The values of the radiative parameters for atomic cobalt were determined using a semi-empirical method. The eigenvector amplitudes determined in our previously published research were adopted. In most cases, the calculated values of the oscillator strengths and radiative lifetimes agree well with the experimental data. Predictions of the values of the radiative parameters are also provided.
Production of the Co nuclei on Ni in photonuclear reactions using bremsstrahlung gamma photon irradiation with end-point energy between 35 and 94 MeV has been studied. The experiment was performed at the electron linear accelerator LUE-40 NSC KIPT using the methods of activation and off-line -ray spectroscopy. The obtained experimental flux-averaged cross-sections agree with the data found in the literature. The theoretical flux-averaged cross-sections for the production of Co and Ni were estimated using the cross-section values from the TALYS1.95 code and bremsstrahlung spectra of gamma photons calculated by GEANT4.9.2. The experimental results for Co agree with the cumulative . For the reactions with the production of Co nuclei, the theoretical values differ from experimental ones.
We present the results of calculations for the total energies, ionization energies, and one-electron binding energies for ground-state configurations of neodymium ions Nd I to Nd. These calculations are based on the Dirac–Fock approximation taking the Breit and quantum electrodynamics corrections into account. The configuration interaction method, taking into account all relativistic configurations corresponding to the non-relativistic one, is used to obtain total energies and wave functions in the intermediate coupling scheme. Comparison is given with other available data.
The nuclear magnetic octupole moment is revisited as a potentially useful observable for nuclear structure studies. The magnetic octupole moment, , is examined in terms of the nuclear collective model including weak and strong coupling. Single-particle formulation is additionally considered in the overall comparison of theoretical predictions with available experimental data. Mirror nuclei symmetry is examined in terms of the magnetic octupole moment isoscalar and isovector terms. A full list of predictions for of odd–proton and odd–neutron nuclei in medium–heavy mass regimes of the nuclear chart is produced aiming at providing starting values for future experimental endeavors.
Using wave number calibrated Fourier transform spectra, ranging from the IR to the UV regions, we determined with high accuracy the energies of the levels of the first ion of Niobium. In order to increase the accuracy of the center of gravity wave numbers of the observed spectral lines, the hyperfine structure was taken into account. For this purpose, the magnetic dipole hyperfine constants were determined for all involved levels. All but one of the previously known levels were included in the calculation. This level (at 91 493 cm−1) is considered to be non-existent. From the experimental center of gravity wave numbers of 1121 lines we deduced the energy values of 184 levels of even parity and 164 levels of odd parity in a global fit. A comparison between our results and all previously available literature values is provided.
Argon is being considered as an injected impurity to mitigate damage to divertors of DEMO caused by excessive heat flux. For a comprehensive understanding of Ar plasma, carefully evaluated atomic data are required. In this study, the electron-impact ionization cross-sections and rate coefficients for all atomic ions in the argon isonuclear sequence are calculated using the level-to-level distorted wave approximation. The calculated cross-sections and rate coefficients are compared with experimental data and other theoretical calculations. The calculated values are consistent with results reported in the literature, with differences not exceeding 20%. We fit the calculated cross-sections using an empirical formula. Additionally, we combine our ionization rate coefficients with the dielectronic- and radiative-recombination rate coefficients from other studies to determine the ionization balance. The obtained data are expected to be useful for plasma modelling involving argon impurities.
The mass table in the deformed relativistic Hartree–Bogoliubov theory in continuum (DRHBc) with the PC-PK1 density functional has been established for even- nuclei with , extended from the previous work for even–even nuclei (Zhang et al. (DRHBc mass table collaboration), At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 144, 101488 (2022)). The calculated binding energies, two-nucleon and one-neutron separation energies, root-mean-square (rms) radii of neutron, proton, matter, and charge distributions, quadrupole deformations, and neutron and proton Fermi surfaces are tabulated and compared with available experimental data. A total of 4829 even- nuclei are predicted to be bound, with an rms deviation of 1.433 MeV from the 1244 mass data. Good agreement with the available experimental odd–even mass differences, decay energies, and charge radii is also achieved. The description accuracy for nuclear masses and nucleon separation energies as well as the prediction for drip lines is compared with the results obtained from other relativistic and nonrelativistic density functional. The comparison shows that the DRHBc theory with PC-PK1 provides an excellent microscopic description for the masses of even- nuclei. The systematics of the nucleon separation energies, odd–even mass differences, pairing energies, two-nucleon gaps, decay energies, rms radii, quadrupole deformations, potential energy curves, neutron density distributions, and neutron mean-field potentials are discussed.