which did not fit the expected patterns of Aristotelianism, and hence of the expectations of how the natural world should function, could nevertheless find an articulation within a world that was believed to be fundamentally controlled and shaped by God. *The second part provides important contextualization for the development of the theories of providence. In a work looki
《基督教想象中的自然主义:近代早期英国的天意与因果关系》,彼得·n·乔丹著。剑桥,英国:剑桥大学出版社,2022。218页。精装书;99.95美元。ISBN: 9781009211987。*宗教信仰应该如何塑造科学思想?这是许多早期现代人问自己的问题,也是彼得·乔丹在他的书中探讨的问题。在对早期现代英国著名神学家和科学家的深入分析中,乔丹将一个连贯的知识分子观点编织在一起,为科学与宗教之间的关系提供了重要的评论。*对于那些对科学与宗教之间的关系感兴趣的人来说,乔丹选择的早期现代新教并不新鲜。乔丹的博士导师彼得·哈里森(Peter Harrison)监督了这本书的论文,在过去的三十年里,他在《圣经、新教和自然科学的兴起》(1998年)、《人类的堕落和科学的基础》(2007年)以及《科学与宗教的疆域》(2015年)等书中对这一主题留下了自己的印记。因此,乔丹的指导假设,即基督教思想创造了一个解释早期现代科学的背景,并不是什么新鲜事。他的独特之处在于,他认识到早期现代神学与科学的关系并不完全是静态的或同质的。通过关注基督教天意论思想的转变,乔丹强调了某些思想家如何适应天意论,以接受新的科学发展,如机械论和原子论。因此,这项工作提醒我们,早期现代科学和宗教领域虽然研究得很好,但仍有可能产生重要成果的调查领域。*这本书本身由引言、结论和五章组成,分为四个部分。第一部分介绍了他的分析术语“天意自然主义”,他指的是一种对自然世界的看法,将基督教对天意的承诺和对自然世界的解释结合在一起。正是因为他在分析上帝的教义,他选择英国新教徒才有意义。正如他在第二章中解释的那样,英国新教徒发展了一套结构良好的天意体系,这解释了上帝在世界上各种各样的行为方式,这些行为可以包含自然世界,尽管不完全受自然世界的约束。Jordan稍后在著作中探讨的重要含义是,科学的新发展,虽然不符合亚里士多德主义的预期模式,因此也不符合自然世界应该如何运作的预期,但仍然可以在一个被认为从根本上由上帝控制和塑造的世界中找到一种联系。第二部分为天意理论的发展提供了重要的语境。在一本试图将神学和科学联系起来的著作中,这一部分特别有趣,因为它提醒我们,天意的教义本身受到了意想不到的方面的影响。他在这里讨论的主题是基于机会的游戏,如骰子和抽签,以及神童。游戏和神童都为早期现代人提供了发展他们对天意的定义的机会。机率游戏在近代早期开始流行;他们提出了各种各样的问题,关于天意与自然世界的关系,以及是否所有的结果,包括机会游戏,都必然是天意。*关于天意界限的类似问题也出现在约翰·斯宾塞对神童的思考中,乔丹在第四章对此进行了分析。斯宾塞是剑桥大学的一名牧师,他对世界上大量的神童被认为是日常发生的现象持批评态度。在斯宾塞的估计,虽然这是确实的情况下,大自然沟通上帝的意志,超自然的存在的奇才发生的频率比他同时代的许多人认为。因此,斯宾塞,谁认为上帝维持一个有序的宇宙,是缓慢归因于神童神圣的灵感;相反,他寻找可以用自然解释来解释假定的天才的方法。*第三部分将上帝的问题应用于科学中一些比较突出的新发展——原子论和地球理论。正如他所指出的,这些新的科学发展往往预示着向机械论和决定论的宇宙的转变。然而,乔丹认为事实并非如此。例如,关于原子论,乔丹分析了伊壁鸠鲁派的沃尔特·查尔顿,并展示了查尔顿如何同时支持原子论和上帝的天意。
{"title":"Naturalism in the Christian Imagination: Providence and Causality in Early Modern England","authors":"Peter N. Jordan","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23jordan2","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23jordan2","url":null,"abstract":"NATURALISM IN THE CHRISTIAN IMAGINATION: Providence and Causality in Early Modern England by Peter N. Jordan. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 218 pages. Hardcover; $99.95. ISBN: 9781009211987. *How should religious conviction shape scientific thought? This is the question many early moderns asked themselves, and which Peter Jordan explores in his book. In a close analysis of prominent early modern English theologians and scientists, Jordan weaves together a coherent intellectual outlook that provides important commentary on the relationship between science and religion. *Jordan's selection of early modern Protestantism will not be new to those interested in the relationship between science and religion. Jordan's PhD advisor, Peter Harrison, who oversaw the dissertation from which this book developed, has left his mark on this topic for the last three decades in books such as The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science (1998), The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science (2007), as well as The Territories of Science and Religion (2015). As a consequence Jordan's guiding assumption, that Christian thought created a context within which early modern science was explained, is not anything novel. What is unique is his recognition