Purpose: Along with the aging process, we can observe a deterioration of cognitive functions with the simultaneous occurrence of behavioural and psychological symptoms in the elderly population. Dementia with accompanying psychosis is becoming a growing problem, not only in medical but also in social terms. This article focuses on the issues related to the occurrence of psychosis in dementia, and the need to develop new treatment.
Views: Psychosis in the elderly is different from that occurring with schizophrenia, as it is characterized by a different course and frequent resistance to treatment. In case of elderly patients, psychosis is probably associated with dysregulation of the serotonergic system. Due to the difficulties in using pharmacology in this age group, it is very important to individualize treatment. Antipsychotics are the main treatment used but they have many side effects, so in fact there is a lack of effective and safe solutions. Although pimavanserin is considered to be an effective alternative in the treatment of psychosis, it also carries a higher risk of mortality in this age group.
Conclusions: The search for new, effective and safer drugs in the treatment of dementia-related psychosis works in many directions. New animal models are emerging that allow the screening of various drug "candidates". The available research suggests that the serotoninergic system is a good direction for the search for new therapeutic solutions. As the number of elderly people with dementia increases, there is a great medical need to make it easier for them and their caregivers to function.