More than half of all men do not seek professional help for depression, suicide and anxiety. Although media-based campaigns represent a promising health promotion intervention to improve male help-seeking, it is unclear what communication strategies in extant mental health media-based campaigns are effective for men. The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize information about the effectiveness of these campaigns on male help-seeking outcomes. A search was conducted of electronic databases and gray literature. Studies were eligible if they examined the effectiveness of a media-based campaign targeting male help-seeking attitudes, beliefs, intentions or behaviors in relation to mental disorders, distress, suicide or self-harm. Twenty-two studies of varying quality met the eligibility criteria. Most studies targeting mental health or depression were found to positively influence male help-seeking. There were mixed results for suicide prevention campaigns. Some evidence suggests that overall, brochure-based campaigns impact help-seeking. The use of male or mixed-gender campaign imagery produced similar results. The choice of message framing appeared to influence help-seeking outcomes. Despite substantial heterogeneity in campaign approaches and difficulties isolating the effects of campaign delivery from messaging, the review indicates that media-based campaigns can play a role in improving male help-seeking for mental health difficulties. Mounting evidence suggests that messaging and delivery should align with male communication preferences. However, high-quality, targeted research is required to evaluate the circumstances in which various campaign delivery and messaging components are effective in improving male help-seeking for poor mental health and suicidality.
Most physical activity (PA) maintenance research has concerned adherence to small-scale interventions or infrequent observation in cohort studies. We analysed individual attendance trajectories and their drivers in a large-scale 'real-world' community-based weekly PA event (parkrun) cohort in Australia. Data were weekly attendance (walking/running) of 223 224 unique parkrun participants over their first 3 years of participation. An unweighted moving average of participation in the preceding 12 weeks from the 12th week since the first participation to the 156th week was calculated and submitted to a cluster analysis of attendance patterns. Association of individual- (demographic, personal parkrun performance) and site-level (aggregated site-level participant characteristics and area-level measures) covariates with cluster membership was estimated with multinomial logistic regression models. We identified four groups: Few-Timers (76.4%), Decliners (12.4%), Low Maintainers (6.9%) and High Maintainers (4.3%). In the first 12 weeks, attendances averaged 2, 6, 5 and 7.5 times for each cluster, respectively, and by 52 weeks, they were 0.17, 1.9, 3.4 and 7.6 times, respectively. Continuing participation (vs Few-Timers) was strongly associated with faster personal finish times, but slower performance at the site level. Higher running club/group membership at a participant's parkrun predicted higher odds of being a High Maintainer. Our identification of a Low Maintainer group shows a community-based initiative may sustain interest, despite not requiring continuous or near-continuous attendance. Where someone is placed 'in the pack' locally and degree of identification with others in the group may be bidirectionally associated with attendance, underscoring the importance of considering social environment of PA maintenance.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are key members of the community who have specific roles within their families that may result in lower levels of physical activity (PA) undertaken. Clearly identifying barriers for women to engage with PA, and exploring culturally based activities (i.e. Traditional Indigenous Games), may help to improve long-term health benefits. Subsequently, the aim of this study was to identify the barriers and facilitators for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women engaging in PA, and their interest in participating in Traditional Indigenous Games. Seventeen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (34.3 ± 10.2 years) participated in focus groups. Through thematic analysis, participants experienced a range of common barriers such as lack of time due to family commitments, limited finances, ageing and poor physical and/or mental health. Common facilitators were also identified such as fun, access and improving mental and/or physical health. Importantly, unique themes were identified for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women including barriers (e.g. racism, shame) and facilitators (e.g. culture, interactions with other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women) that influenced PA participation. Notably, Traditional Indigenous Games were considered as an appealing PA mode to engage with their culture, experience nostalgia and be around other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. These key findings will guide future PA programs including Traditional Indigenous Games to improve health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, vital members of the community.
The United Nations declares that the global degradation of ecosystems represents a danger to human health. Deterioration of forests is one of several threats against the natural systems. The aim of this exploratory study was to investigate people's experiences with clear-cutting and how it had affected their health and well-being. Qualitative data from six people who valued forest ecosystems were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed in accordance with Graneheim and Lundman's qualitative content analysis (Graneheim, U. H. and Lundman, B. (2004) Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and measures to achieve trustworthiness. Nurse Education Today, 24, 105-112). Clear-cutting was not regarded as an environment-friendly forestry method. The interviewees described emotional reactions such as grief and poor mental well-being when beloved forests were clear-felled. The grief was partly because of a personal loss of place and recreation area that was important for their physical and emotional well-being. Another part was grief on behalf of nature itself, that is, the loss of habitats of animals and plants and a worsening of the global climate. The interviewees held that emotions related to loss of nature were insufficiently communicated in public discourse. They felt powerless and unable to influence forestry because of what they experienced as an impenetrable industry. Clear-cutting of forests may result in poor well-being among people who value forest ecosystems. More focus on planetary health is needed, including healthy public policy promoting forest management that considers people's need for nature experiences and possible ecological grief when forests are totally and abruptly cleared.