that early modern theology was not entirely static or homogenous in its relationship to science. By focusing on shifting ideas of the Christian doctrine of providence, what Jordan highlights is the way in which certain thinkers accommodated the doctrine of providence to embrace new scientific developments, such as mechanism and atomism. As a result, this work reminds us that the area of early modern science and religion, while well studied, still has areas of investigation that may bear important fruit. *The book itself, which contains an introduction, conclusion, and five chapters, is organized into four parts. The first part introduces his analytical term of \"providential naturalism,\" by which he means a perspective on the natural world that integrates Christian commitments to providence and explanations of the natural world. It is because he is analyzing the doctrine of providence that his selection of English Protestants makes sense. As he explains in chapter two, English Protestants developed a well-structured formulation of providence, which explained the wide variety of ways in which God acted within the world, activities which could contain--though were not entirely constrained by--the natural world. The important implication of this, which Jordan explores later in the work, is that the newer developments of science, which did not fit the expected patterns of Aristotelianism, and hence of the expectations of how the natural world should function, could nevertheless find an articulation within a world that was believed to be fundamentally controlled and shaped by God. *The second part provides important contextualization for the development of the theories of providence. In a work looki","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"33 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686685","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
On Fred Cannon, "Acts 17:26: God Made of One [Blood]—Not of One Man—Every Ethnic Group of Humans" (PSCF 74, no. 1 [2022]: 19–38); and William Horst, "From One Person? Exegetical Alternatives to a Monogenetic Reading of Acts 17:26" (PSCF 74, no. 2 [2022]: 77–91) 论弗雷德·坎农,“使徒行传17:26:神是由一个[血]造的,而不是由一个人造的——每个种族的人”(PSCF 74, no。[2022];威廉·霍斯特的《来自一个人?》《使徒行传17:26单基因解读的释经选择》(PSCF 74, no。[2022]: 77-91。
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23peterson3
James C. Peterson
{"title":"On Fred Cannon, \"Acts 17:26: God Made of One [Blood]—Not of One Man—Every Ethnic Group of Humans\" (PSCF 74, no. 1 [2022]: 19–38); and William Horst, \"From One Person? Exegetical Alternatives to a Monogenetic Reading of Acts 17:26\" (PSCF 74, no. 2 [2022]: 77–91)","authors":"James C. Peterson","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23peterson3","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23peterson3","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"15 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686693","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Experimenting with Humans and Animals: from Aristotle to Crispr, second edition 人类和动物实验:从亚里士多德到Crispr,第二版
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23guerrini
Anita Guerrini
