The article examines a linear-quadratic Neumann control problem that is governed by a non-coercive elliptic equation. Due to the non-self-adjoint nature of the linear control-to-state operator, it is necessary to independently study both the state and adjoint state equations. The article establishes the existence and uniqueness of solutions for both equations, with minimal assumptions made about the problem’s data. Next, the regularity of these solutions is studied in three frameworks: Hilbert–Sobolev spaces, Sobolev–Slobodeckiĭ spaces, and weighted Sobolev spaces. These regularity results enable a numerical analysis of the finite element approximation of both the state and adjoint state equations. The results cover both convex and non-convex domains and quasi-uniform and graded meshes. Finally, the optimal control problem is analyzed and discretized. Existence and uniqueness of the solution, first-order optimality conditions, and error estimates for the finite element approximation of the control are obtained. Numerical experiments confirming these results are included.