Background: Accurate blood pressure (BP) measurement is essential for the correct diagnosis and management of hypertension (HTN) especially in the elderly population. As with of all BP devices, the accuracy of cuffless devices must be verified. This study (NCT04027777) aimed to evaluate the performance of a wrist cuffless optical BP device in an elderly population cohort in different body positions with auscultation as the reference measurement.
Design and methods: Patients aged 65-85 years with different BP categories but without diabetes were recruited. After an initial calibration based on auscultatory measurements, BP estimation from the Aktiia Bracelet (Aktiia SA, Switzerland) were compared to reference double-blinded auscultatory measurements in sitting, standing and lying positions on four separate visits distributed over one month. In the absence of a universal standard for cuffless BP device at the time of the study, modified ISO81060-2 criteria were used for performance analysis.
Results: Thirty-five participants were included in the analysis fulfilling the inclusion requirements of ISO 81060-2. A total of 469 paired measurements were obtained with overall 83% acceptance rate. Differences (mean ± SD) between Aktiia Bracelet and auscultation for systolic BP were -0.26 ± 9.96 mmHg for all body positions aggregated (sitting 1.23 ± 7.88 mmHg, standing -1.81 ± 11.11 mmHg, lying -1.8 ± 9.96 mmHg). Similarly, differences for diastolic BP were -0.75 ± 7.0 mmHg (0.2 ± 5.55 mmHg, -5.35 ± 7.75 mmHg and -0.94 ± 7.47 mmHg, respectively). Standard deviation of the averaged differences per subject for systolic/diastolic BP was 3.8/2.5 mmHg in sitting and 4.4/3.7 mmHg for all body positions aggregated.
Conclusions: Overall, this study demonstrates a similar performance of the Aktiia Bracelet compared to auscultation in an elderly population in body positions representative of daily activities. The use of more comfortable, non-invasive, and non-occlusive BP monitors during long periods may facilitate e-health and may contribute to better management of HTN, including diagnosis and treatment of HTN, in the elderly.
Purpose: Hypertension significantly contributes to cardiovascular diseases and premature deaths. Effective treatment is crucial to reduce cardiovascular risks, but poor adherence to antihypertensive drugs is a major issue. Numerous studies attempted to investigate interventions for identifying non-adherence, but often failed to address the issue effectively. The RHYME-RCT trial sought to bridge this gap by measuring non-adherence by determining antihypertensive drug concentrations in blood through a dried blood spot (DBS) method in patients with resistant hypertension. This measurement was followed by personalized feedback to improve adherence. During the course of this trial several challenges emerged, including selection bias, the gatekeeper role of physicians, the Hawthorne effect and the role of randomization.
Aim: This communication aims to inform fellow researchers and clinicians of challenges that can arise when conducting clinical trials to improve adherence and offer insights for refining study designs to avoid these issues in forthcoming adherence studies.
Background: Impaired cardiovascular health is a concern for firefighters, with over 50% of line-of-duty deaths having cardiac causes. Many firefighters have hypertension and <25% have their blood pressure (BP) controlled. The alarm response could be an unidentified cardiac risk, but interestingly, the BP response to different calls and on-the-job activity is unknown.
Purpose: We aimed to measure the physiological stress resulting from different call types (fire, medical) and job activity (riding apparatus, pre-alert alarms) through ambulatory BP (ABP) monitoring in a population of firefighters.
Materials and methods: During 111 12-h work shifts firefighters wore an ABP monitor. BP was measured at 30-min intervals and manual measurements were prompted when the pager went off or whenever they felt stress.
Results: Firefighters were hypertensive (124.3 ± 9.9/78.1 ± 6.7 mmHg), overweight (30.2 ± 4.6 kg/m2), middle-aged (40.5 ± 12.6 years) and experienced (17.3 ± 11.7 years). We calculated an average 11% increase in systolic and 10.5% increase in diastolic BP with alarm. Systolic BP (141.9 ± 13.2 mmHg) and diastolic BP (84.9 ± 11.1 mmHg) and the BP surges were higher while firefighters were responding to medical calls compared to fire calls. Between BP groups we found that medical call systolic BP (p = .001, d = 1.2), diastolic BP (p = .017, d = 0.87), and fire call systolic BP (p = .03, d = 0.51) levels were higher in the hypertensive firefighters.
Conclusion: This is the first report of BP surge responses to alarms and to occupational activities in firefighters, and medical calls elicited the largest overall responses.PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARYCardiovascular disease and impaired cardiovascular health are substantially more prevalent in firefighters, with over 50% of line-of-duty deaths being cardiac related.Many firefighters are diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension), which is known to increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, heart disease, and other serious health complications.Upon stress, our body enacts the 'fight or flight' response where sympathetic nervous system activity triggers an immediate increase in heart rate and blood pressure. This response can be dangerous when surges reach extreme levels due to underlying impaired cardiovascular function. It is known that alarm sounds trigger a stress response.Firefighters respond to different alarms while on the job, each indicating different call types, such as a house fire or a medical emergency. Due to the prevalence of impaired cardiovascular health in firefighters, the physical stress resulting from these alerts is cause for concern.The blood pressure surge response to different call types and job activities in healthy and hypertensive firefighters had not been measured before this study.Through the ambulatory blood pre