EXPERIMENTING WITH HUMANS AND ANIMALS: From Aristotle to CRISPR, second edition by Anita Guerrini. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022. viii + 208 pages. Paperback; $28.95. ISBN: 9781421444055. *There has been a haunting thought ever since I began to use live mammals for my research in neurophysiology: "Will my descendants accuse me of cruelty towards animals as much as we do to the scientists under the Nazis?" A number of neurophysiologists have been threatened and attacked to stop their research, and, as a consequence, there are few neurophysiologists left using rhesus monkeys along the West coastline of the US and Canada. Research with rats is increasingly of concern to some, and mice might be the next subject of attention. Research staff and students, who are required to remain on budget with their projects, are put under increasing pressure and stress in order to take better care of their laboratory animals without receiving compensation or support. In the meantime, almost nobody seems to care to know how many animals were sacrificed to develop the celebrated COVID-19 vaccines. Are we, biomedical researchers, ever going to have a resolution to this ethical tension around us? Are we going to be viewed by future historians as the heroes of science--or as abusers of living creatures? *Anita Guerrini's Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Aristotle to CRISPR does not answer the question. As the author states in the beginning of her book, her objective is to tell the history of "trial and error, prejudice and leaps of faith, clashing egos and budget battles," to help us evaluate "the value, and the values, of Western science," and to "influence the future." In other words, the purpose of the book is not to make ethical arguments or to appraise a certain aspect of historical development, such as the progress of ethical care for human and animal subjects. It is, rather, to reveal the reality that ethical views and sentiments have changed, collided, merged, and contradicted each other across time and political landscapes. *This text poses questions, implicitly and explicitly, to enable us to address some of the issues and challenges we are facing at present. A first question arises from the history of vivisection (chap. 1). Vivisection refers to experimenting with (mostly dissecting) live animals, and sometimes even humans. This appears for the first time in recorded history back in ancient Greece, meaning it was practiced for two millennia without anesthesia, a discovery not made until the eighteenth century. More strikingly, vivisection was done as part of "edutainment" shows in ancient times. Criticism of the practice was not necessarily about the cruelty but rather about the usefulness of the knowledge obtained from dying or dead animals. The rights or well-being of animals were not much of an issue in the ancient age as human dominion was a firmly held belief. Such an ethical view continued to be dominant until early Mode
人类和动物实验:从亚里士多德到CRISPR,安妮塔·格雷尼的第二版。马里兰州巴尔的摩:约翰霍普金斯大学出版社,2022年。8 + 208页。平装书;28.95美元。ISBN: 9781421444055。*自从我开始用活的哺乳动物进行神经生理学研究以来,一直有一个挥之不去的想法:“我的后代会指责我虐待动物吗?就像我们在纳粹统治下虐待科学家一样?”许多神经生理学家受到威胁和攻击,停止了他们的研究,结果,在美国和加拿大的西海岸,很少有神经生理学家使用恒河猴。一些人越来越关注用大鼠进行的研究,老鼠可能是下一个关注的对象。研究人员和学生被要求在预算范围内完成他们的项目,为了更好地照顾他们的实验动物而没有得到补偿或支持,他们承受着越来越大的压力和压力。与此同时,几乎没有人关心为了开发著名的COVID-19疫苗,牺牲了多少动物。作为生物医学研究人员,我们是否有办法解决我们周围的伦理紧张关系?我们会被未来的历史学家视为科学的英雄,还是生物的滥用者?*Anita Guerrini的《人类和动物实验:从亚里士多德到CRISPR》并没有回答这个问题。正如作者在书的开头所说,她的目标是讲述“尝试和错误、偏见和信仰的飞跃、自我冲突和预算之争”的历史,帮助我们评估“西方科学的价值和价值”,并“影响未来”。