Patients with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy (HNPP) typically present with a mononeuropathy (particularly peroneal or ulnar palsy) or a brachial plexopathy. Careful electrodiagnostic testing has an important role in establishing the diagnosis of HNPP differentiating this condition from other inherited or acquired neuropathies as well as obviating the need for unnecessary surgeries. We present a case of a patient who presented with a painless brachial plexopathy who was found to have multiple sites of segmental demyelination on nerve conduction studies, consistent with HNPP. We review the clinical and electrodiagnostic features of HNPP including the key electrodiagnostic findings to screen for this disorder.
The secure and efficient affixation of EEG electrodes is an integral part of performing neurotelemetry; however there are currently no recommendations for the ideal method of affixing the electrodes that has evidence-based support. The purpose of this study was to find and determine the best hook up method based on the required hook up time and number of repairs. One hundred neurotelemetry patients were randomly assigned to one of the following four electrode application methods: collodion-Ten20, collodion-Elefix, Hypafix-Ten20, or Hypafix-Elefix. The collodion-Ten20 method had the longest average hook up time (53.7 min) and the lowest percentage of patients who needed repairs (24%); the Hypafix-Ten20 method had the shortest average hook up time (42.1 min); and the Hypafix-Elefix had the highest percentage of patients who needed repairs (86.4%). Based on these results, the study led to the recommendations that collodion-Ten20 be used for neurotelemetry studies lasting 24 hours or more and that Hypafix is more suitable for routine EEG studies.
The recording electrodes including their precise location, their ability to record during movements that can be intense during a convulsive seizure, and their capability to record for several days without causing skin breakdown are an integral part of long-term EEG recording. Many of the facets of EEG technology have changed dramatically with the introduction of digital EEG. But the electrode and the electrode/skin interface have not had many dramatic changes. The technologist still looks for ways to ensure correct electrode placement, good recording capabilities, and a patient with healthy skin when the electrodes are removed. This Technical Tips features ideas and experiences from several technologists. These technologists express suggestions and opinions which are accepted in Technical Tips.