In a fast-paced digital and global environment, sexual education must keep up with young people's sexual health needs. Social marketing is an approach that has been used in sexual health promotion for young people. The objective of the scoping review is to identify and map the use of social marketing in sexual health promotion for young people. Specifically, the content, delivery methods and effects of interventions on sexual health were researched. Six databases were systemically searched to capture the relevant peer-reviewed quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods articles without time restrictions that provided evidence of sexual health-related social marketing interventions targeting young people aged 11-25. An inductive and deductive content analysis was performed. Nineteen studies were included in the data. The content of interventions was dominated by sexual risks and risk prevention, focusing particularly on sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and sexual violence. Additionally, interventions included topics of morals of sexual relationships and changes in the body. The delivery of interventions occurred through various media channels, events and activities, while the effects of interventions were monitored as improvements in sexual perceptions and sexual behaviour, limited gender-related effects, limited evidence of intervention attributed to behaviour and effects in different age groups. The social marketing approach was mostly preventive and concentrated on the risks, whereas the delivery methods were diverse and creative, combining modern and already well-established channels. Sexuality should be seen comprehensively, and interventions should respond to the full range of young people's needs.
Each year, malignant melanoma accounts for 57 000 deaths globally. If current rates continue, there will be an estimated 510 000 new cases annually and 96 000 deaths by 2040. Melanoma and keratinocyte cancers (KCs) incur a large societal burden. Using a mathematical population model, we performed an economic evaluation of the SunSmart program in the state of Western Australia (WA), a primary prevention program to reduce the incidence of skin cancer, versus no program. A societal perspective was taken combining costs to the health system, patients and lost productivity. The model combined data from pragmatic trial evidence of sun protection, epidemiological studies and national cost reports. The main outcomes modelled were societal and government costs, skin cancer counts, melanoma deaths, life years and quality-adjusted life years. Over the next 20 years, the model predicted that implementing the WA SunSmart program would prevent 13 728 KCs, 636 melanomas and 46 melanoma deaths per 100 000 population. Furthermore, 251 life years would be saved, 358 quality-adjusted life years gained and AU$2.95 million in cost savings to society per 100 000 population would be achieved. Key drivers of the model were the rate reduction of benign lesions from sunscreen use, the costs of purchasing sunscreen and the effectiveness of reducing KCs in sunscreen users. The likelihood of WA SunSmart being cost-effective was 90.1%. For the WA Government, the estimated return on investment was $8.70 gained for every $1 invested. Primary prevention of skin cancer is a cost-effective strategy for preventing skin cancers.
'Healthy Youngsters, Healthy Dads' (HYHD) targets fathers to improve the health of their preschool-aged children. In a previous randomized trial, fathers and children experienced meaningful improvements in physical activity and eating behaviours. The next phase is to test the replicability and adaptability of HYHD when delivered in the community by trained facilitators. Fathers/father-figures and children aged 3-5 years were recruited from Newcastle, Australia into a 9-week, non-randomized trial with assessments at baseline, 10 weeks, and 12 months. The primary outcome was achievement of pre-registered targets for recruitment (≥ 96 dyads), attendance (≥ 70%), compliance (completing ≥ 70% of home-based tasks), fidelity (≥ 80% of content delivered as intended) and program satisfaction (≥ 4/5). Secondary outcomes included physical activity, nutrition, screen time and parenting measures. Process targets were surpassed for recruitment (140 fathers, 141 children), attendance (79% for fathers-only workshops, 81% for father-child sessions), compliance (80% of home-tasks completed), fidelity (99% for education, ≥ 97% for practical) and program satisfaction (4.8/5). Mixed effects regression models revealed significant effects in fathers for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, co-physical activity, dietary intake and parenting practises, which were maintained at 12 months. Significant effects were also established for screen time at 10 weeks only. For children, significant effects were observed for screen time and dietary intake at 10 weeks, while effects on energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods and healthy, nutrient-dense core food intake were maintained at 12 months. Findings demonstrate the replicability and adaptability of HYHD when delivered in the community by local trained facilitators. Further investigation into how to optimally scale-up HYHD is warranted.