换句话说,这本书的目的不是进行伦理论证,也不是评价历史发展的某个方面,比如对人类和动物主体的伦理关怀的进展。相反,它揭示了伦理观点和情感在时间和政治环境中相互变化、碰撞、融合和矛盾的现实。*这篇文章含蓄地和明确地提出了问题,使我们能够解决我们目前面临的一些问题和挑战。第一个问题来自活体解剖的历史(第1章)。活体解剖指的是用活体动物(主要是解剖)进行实验,有时甚至是人类。这在古希腊的历史记录中首次出现,这意味着它在没有麻醉的情况下进行了两千年,直到18世纪才发现。更引人注目的是,在古代,活体解剖是“寓教于乐”表演的一部分。对这种做法的批评不一定是关于残忍,而是关于从垂死或死亡的动物身上获得的知识的有用性。在古代,动物的权利或福利并不是什么大问题,因为人类统治是一种坚定的信念。这种伦理观点一直占据主导地位,直到现代早期(17世纪的欧洲),人类和动物的身体都被视为机器,动物实验开始被接受为生物医学科学的主要方法(第2章)。那时,对动物使用的伦理关注确实出现了,但关注的是人类善良和同情的美德,而不是动物的权利。*英国女王玛丽二世死于天花后,18世纪的欧洲进入了生物医学科学的新阶段,人体实验从此成为中心(第3章)。接种最初是带着怀疑从东方世界引进的,但由于父母不愿让孩子冒感染天花的风险,接种逐渐获得了人们的信任。最终在囚犯、孤儿、病人、奴隶等社会边缘人群中验证了其有效性。然而,对接种“科学”的批评并不是针对把边缘化的人作为测试对象,而是针对取代上帝的权威,导致一个人生病或痊愈。随着越来越多的动物实验被常规地进行,科学家对身体的数学描述越来越感兴趣,新兴的功利主义伦理学开始唤醒欧洲人,尤其是英国人,让他们意识到动物的痛苦。当对动物痛苦的敏感性提高导致了英国的“反活体解剖”运动时,实验医学和生理学被确立为科学领域。在这一时期,民族国家也开始参与科学。这也是麻醉被发现的时间,痛觉成为生理学的一个重要课题。最后,通过对妇女和黑人奴隶的实验,也测试了关于种族或性别在疼痛感知方面差异的普遍看法。 *在19世纪后期,随着疾病的细菌理论被巴斯德、科赫和埃利希等科学家确凿地证实(第五章),动物实验强有力地卷土重来。随着科学家开始征服许多疾病,如炭疽、狂犬病、梅毒和结核病,科学的胜利平息了反对活体解剖的运动。在此期间,包括兔子、豚鼠、狗和猴子在内的许多动物被用来测试理论、疫苗和药物。与此同时,各州开始对人体实验进行监管,但这些监管是如此初级,以至于允许了一些在我们这个时代是不被容忍的做法。对动物实验的关注在20世纪重新出现,当时小儿麻痹症研究在富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)的大力倡导下,夺走了大量恒河猴的生命(第6章)。例如,在20世纪50年代,美国每年从印度进口20万只恒河猴用于小儿麻痹症研究。尽管脊髓灰质炎疫苗取得了成功,但灵长类动物的研究令公众感到震惊,尤其是当对灵长类动物的行为研究揭示了这些动物的情感深度和社会智力时。动物不再被视为机器,而是我们的表亲,和我们一样,有意识。*最后一章以1946年纽伦堡战争罪法庭开始,该法庭产生了第一套关于人体实验的书面指导方针。在此之前,在使用人类进行实验方面几乎没有共识或规定,更不用说要求他们必须具有智力能力,不受强迫,并充分意识到可能的后果。因此,毫不奇怪,在纳粹统治下的科学家为自己辩护,反对虐待和对人类受试者实施安乐死的指控,他们将自己的行为与当代美国科学家的做法相提并论。从20世纪30年代到70年代进行的塔斯基吉黑人男性未经治疗的梅毒研究就是美国做法的例证,在这项研究中,美国公共卫生服务部门对400名感染梅毒的黑人男性进行了治疗,不告诉他们他们的治疗已经停止,目的是研究未经治疗的梅毒的自然发展。结果有一百多人死亡。研究伦理的不一致性也可以在日本科学家身上找到,与德国科学家不同,日本科学家在二战期间的研究行为得到了赦免,作为向美国提供信息的回报。尽管如此,从二十世纪到今天,公众对动物和人体实验的认识水平和国家法规都在逐步提高。然而,包括基因编辑的最新突破在内的研究技术的加速进步和研究领域的扩大,继续增加了伦理话语的复杂性。*格雷尼对生物医学科学历史发展的渊博知识给我留下了深刻的印象,包括在研究中使用动物和人类受试者时涉及伦理问题的事件。同时,她设法使这本书简明扼要。虽然这本书涉及动物和人类实验的伦理,但它肯定不是一本伦理或哲学书,而是一本故事书。也就是说,虽然这本书以一种不偏不倚的方式提出了伦理问题,但这个故事的时间组织并没有方便地为系统地检查或建立这些问题的伦理原则提供便利。尽管如此,对这些故事中不同观点的历史背景有了更深入的了解,人们就能对当今的观点做出更明智的评估。对于那些没有生物医学背景但希望参与当代伦理讨论的人,以及那些很少考虑这些问题的人来说,这本书特别有帮助,因为他们通常认为科学公正地对待了人类或动物。最后,阅读这些从古到今的叙述,肯定会帮助人们认识到,今天的规范不一定是过去的规范,将来也不会是。因此,像我这样的科学家需要谦卑地接受,我们总有一天会被评判;我相信这些知识将帮助我们在现在使用我们最好的良心。* Kuwook Cha,加拿大麦吉尔大学生理学博士后研究员,蒙特利尔,QC H3A 0G4。
{"title":"Experimenting with Humans and Animals: from Aristotle to Crispr, second edition","authors":"Anita Guerrini","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23guerrini","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23guerrini","url":null,"abstract":"EXPERIMENTING WITH HUMANS AND ANIMALS: From Aristotle to CRISPR, second edition by Anita Guerrini. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022. viii + 208 pages. Paperback; $28.95. ISBN: 9781421444055. *There has been a haunting thought ever since I began to use live mammals for my research in neurophysiology: \"Will my descendants accuse me of cruelty towards animals as much as we do to the scientists under the Nazis?