Background: The purpose of this article is to present an alternative medical model to the hegemonic model, from the point of view of gender. Gender is believed as a socio-cultural construction defining men and women ways of behaving in society at a definite historical time. Gender consideration in epidemiologic analysis, together with other social variables, constitutes a new approach in the knowledge of women practices. Gender values are the basis to transform social relations and health care within the health system. The position I show includes a macrosocial level: the State and social politics, and a microsocial level: woman and her connection with the doctor in her daily life scope.
Methods: A content analysis of the compiled bibliography was carried out from the point of view of gender. A Primary Health Care Center belonging to a marginal district in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentine was taken as reference.
Results and conclusions: As result of this study, a woman care typology, emphasizing the differences between an hegemonic medical model and an alternative model, was elaborated. In the same way, concepts, which may be a guide in the construction of an alternative model to the hegemonic one, are handled.