Aims: The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of nasal obliteration with regards to the linear dimensions of dissected hemimandibles of a homogeneous sample of young rats.
Methods: 68 pure breed male Sprague-Dawley rats, aged four weeks, were divided into four groups of 17: two control groups and two test groups. The first control group was sacrificed at the beginning of the observation period and the other one at the end. The test groups, one of which had the right nostril occluded by silicon material while the other had the left occluded, were sacrificed after eight weeks, at twelve weeks. After isolating the hemi-mandibles, four vertical and four sagittal measurements were taken; comparison was then made between the control groups and the experimental groups. The sagittal measurements are articular surface of the condyle-neck incisor (SARCIN), articular surface of the condyle-mental foramen (SARFORO), articular surface of the condyle-margo incisalis (SARMI), articular surface of the condyle-surface mesial of the first molar (SARSMM). The vertical measurements are superior condyle surface-base (SCOSUB), mesial surface of the first molar-base (SUMESM), maximum inferior arched concavity-base, (XCOARIB), maximum sigmoid notch concavity-base (XCOINSB).
Results: The sagittal and vertical measurements showed an increase in the values of the experimental group when compared to the controls.
Conclusion: An altered nasal respiration is able to influence the patterns of facial growth and in particular to induce an increase in the growth of the mandible.
Apert syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by craniosynostosis, midface hypoplasia and symmetric syndactyly of hands and feet. Abnormalities associated with Apert syndrome include premature fusion of coronal sutures system (coronal sutures and less frequently lambdoid suture) resulting in brachiturricephalic dismorphism and impaired skull base growth. After this brief explanation it is clear that these anatomical abnormalities may have a negative impact on the ability to perform essential functions. Due to the complexity of the syndrome a multidisciplinary (respiratory, cerebral, maxillo-mandibular, dental, ophthalmic and orthopaedic) approach is necessary in treating the psychological, aesthetic and functional issues. The aim of this paper is to analyse the different functional issues and surgical methods trying to enhance results through a treatment plan which includes different specialities involved in Apert syndrome treatment. Reduced intellectual capacity is associated to the high number of general anaesthesia the small patients are subject to. Therefore the diagnostic and therapeutic treatment plan in these patients has established integrated and tailored surgical procedures based on the patients' age in order to reduce the number of general anaesthesia, thus simplifying therapy for both Apert patients and their family members.
Aims: Deep neck infections are rare but potentially fatal complication of pulpal abscess of the teeth. If an infection can progress rapidly from a toothache to a life threatening infection, then it is critical that dentists be able to recognize the danger signs and identify the patients who are at risk. Mediastinitis is a severe inflammatory process involving the connective tissues that fills the intracellular spaces and surrounds the organs in the middle of the chest. This pathology has both an acute and a chronic form and, in most cases, it has an infectious etiology. This study want to expose the experience acquired in the Oral and Maxillo-facial Sciences Department, Policlinico Umberto I, "Sapienza" University of Rome, regarding two clinical cases of disseminated necrotizing mediastinitis starting from an odontogenic abscess.
Methods: We report two clinical cases of disseminated necrotic mediastinitis with two different medical and surgical approaches. The radiographic and photographic documentation of the patients was collected in the pre-and post-operatively. All patients underwent a CT scan and MRI.
Results: Mediastinitis can result from a serious odontogenic abscess, and the extent of its inflammation process must be never underestimated. Dental surgeons play a key role as a correct diagnosis can prevent further increasing of the inflammation process.
Conclusions: A late diagnosis and an inadequate draining represent the major causes of the elevated mortality rate of disseminated necrotizing mediastinitis.