\" A number of neurophysiologists have been threatened and attacked to stop their research, and, as a consequence, there are few neurophysiologists left using rhesus monkeys along the West coastline of the US and Canada. Research with rats is increasingly of concern to some, and mice might be the next subject of attention. Research staff and students, who are required to remain on budget with their projects, are put under increasing pressure and stress in order to take better care of their laboratory animals without receiving compensation or support. In the meantime, almost nobody seems to care to know how many animals were sacrificed to develop the celebrated COVID-19 vaccines. Are we, biomedical researchers, ever going to have a resolution to this ethical tension around us? Are we going to be viewed by future historians as the heroes of science--or as abusers of living creatures? *Anita Guerrini's Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Aristotle to CRISPR does not answer the question. As the author states in the beginning of her book, her objective is to tell the history of \"trial and error, prejudice and leaps of faith, clashing egos and budget battles,\" to help us evaluate \"the value, and the values, of Western science,\" and to \"influence the future.\" In other words, the purpose of the book is not to make ethical arguments or to appraise a certain aspect of historical development, such as the progress of ethical care for human and animal subjects. It is, rather, to reveal the reality that ethical views and sentiments have changed, collided, merged, and contradicted each other across time and political landscapes. *This text poses questions, implicitly and explicitly, to enable us to address some of the issues and challenges we are facing at present. A first question arises from the history of vivisection (chap. 1). Vivisection refers to experimenting with (mostly dissecting) live animals, and sometimes even humans. This appears for the first time in recorded history back in ancient Greece, meaning it was practiced for two millennia without anesthesia, a discovery not made until the eighteenth century. More strikingly, vivisection was done as part of \"edutainment\" shows in ancient times. Criticism of the practice was not necessarily about the cruelty but rather about the usefulness of the knowledge obtained from dying or dead animals. The rights or well-being of animals were not much of an issue in the ancient age as human dominion was a firmly held belief. Such an ethical view continued to be dominant until early Mode","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"12 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686705","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Our 75th Anniversary at Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 科学与基督教信仰展望75周年纪念
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23peterson
James C. Peterson
{"title":"Our 75th Anniversary at Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","authors":"James C. Peterson","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23peterson","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23peterson","url":null,"abstract":"<jats:p />","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"1 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686520","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
On Keith B. and Ruth Douglas Miller, "Taking the Road Less Traveled: Reflections on Entering Careers in Science" (PSCF 49, no. 4 [1997]: 212–14) 关于基思·b·米勒和露丝·道格拉斯·米勒,《走少有人走的路:对进入科学职业的思考》(PSCF 49, no。[1997]: 212-14。
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
