Based on experiences made with the arthroscopy of the knee joint in our hospital since 1985 and also based on studies made in treatment of plicae synovialis, 155 patients were operated between 1. January 1987 and 31. December 1989 by an arthroscopy, where only synovial changes are found and treated. In 135 cases the anamnesis, the result of the clinical examination and the operation report are analyzed. 110 patients could be examined postoperative. In listing the results there is made a difference between patients, where a synovial change at the medial condylus is operated and such where synovial changes round the femoropatellar joint are treated. All patients were investigated by a questionnaire action. A discrimination by intraoperative foundings was not made, it should rather be clarified, whether the arthroscopic operative treatment of those synovial changes leads to a removal or a clear reduction of the pain in the knee joint, which exists preoperative and leads to the operative treatment. Especially was asked for changes in sporting activities, because the pain mostly appears at physical exercise.