In order to facilitate the convenience of fluorating or not the public use waters, a bibliographic review about the positive or negative aspects of this public health measure has been made. The different epidemiologic surveys about dental health conditions in our country, since 1969 till the present time, have been reviewed. From the analysis of these works, it can be deduced that the degree of caries severity index (DMF) is situated at a moderate to low level, according to the classification of the World Health Organization. The advantages, inconvenience, cost and percentage of caries reduction of the different methods to prevent dental caries are studied. It is considered positive to go on with the policy of public use waters fluoration, provided that is is based on a series of prerequisites which guarantee the highest level of effectiveness and efficiency. Among the different objective criteria to fluorate waters, the following ones stand out: a high prevalence of caries, a good system of waters out: a high prevalence of caries, a good system of waters diffusion, a natural fluor concentration lower than 0.7 grams/litre, the cost-benefit analysis, the population size. The elaboration of studies to determine the total quantity of fluorides, ingested by the population from various sources, is recommended.