{"title":"On Keith B. and Ruth Douglas Miller, \"Taking the Road Less Traveled: Reflections on Entering Careers in Science\" (PSCF 49, no. 4 [1997]: 212–14)","authors":"Oscar Gonzalez","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23gonzalez","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23gonzalez","url":null,"abstract":"<jats:p />","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"14 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686681","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Primacy of Doubt: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World 《怀疑的首要地位:从量子物理学到气候变化,不确定性科学如何帮助我们理解混乱的世界
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23palmer
Tim Palmer
THE PRIMACY OF DOUBT: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World by Tim Palmer. New York: Basic Books, 2022. 297 pages. Hardcover; $30.00. ISBN: 9781541619715. *Tim Palmer, a distinguished physics professor at the University of Oxford, has authored a captivating popular science book exploring chaos in complex systems. Early in his career, he switched fields from mathematical physics to weather forecasting and made significant developments in ensemble weather prediction, revolutionizing our understanding of weather patterns. The author discusses how delving into this realm reveals a chaos geometry, describing difficult-to-understand real-world phenomena. He takes the reader through various complex systems that exhibit a marked sensitivity to initial conditions, like the renowned "butterfly effect." Chaos geometry describes a system that is predictable and stable for a long time, but occasionally veers into new directions. The study of chaotic complex systems challenges traditional notions of predictability. *The book is divided into three parts. Part 1: The Science of Uncertainty explores the concept of chaos geometry. Palmer captivates readers from the start by sharing a true story about a renowned BBC weather forecaster. In 1987 this forecaster infamously failed to predict the most severe storm in 300 years, striking England. This incident highlighted the unsettling truth that complex systems can deviate significantly from historically stable patterns. As a polymath, Palmer generously shares captivating examples and illustrations from fields such as history, philosophy, and art. Part I is solid science and mathematics, but without equations. *Part II: Predicting Our Chaotic World explores Palmer's influential technique to forecast inherently uncertain systems, running models multiple times with slightly different initial conditions. Chaos geometry offers a powerful description of the behavior of these systems. The author focuses on Lorenz's idea that even with infinitesimally small uncertainty, we cannot predict beyond a finite horizon in time. The author extends the concepts from Part I from well-established domains such as climate, to emerging areas such as disease, economics, and conflict. *Part III: Exploring the Chaotic Universe and Our Place in It delves into speculative realms and may appeal to readers of PSCF as it engages with metaphysical inquiries regarding Christian theism. Palmer grapples with perplexing intellectual dilemmas, including free will, consciousness, and the nature of God. In his pursuit to unravel nature's workings, he confronts philosophical and theological quandaries. At its essence, he posits that the universe operates under determinism and challenges the notion that uncertainty in nature is primarily ontological as Bohr espoused, rather than epistemic as advocated by Einstein. Raising a thought-provoking query, the author asks, "Could there be some
