Background: Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor type B agonist in the central nervous system, is the first-line medication among central nervous system modulating agents for the treatment of neurogenic muscle spasticity. While baclofen is most often administered enterally, patients with severe spasticity may be candidates for baclofen delivered by intrathecal pump. Currently, there are only nine studies reporting on the use of intrathecal baclofen (ITB) during pregnancy and childbirth.
Case presentation: We described a female patient with a history of childhood idiopathic spasticity of the bilateral lower extremities that was controlled by ITB pump who became pregnant in her late third decade of life and delivered a healthy infant. The patient required multiple increases of her baclofen course over the course of her pregnancy.
Discussion: Our case, alongside the existing literature on ITB during pregnancy, suggests that ITB therapy in pregnancy poses a low risk of teratogenicity and infant withdrawal seizures; however, larger, controlled studies are necessary to make those conclusions with confidence. Healthcare providers caring for pregnant ITB patients should be cognizant of the potential for such patients to require increased doses of ITB during pregnancy to achieve adequate symptom control.