AMI 2020 Salon.
AMI 2020 Salon.
BioImages is the BioCommunications Association's annual visual media competition intended to showcase the finest still photography, graphics, and motion media work in the life sciences and medicine.
The Louis Schmidt Committee is pleased to announce that Danielle Edwards, BA, BAppSc (Hons), FBCA, RBI, FAIMBI, FIPT was selected as the 2020 Louis Schmidt Laureate. The Louis Schmidt Award, named for a founder and second President of the Association, is the highest honor presented by the BCA, and it is bestowed "for outstanding contributions to the progress of biocommunications." Danielle's extensive personal and professional accomplishments, both behind the lens, and in support of a plethora of professional organizations, illustrates her commitment to the unique quality and diversity of her work, as well as the active mentoring and sharing of a career's worth of highly specialized information.
In this column, we look back at the content and imagery found in the Journal of the Biological Photographic Association (JBPA), later renamed the Journal of Biological Photography (JBP). This column examines important articles and imagery from 25 years ago. In doing so, we gain some insight into those legacy photographic tools and techniques of that time.
Over the last several decades, medical imaging technologies have proven so anatomically insightful that they have all but taken over management in many clinical situations. MRI, CT, and PET scanning technologies employ stringently controlled rotational data-harvest protocols. By contrast, standardization of visible-light imaging of human anatomy has lagged dramatically. This article is the first to present a rigidly standardized rotational protocol to photographically record human anatomy and permit subsequent analysis with less than 2% image variance.
In this column, we look back at the content and imagery found in the Journal of the Biological Photographic Association (JBPA, later renamed the Journal of Biological Photography (JBP). This column explores important articles from 25 years ago. In doing so, we gain some insight into those legacy photography techniques of that time.