Background: Parkinson disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that has a wide range of motor symptoms, such as tremor. Tremors are involuntary movements that occur in rhythmic oscillations and are typically categorized into rest tremor or action tremor. Action tremor occurs during voluntary movements and is a debilitating symptom of PD. As noninvasive interventions are limited, there is an ever-increasing need for an effective intervention for individuals experiencing action tremors. The Microsoft Emma Watch, a wristband with 5 vibrating motors, is a noninvasive, nonpharmaceutical intervention for tremor attenuation.
Objective: This pilot study investigated the use of the Emma Watch device to attenuate action tremor in people with PD.
Methods: The sample included 9 people with PD who were assessed on handwriting and hand function tasks performed on a digitized tablet. Tasks included drawing horizontal or vertical lines, tracing a star, spiral, writing "elelelel" in cursive, and printing a standardized sentence. Each task was completed 3 times with the Emma Watch programmed at different vibration intensities, which were counterbalanced: high intensity, low intensity (sham), and no vibration. Digital analysis from the tablet captured kinematic, dynamic, and spatial attributes of drawing and writing samples to calculate mathematical indices that quantify upper limb motor function. APDM Opal sensors (APDM Wearable Technologies) placed on both wrists were used to calculate metrics of acceleration and jerk. A questionnaire was provided to each participant after using the Emma Watch to gain a better understanding of their perspectives of using the device. In addition, drawings were compared to determine whether there were any visual differences between intensities.
Results: In total, 9 people with PD were tested: 4 males and 5 females with a mean age of 67 (SD 9.4) years. There were no differences between conditions in the outcomes of interest measured with the tablet (duration, mean velocity, number of peaks, pause time, and number of pauses). Visual differences were observed within a small subset of participants, some of whom reported perceived improvement. The majority of participants (8/9) reported the Emma Watch was comfortable, and no problems with the device were reported.
Conclusions: There were visually depicted and subjectively reported improvements in handwriting for a small subset of individuals. This pilot study was limited by a small sample size, and this should be taken into consideration with the interpretation of the quantitative results. Combining vibratory devices, such as the Emma Watch, with task specific training, or personalizing the frequency to one's individual tremor may be important steps to consider when evaluating the effect of vibratory devices on hand function or writing ability in future studies. While the E
Background: The incentive spirometer is a basic and common medical device from which electronic health care data cannot be directly collected. As a result, despite numerous studies investigating clinical use, there remains little consensus on optimal device use and sparse evidence supporting its intended benefits such as prevention of postoperative respiratory complications.
Objective: The aim of the study is to develop and test an add-on hardware device for data capture of the incentive spirometer.
Methods: An add-on device was designed, built, and tested using reflective optical sensors to identify the real-time location of the volume piston and flow bobbin of a common incentive spirometer. Investigators manually tested sensor level accuracies and triggering range calibrations using a digital flowmeter. A valid breath classification algorithm was created and tested to determine valid from invalid breath attempts. To assess real-time use, a video game was developed using the incentive spirometer and add-on device as a controller using the Apple iPad.
Results: In user testing, sensor locations were captured at an accuracy of 99% (SD 1.4%) for volume and 100% accuracy for flow. Median and average volumes were within 7.5% (SD 6%) of target volume sensor levels, and maximum sensor triggering values seldom exceeded intended sensor levels, showing a good correlation to placement on 2 similar but distinct incentive spirometer designs. The breath classification algorithm displayed a 100% sensitivity and a 99% specificity on user testing, and the device operated as a video game controller in real time without noticeable interference or delay.
Conclusions: An effective and reusable add-on device for the incentive spirometer was created to allow the collection of previously inaccessible incentive spirometer data and demonstrate Internet-of-Things use on a common hospital device. This design showed high sensor accuracies and the ability to use data in real-time applications, showing promise in the ability to capture currently inaccessible clinical data. Further use of this device could facilitate improved research into the incentive spirometer to improve adoption, incentivize adherence, and investigate the clinical effectiveness to help guide clinical care.
Background: Physiological motion of the lumbar spine is a topic of interest for musculoskeletal health care professionals since abnormal motion is believed to be related to lumbar complaints. Many researchers have described ranges of motion for the lumbar spine, but only few have mentioned specific motion patterns of each individual segment during flexion and extension, mostly comprising the sequence of segmental initiation in sagittal rotation. However, an adequate definition of physiological motion is still lacking. For the lower cervical spine, a consistent pattern of segmental contributions in a flexion-extension movement in young healthy individuals was described, resulting in a definition of physiological motion of the cervical spine.
Objective: This study aimed to define the lumbar spines' physiological motion pattern by determining the sequence of segmental contribution in sagittal rotation of each vertebra during maximum flexion and extension in healthy male participants.
Methods: Cinematographic recordings were performed twice in 11 healthy male participants, aged 18-25 years, without a history of spine problems, with a 2-week interval (time point T1 and T2). Image recognition software was used to identify specific patterns in the sequence of segmental contributions per individual by plotting segmental rotation of each individual segment against the cumulative rotation of segments L1 to S1. Intraindividual variability was determined by testing T1 against T2. Intraclass correlation coefficients were tested by reevaluation of 30 intervertebral sequences by a second researcher.
Results: No consistent pattern was found when studying the graphs of the cinematographic recordings during flexion. A much more consistent pattern was found during extension, especially in the last phase. It consisted of a peak in rotation in L3L4, followed by a peak in L2L3, and finally, in L1L2. This pattern was present in 71% (15/21) of all recordings; 64% (7/11) of the participants had a consistent pattern at both time points. Sequence of segmental contribution was less consistent in the lumbar spine than the cervical spine, possibly caused by differences in facet orientation, intervertebral discs, overprojection of the pelvis, and muscle recruitment.