《怀疑的首要地位:从量子物理学到气候变化,不确定性科学如何帮助我们理解混乱的世界》作者:蒂姆·帕尔默。纽约:Basic Books, 2022。297页。精装书;30.00美元。ISBN: 9781541619715。*牛津大学著名物理学教授蒂姆•帕尔默(Tim Palmer)撰写了一本引人入胜的科普书,探索复杂系统中的混沌。在他的职业生涯早期,他从数学物理转向天气预报领域,并在集合天气预报方面取得了重大进展,彻底改变了我们对天气模式的理解。作者讨论了如何深入到这个领域揭示了混沌几何,描述了难以理解的现实世界现象。他带领读者了解各种复杂的系统,这些系统对初始条件表现出明显的敏感性,比如著名的“蝴蝶效应”。混沌几何描述了一个系统,它在很长一段时间内是可预测和稳定的,但偶尔会转向新的方向。混沌复杂系统的研究挑战了传统的可预测性概念。这本书分为三个部分。第1部分:不确定性科学探索混沌几何的概念。帕尔默从一开始就分享了一个关于BBC著名天气预报员的真实故事,吸引了读者。1987年,这位气象预报员未能预测到袭击英国的300年来最严重的风暴,这让他声名狼藉。这一事件突出了一个令人不安的事实,即复杂的系统可以显著偏离历史上稳定的模式。作为一个博学的人,帕尔默慷慨地分享了来自历史、哲学和艺术等领域的迷人的例子和插图。第一部分是扎实的科学和数学,但没有方程。*第二部分:预测我们的混沌世界探讨了帕尔默预测固有不确定性系统的有影响力的技术,在初始条件略有不同的情况下多次运行模型。混沌几何对这些系统的行为提供了强有力的描述。作者关注的是洛伦兹的观点,即即使有无穷小的不确定性,我们也无法预测有限视界以外的时间。作者将第一部分的概念从气候等成熟的领域扩展到疾病、经济和冲突等新兴领域。*第三部分:探索混乱的宇宙和我们在其中的位置它深入到投机领域,可能会吸引PSCF的读者,因为它涉及关于基督教有神论的形而上学调查。帕尔默努力解决令人困惑的智力难题,包括自由意志、意识和上帝的本质。在探索自然的过程中,他遇到了哲学和神学上的困境。从本质上讲,他假设宇宙在决定论下运行,并挑战了玻尔所支持的自然界的不确定性主要是本体论的观念,而不是爱因斯坦所倡导的认识论。作者提出了一个发人深省的问题,他问道:“量子力学本身是否存在一些根本性的缺陷?”他断言,我们必须面对这样一个事实,即对贝尔不等式的违反只能通过放弃确定实在的概念或考虑同样可怕的量子远距离作用的概念来解释。随后,帕尔默提出了一种涉及反事实世界的自然主义解释,并提出了两个猜想。*猜想A表明宇宙作为一个非线性动力系统运行,在一个由分形吸引子定义的宇宙状态空间中展开。简单地说,分形不变集是一个数学概念,其中一个集合在不同程度上展示了自我相似性,通过重复的模式包含了自身的微型复制品。同时,猜想B表明,最深层的物理定律描述了宇宙状态空间中分形不变量集的几何特性。*帕尔默抽象而微妙的观点挑战了物理学的主流观点,后者包含了玻尔对量子力学固有不确定性的解释。相反,帕默与爱因斯坦和Schrödinger站在一起,拒绝上帝掷骰子的想法和猫既是活的又是死的概念。根据帕尔默的说法,物理定律是确定性的,没有随机性。他建议将我们的世界概念化为受分形吸引子影响的可允许解空间中的特定解集。这个空间包括邻近的解,它们代表与我们自己的世界相似的反事实世界,有些是允许的,有些是不允许的。这种观点类似于多元宇宙假说,认为存在着影响我们自身的独立现实。类似地,想象一个Mandelbrot分形集,其间隙表示禁止解集。帕尔默公开承认他还没有完全发展出他的假设的细节。
{"title":"The Primacy of Doubt: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World","authors":"Tim Palmer","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23palmer","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23palmer","url":null,"abstract":"THE PRIMACY OF DOUBT: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World by Tim Palmer. New York: Basic Books, 2022. 297 pages. Hardcover; $30.00. ISBN: 9781541619715. *Tim Palmer, a distinguished physics professor at the University of Oxford, has authored a captivating popular science book exploring chaos in complex systems. Early in his career, he switched fields from mathematical physics to weather forecasting and made significant developments in ensemble weather prediction, revolutionizing our understanding of weather patterns. The author discusses how delving into this realm reveals a chaos geometry, describing difficult-to-understand real-world phenomena. He takes the reader through various complex systems that exhibit a marked sensitivity to initial conditions, like the renowned \"butterfly effect.\" Chaos geometry describes a system that is predictable and stable for a long time, but occasionally veers into new directions. The study of chaotic complex systems challenges traditional notions of predictability. *The book is divided into three parts. Part 1: The Science of Uncertainty explores the concept of chaos geometry. Palmer captivates readers from the start by sharing a true story about a renowned BBC weather forecaster. In 1987 this forecaster infamously failed to predict the most severe storm in 300 years, striking England. This incident highlighted the unsettling truth that complex systems can deviate