Background: ESWT is a non-surgical treatment option but can also be used in addition to surgical treatment (stabilisation, freshening, defect filling, removal of discomforting osteosynthesis material) for the treatment of delayed bone healing (DBH) and non-union (NU). Its value as well as influencing factors on the upper extremity have not been adequately quantified so far.
Patients and methods: Sixty cases were retrospectively studied after application of focused high-energy ESWT with regard to healing rate and consolidation time. The influence of age, location, time of treatment and treatment prior to and concurrent with ESWT were analysed.
Results: In 70% of the cases, healing occurred after a median of 2.4 months (DBH) and 2.8 months (NU). The median age of healed (DBH 44 y., non-union 35 y.) and non-healed (DBH 51 y., NU 37 y.) did not differ significantly. The time between trauma/surgery and ESWT was 4.2 months for DBH in healed and 3.7 months in non-healed without a significant difference, and 27 months for NU in both healed and non-healed. Age and smoking status also had no influence. The healing rate was highest at metacarpal bone/finger/thumb (91%), followed by forearm shaft (88%), epiphysis/metaphysis of the forearm (67%), and, lastly, carpal bones (59%). After conservative pre-treatment, 55% healed, compared with 67% after more than two previous surgeries, 73% without any pre-treatment, and 75% after one previous surgery. Further analysis of surgical pre-treatment showed 85% healing after ORIF alone, 64% without previous surgery, and 57% healing after ORIF with bone grafting/debridement. Intraoperative ESWT combined with bone debridement/transplantation and ORIF resulted in 67% healing, compared with 86% in combination with ORIF alone. ESWT alone or with only minimal measures (removal of osteosynthesis material) led to 70% consolidation.
Conclusion: ESWT is equally effective at any stage of a bone healing disorder. The principles of stability and filling of bone defects must also be taken into account when using ESWT; then ESWT alone or combined with surgery is equally effective. The negative influence of bone defects/resorption is still detectable even with ESWT. Furthermore, treatment of the scaphoid is more problematic compared with other locations. Previous surgery is not a negative factor, even with osteosynthesis material in situ.