Zenker's diverticulum (ZD), also known as a cricopharyngeal pouch, is a pulsion pseudodiverticulum located dorsally at the pharyngoesophageal junction. The pathophysiology of ZD involves cricopharyngeal spasm, incoordination, impaired upper esophageal sphincter opening, and structural changes in the cricopharyngeal muscle, leading to symptoms such as dysphagia, regurgitation of undigested food, foreign body sensation, halitosis, unintentional weight loss, and respiratory issues. Treatment for symptomatic ZD typically involves myotomy of the cricopharyngeal muscle. Endoscopic techniques, particularly flexible endoscopy septotomy (FES) and Zenker peroral endoscopic myotomy (Z-POEM), have become preferred options due to their minimally invasive nature. This review discusses the techniques and clinical outcomes of FES and Z-POEM, focusing on specific clinical scenarios to guide the choice between these methods. Additionally, the variability in FES techniques, the effectiveness of Z-POEM, and the impact of different diverticulum sizes on treatment outcomes are analyzed, providing a comprehensive overview of current therapeutic approaches for ZD.