significantly from historically stable patterns. As a polymath, Palmer generously shares captivating examples and illustrations from fields such as history, philosophy, and art. Part I is solid science and mathematics, but without equations. *Part II: Predicting Our Chaotic World explores Palmer's influential technique to forecast inherently uncertain systems, running models multiple times with slightly different initial conditions. Chaos geometry offers a powerful description of the behavior of these systems. The author focuses on Lorenz's idea that even with infinitesimally small uncertainty, we cannot predict beyond a finite horizon in time. The author extends the concepts from Part I from well-established domains such as climate, to emerging areas such as disease, economics, and conflict. *Part III: Exploring the Chaotic Universe and Our Place in It delves into speculative realms and may appeal to readers of PSCF as it engages with metaphysical inquiries regarding Christian theism. Palmer grapples with perplexing intellectual dilemmas, including free will, consciousness, and the nature of God. In his pursuit to unravel nature's workings, he confronts philosophical and theological quandaries. At its essence, he posits that the universe operates under determinism and challenges the notion that uncertainty in nature is primarily ontological as Bohr espoused, rather than epistemic as advocated by Einstein. Raising a thought-provoking query, the author asks, \"Could there be some","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"11 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686707","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
On Roy Clouser, "Three Theological Arguments in Support of Carol Hill"s Reading of the Historicity of Genesis and Original Sin" (PSCF 73, no. 3 [2021]: 145–51) 论罗伊·克劳瑟:《支持卡罗尔·希尔对创世纪和原罪的历史性解读的三个神学论证》(PSCF 73,第7期)。[2021]: 145-51。
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23wilcox
David L. Wilcox
{"title":"On Roy Clouser, \"Three Theological Arguments in Support of Carol Hill\"s Reading of the Historicity of Genesis and Original Sin\" (PSCF 73, no. 3 [2021]: 145–51)","authors":"David L. Wilcox","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23wilcox","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23wilcox","url":null,"abstract":"<jats:p />","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"16 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686710","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
On Peter Rüst (Ruest), "Creative Providence in Biology" (PSCF 53, no. 3 [2001]: 179–83) 论Peter r<e:1> st (Ruest),《生物学中的创造性天意》(PSCF 53, no。[2001]: 179-83。
0 RELIGION Pub Date : 2023-09-01 DOI: 10.56315/pscf9-23greuel
Brian Greuel
{"title":"On Peter Rüst (Ruest), \"Creative Providence in Biology\" (PSCF 53, no. 3 [2001]: 179–83)","authors":"Brian Greuel","doi":"10.56315/pscf9-23greuel","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.56315/pscf9-23greuel","url":null,"abstract":"<jats:p />","PeriodicalId":53927,"journal":{"name":"Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith","volume":"28 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2023-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"135686722","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
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