The authors review the subject and recommend a sequence to be followed during the impression taking, starting always in the lower arch, due to its comfort and less possibility of provoking nausea, this way acquiring the patient's trust.
The authors review the subject and recommend a sequence to be followed during the impression taking, starting always in the lower arch, due to its comfort and less possibility of provoking nausea, this way acquiring the patient's trust.
A decrease in rat submandibular gland parenchyma could be observed with increasing age, consequent to an apparent increase in the proportion of intralobular ducts. Signs of acinar atrophy were noted with nuclei of smaller volume. A great variety of nuclear sizes and shapes was also observed. The blood vessels were smaller, and the connective tissue was increased. These histological data were confirmed in part by application of the technique of Chalkley. The granulous duct cell height is smaller in old animals.
The authors presented considerations on the Hawley appliance, describing its main characteristics and modifications. It is also showed the advantages of its use, as well as its main indications: a) slight tooth inclinations and rotations; b) extrusion of posterior teeth; c) space maintener and d) as retention after orthodontic treatment.
The authors studied the staining of specimens of composite resins, when they were immersed in Lugol solution. In this study, we related chemical and photo-activated resins, and the estructure modifications were analysed in relation to the consulted bibliography. The use of Lugol solution showed a practical way to identify the possible modifications in the polymeric structure of the composite resins.
The liquids are essential nutrients to normal organic function. The corporal growing and development, and the tissue neoformation are affected by the hydrosaline unbalanced. In 100 albinus rats submitted to 24 hours of hydroprivation in the pre and post-operative periods was studied the effect of the saline/glucose treatment on the wound healing. With five groups of 20 animals was shaped: GI - Control, and GII.1 - Saline/glucose pre-operative treatment, and GIII.1 - Saline/glucose post-operative treatment, and GII.2 - water pre-operative treatment, and G-III.2 - water post-operative treatment. In 1, 3, 9, 15 and 21 post-exodontic days the histological analyses of wound healing was did. The results show that the saline/glucose treatment to promove amount in the bone tissue and the osteoblastic activity, with better recuperation of the unbalanced hydrosaline effect. The conclusion is that: 1) the saline/glucose solution aid the tissue neoformation and the wound healing; 2) this effect is consistent in the pre and post-operative periods.
The authors present a clinical case of upper central incisor fractured, showing a alternative technic in which the fragment is firstly fixed with glass-ionomer cement to remnant tooth and then with a spherical diamond point the fractured line is ground off and filled up with composite resin.
Countless sistemic alterations are broken out by stimuli originated by environmental, nutritional and hormonal conditions that are disadvantageous. In order to verify the effects of these stimuli on the arterial pressure and the urinary excretion of sodium, a group of 100 animals were submitted to illumination for 24 hours, auditive stimulation, dehydration and injection of adrenaline. The results show that constant illumination provokes and increase of arterial pressure (p less than 0.01), that is installed in the first 24 hours and its kept until the end of the experiment. The phasic auditive stimulation encourages an increase of arterial pressure (p less than 0.01) and its consistent to every stimulation. The arterial pressure amount in the introduction of prolonged auditive stimulation (p less than 0.01) but decreases in function of the time of the application of the stimulus. The application of illumination followed by injection of adrenaline, and illumination followed by dehydration not changing the response obtained us an isolated luminous stimulus. The urinary sodium excretion, was increased (p less than 0.01). Based on the results we arrived to the following conclusions: 1) The application of constant illumination and auditive stimulation provoke an increase of arterial pressure; 2) The pressuring responses to the phasic and continuous auditive stimulations are different; 3) There is an increase in the urinary sodium excretion.
The authors justify the importance of the panoramic radiographs taken in the intermediary phases of the orthodontic treatment presenting a clinical case of a late developing supranumerary pre-molar.