Background: Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (nTOS) describes a complex of symptoms caused by the compression of neural structures at the upper thoracic outlet. Typical symptoms include pain, numbness and motor weakness of the affected extremity. The incidence of nTOS is 2-3 per 100,000 and is highest between the ages of 25 and 40. There are only a few studies evaluating the surgical outcomes of nTOS in adolescent patients. In particular, there is a lack of long-term data.
Materials and methods: In a retrospective study of nTOS cases receiving surgical treatment in our clinic between 2002 and 2021, eight patients between 15 and 18 years of age were included. Demographic data, risk factors, clinical symptoms, clinical functional tests, neurophysiological, radiological and intraoperative findings were evaluated. Postoperative data were recorded using a standardised questionnaire. Decompression of the inferior truncus and the C8 and Th1 nerve roots was performed via a supraclavicular approach.
Results: The average duration of symptoms before surgery was two years. Of the eight patients who underwent surgery, six answered the written questionnaire and could be analysed for the study. The average follow-up was nine years (1-18 years). After surgery, all patients experienced pain reduction; three were pain-free in the long run and five no longer required pain medication. Strength improved in all patients, but two patients still had mild motor deficits. Sensory disturbances were reduced in all patients, but residual hypoesthesia persisted in five. With regard to overhead work, half of the patients had no impairment after surgery. All patients were able to work at the time of the survey. Half of the patients pursued their sports activities without impairment, while mild impairment was reported by the other half.
Conclusion: nTOS in adolescents is a rare compression syndrome. Decompression of the lower parts of the brachial plexus using a supraclavicular approach without resection of the first rib is an adequate treatment. This retrospective study showed that a reduction in pain was achieved in all patients. In some patients, slight sensory and motor disturbances as well as a certain restriction in overhead work persisted. Patients were able to return to sports.