Every science has limits to its operation, including medical science concerning malignancy. Beyond a certain stage of a disease, palliation is the only recourse. The word "palliation" amounts to an acceptance of defeat by a clinician while trying to salvage his cancer patients. It means that the patient should breathe and eat without much pain till death takes pity on him. Palliative surgery in laryngeal cancer amounts to doing tracheostomies and gastrostomies and administering painkillers. Most of my cases belong to this category. I extended the accepted parameters of surgical excisions for primary lesion and metastatic nodes. These excisions include laryngectomy with cervical esophagectomy, total laryngectomy, total cervical esophagetomy, total glossectomy, and total mandibulectomy. The extended radical neck dissections include carotid artery, vagus nerve, and sympathetic trunk on one side. Removal of these so-called vital structures was not only compatible with life but proved curative in 20 per cent of these cases.