Conclusions: In 64% (7/11) of the recordings, a consistent motion pattern was found in the upper lumbar spine during the last phase of extension in asymptomatic young male participants. Physiological motion of the lumbar spine is a broad concept, influenced by multiple factors, which cannot be captured in a firm definition yet.
Trial registration: NCT03737227;
International registered report identifier (irrid): RR2-10.2196/14741.
Background: Measuring the amount of physical activity and its patterns using wearable sensor technology in real-world settings can provide critical insights into health status.
Objective: This study's aim was to develop and evaluate the analytical validity and transdemographic generalizability of an algorithm that classifies binary ambulatory status (yes or no) on the accelerometer signal from wrist-worn biometric monitoring technology.
Methods: Biometric monitoring technology algorithm validation traditionally relies on large numbers of self-reported labels or on periods of high-resolution monitoring with reference devices. We used both methods on data collected from 2 distinct studies for algorithm training and testing, one with precise ground-truth labels from a reference device (n=75) and the second with participant-reported ground-truth labels from a more diverse, larger sample (n=1691); in total, we collected data from 16.7 million 10-second epochs. We trained a neural network on a combined data set and measured performance in multiple held-out testing data sets, overall and in demographically stratified subgroups.
Results: The algorithm was accurate at classifying ambulatory status in 10-second epochs (area under the curve 0.938; 95% CI 0.921-0.958) and on daily aggregate metrics (daily mean absolute percentage error 18%; 95% CI 15%-20%) without significant performance differences across subgroups.
Conclusions: Our algorithm can accurately classify ambulatory status with a wrist-worn device in real-world settings with generalizability across demographic subgroups. The validated algorithm can effectively quantify users' walking activity and help researchers gain insights on users' health status.
Background: In an age when telehealth services are increasingly being used for forward triage, there is a need for accurate suicide risk detection. Vocal characteristics analyzed using artificial intelligence are now proving capable of detecting suicide risk with accuracies superior to traditional survey-based approaches, suggesting an efficient and economical approach to ensuring ongoing patient safety.
Objective: This systematic review aimed to identify which vocal characteristics perform best at differentiating between patients with an elevated risk of suicide in comparison with other cohorts and identify the methodological specifications of the systems used to derive each feature and the accuracies of classification that result.
Methods: A search of MEDLINE via Ovid, Scopus, Computers and Applied Science Complete, CADTH, Web of Science, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I, Australian Policy Online, and Mednar was conducted between 1995 and 2020 and updated in 2021. The inclusion criteria were human participants with no language, age, or setting restrictions applied; randomized controlled studies, observational cohort studies, and theses; studies that used some measure of vocal quality; and individuals assessed as being at high risk of suicide compared with other individuals at lower risk using a validated measure of suicide risk. Risk of bias was assessed using the Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies tool. A random-effects model meta-analysis was used wherever mean measures of vocal quality were reported.
Results: The search yielded 1074 unique citations, of which 30 (2.79%) were screened via full text. A total of 21 studies involving 1734 participants met all inclusion criteria. Most studies (15/21, 71%) sourced participants via either the Vanderbilt II database of recordings (8/21, 38%) or the Silverman and Silverman perceptual study recording database (7/21, 33%). Candidate vocal characteristics that performed best at differentiating between high risk of suicide and comparison cohorts included timing patterns of speech (median accuracy 95%), power spectral density sub-bands (median accuracy 90.3%), and mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (median accuracy 80%). A random-effects meta-analysis was used to compare 22 characteristics nested within 14% (3/21) of the studies, which demonstrated significant standardized mean differences for frequencies within the first and second formants (standardized mean difference ranged between -1.07 and -2.56) and jitter values (standardized mean difference=1.47). In 43% (9/21) of the studies, risk of bias was assessed as moderate, whereas in the remaining studies (12/21, 57%), the risk of bias was assessed as high.
Conclusions: Although several key methodological issues prevailed among the studies reviewed, there is promise in the use of vocal characteristics to detect elevations in suicide r
Background: Mental fatigue is a common and potentially debilitating state that can affect individuals' health and quality of life. In some cases, its manifestation can precede or mask early signs of other serious mental or physiological conditions. Detecting and assessing mental fatigue can be challenging nowadays as it relies on self-evaluation and rating questionnaires, which are highly influenced by subjective bias. Introducing more objective, quantitative, and sensitive methods to characterize mental fatigue could be critical to improve its management and the understanding of its connection to other clinical conditions.
Objective: This paper aimed to study the feasibility of using keystroke biometrics for mental fatigue detection during natural typing. As typing involves multiple motor and cognitive processes that are affected by mental fatigue, our hypothesis was that the information captured in keystroke dynamics can offer an interesting mean to characterize users' mental fatigue in a real-world setting.
Methods: We apply domain transformation techniques to adapt and transform TypeNet, a state-of-the-art deep neural network, originally intended for user authentication, to generate a network optimized for the fatigue detection task. All experiments were conducted using 3 keystroke databases that comprise different contexts and data collection protocols.
Results: Our preliminary results showed area under the curve performances ranging between 72.2% and 80% for fatigue versus rested sample classification, which is aligned with previously published models on daily alertness and circadian cycles. This demonstrates the potential of our proposed system to characterize mental fatigue fluctuations via natural typing patterns. Finally, we studied the performance of an active detection approach that leverages the continuous nature of keystroke biometric patterns for the assessment of users' fatigue in real time.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that the psychomotor patterns that characterize mental fatigue manifest during natural typing, which can be quantified via automated analysis of users' daily interaction with their device. These findings represent a step towards the development of a more objective, accessible, and transparent solution to monitor mental fatigue in a real-world environment.