Purpose –: To examine associations by gender between cancer history and major health insurance transitions (gains and losses), and relationships between insurance transitions and access to care.
Methodology –: Longitudinal 2008-2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data pooled yielding 2,223 cancer survivors and 50,692 individuals with no cancer history ages 18-63 years upon survey entry, with gender-specific sub-analyses. Access-to-care implications of insurance loss or gain were compared by cancer history and gender.
Findings –: Initially uninsured cancer survivors were significantly more likely to gain insurance coverage than individuals with no cancer history (RR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.08-1.44). Females in particular were significantly more likely to gain insurance (unmarried RR: 1.16; 95% CI: 1.06-1.28; married RR: 1.09; 95% CI: 1.02-1.16). Significantly higher rates of difficulty accessing needed medical care and prescription medications were reported by those remaining uninsured, those who lost insurance, and women in general. Remaining uninsured, losing insurance, and male gender were associated with lack of a usual source of care.
Research implications –: Additional outreach to disadvantaged populations is needed to improve access to affordable insurance and medical care. Future longitudinal studies should assess whether major Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions enacted after the 2008-2013 study period (or those of ACA's replacement) are addressing these important issues.
Originality –: Loss of health insurance coverage can reduce health care access resulting in poor health outcomes. Cancer survivors may be particularly at risk of insurance coverage gaps due to the long-term chronic disease trajectory. This study is novel in exploring associations between cancer history by gender and health insurance transitions, both gains and losses, in a national non-elderly adult sample.
Purpose: This study investigated disparities in dual diagnosis (comorbid substance-use and depressive/anxiety disorders) among US adults by nativity and racial-ethnic origin and socioeconomic, cultural, and psychosocial factors that may account for the observed disparities.
Design/methodology: The study drew on data from two waves of the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Racial-ethnic categories included African, Asian/Pacific Islander, European, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and other Hispanic/Latino. Substance-use and depressive/anxiety disorders were assessed per DSM-IV. A four-category measure of comorbidity was constructed: no substance-use or psychiatric disorder; substance-use disorder only; depressive/anxiety disorder only; and, dual diagnosis. The data were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression.
Findings: The prevalence of dual diagnosis was low but varied by nativity, with the highest rates among Europeans and Puerto-Ricans born in US states, and the lowest among Mexicans and Asians/Pacific Islanders. The nativity and racial-ethnic effects on likelihood of having dual diagnosis remained significant after all adjustments.
Research limitations: The limitations included measures of immigrant status, race-ethnicity, and stress and potential misdiagnosis of mental disorder among ethnic minorities.
Practical and social implications: This new knowledge will help to guide public health and health care interventions addressing immigrant mental and behavioral health gaps.
Originality/value: This study addressed the research gap in regard to the prevalence and correlates of dual diagnosis among immigrants and racial-ethnic minorities. The study used the most current and comprehensive data addressing psychiatric conditions among US adults and examined factors rarely captured in epidemiologic surveys (e.g., acculturation).