Moisture-Activated Dry Granulation (MADG) is a tablet manufacturing method developed from wet granulation method. MADG methods are more efficient and cost-effective in the production of solid dosage forms since they use less fluid and shorter tablet manufacturing time. The MADG method could also be used for water-sensitive or heat-sensitive products where traditional methods may not be suitable. MADG tablet manufacturing is divided into an agglomeration step to activate the granule formation and a moisture absorption step to absorb excess moisture from the granule. This research aims to determine the effect of MADG method on the physical quality of tablet mass and tablet of ethanol–water roasted Agung banana var. Semeru peel extract (RBPE) compared to wet granulation method.
The tablets were prepared by using wet granulation and MADG method.
Through the statistical analysis, the granules manufactured using MADG and wet granulation methods have a similar flowability, but those manufactured using MADG method have a higher moisture content. Tablets manufactured using MADG and wet granulation methods have a similar hardness. On the other hand, tablets manufactured using MADG method have lower friability and easier to be disintegrated compared to tablets manufactured using wet granulation method.
The experimental data shows that MADG is a better method than wet granulation in manufacturing RBPE tablets.