Spanning the center-of-mass energy range of 10−4 to 10, presented here are recommended integral and differential cross sections for elastic scattering in collisions of protons with atomic hydrogen. The recommended values have been determined by analysis of results of three primary theoretical methods with overlapping regimes of applicability within this broad range of collision energies. With comparison to data available in the literature and study of the numerical and physical convergences of the calculations, uncertainty quantification of the results has been made, which in turn aids uncertainty quantification of the astrophysical and other environment simulations the data is aimed at enabling. Along with other data for processes including excitation, ionization, and charge transfer, the present data support improved transport modeling of the passage of protons through atomic hydrogen, describing energy loss, charge change, secondary electron production, and photon emission.
The energy levels of 1s2, 1s2s, and 2s2p configurations for He-like ions () are calculated using the multi-configuration Dirac–Hartree–Fock methods. The transition energies, transition rates, and oscillator strengths of 2s2p1s2 and 2s2p1s2s are also calculated. A parallel calculation based on the Dirac–Fock–Slater method with a local central potential is performed using the Flexible Atomic Code to cross-check the accuracy of the data. The Breit interaction and quantum electrodynamics effects, including self-energy and vacuum polarization, are included as perturbations in these calculations. The average relative standard deviation of the energy levels from the available NIST data is about 0.2% for both methods. The transition energies and rates are in reasonable agreement with other available theoretical and experimental data, and the consistency between the transition energies calculated by the two methods reaches 99.9%. These results are expected to help future investigations on double K-shell vacancy decays of He-like ions.