Background: Nurses working in intensive care units (ICUs) must incorporate new knowledge and evidence-based practice (EBP) into their daily routines to enhance patient outcomes. However, this integration often falls short in ICU settings. Weekly clinical audits reveal incidents where ICU nurses neglect evidence-based interventions, impacting patient outcomes and ICU stays.
Objectives: To explore the factors influencing the translation of knowledge into ICU practice.
Methods: We conducted exploratory, qualitative research to investigate ICU nurses' perspectives on knowledge translation into ICU practices. The study employed purposive sampling to select ICU nurses. We used paired interviews and group discussions to gather insights from ICU nurses regarding the factors influencing the translation of knowledge into ICU practices. Data analysis was performed using Boomer and McCormack's nine steps of creative hermeneutic data analysis.
Results: One main theme, 'We are just surviving' emerged, encompassing two sub-themes: management and workplace culture. Under management, participants described barriers, such as resource scarcity, behaviour, outdated evidence-informed protocols and workload. Under workplace culture, participants mentioned negative attitudes and a lack of teamwork, contributing to poor-quality care.
Conclusion: In ICUs, nurses are expected to integrate new knowledge and scientific evidence into their daily practice, yet they face challenges in doing so. Interventions should be implemented to address management and workplace culture.
Contribution of the study: This study raised awareness for the intensive care nurse practicioner to intergrate new knowledge and scientific evidence into clinical practice. This study highlighted the importance of teamwork and collaboration between nurses and doctors to ensure knowledge translation and quality care of the critical ill/injured patients. This study confirmed that support from management is vital to address challenges such as workload, staff shortage, inadequate equipment and outdated protocols as these aspects impact negatively on intensive care nurses ability to transfer knowledge into clinical practice.