Accurately and efficiently predicting the permeability of porous media is essential for addressing a wide range of hydrogeological issues. However, the complexity of porous media often limits the effectiveness of individual prediction methods. This study introduces a novel Particle Swarm Optimization-based Permeability Integrated Prediction model (PSO-PIP), which incorporates a particle swarm optimization algorithm enhanced with dynamic clustering and adaptive parameter tuning (KGPSO). The model integrates multi-source data from the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), Pore Network Modeling (PNM), and Finite Difference Method (FDM). By assigning optimal weight coefficients to the outputs of these methods, the model minimizes deviations from actual values and enhances permeability prediction performance. Initially, the computational performances of the LBM, PNM, and FDM are comparatively analyzed on datasets consisting of sphere packings and real rock samples. It is observed that these methods exhibit computational biases in certain permeability ranges. The PSO-PIP model is proposed to combine the strengths of each computational approach and mitigate their limitations. The PSO-PIP model consistently produces predictions that are highly congruent with actual permeability values across all prediction intervals, significantly enhancing prediction accuracy. The outcomes of this study provide a new tool and perspective for the comprehensive, rapid, and accurate prediction of permeability in porous media.
The large spatial/temporal/frequency scale of geoscience and remote-sensing datasets causes memory issues when using convolutional neural networks for (sub-) surface data segmentation. Recently developed fully reversible or fully invertible networks can mostly avoid memory limitations by recomputing the states during the backward pass through the network. This results in a low and fixed memory requirement for storing network states, as opposed to the typical linear memory growth with network depth. This work focuses on a fully invertible network based on the telegraph equation. While reversibility saves the major amount of memory used in deep networks by the data, the convolutional kernels can take up most memory if fully invertible networks contain multiple invertible pooling/coarsening layers. We address the explosion of the number of convolutional kernels by combining fully invertible networks with layers that contain the convolutional kernels in a compressed form directly. A second challenge is that invertible networks output a tensor the same size as its input. This property prevents the straightforward application of invertible networks to applications that map between different input–output dimensions, need to map to outputs with more channels than present in the input data, or desire outputs that decrease/increase the resolution compared to the input data. However, we show that by employing invertible networks in a non-standard fashion, we can still use them for these tasks. Examples in hyperspectral land-use classification, airborne geophysical surveying, and seismic imaging illustrate that we can input large data volumes in one chunk and do not need to work on small patches, use dimensionality reduction, or employ methods that classify a patch to a single central pixel.
Magnitude estimation is a critical task in seismology, and conventional methods usually require dense seismic station arrays to provide data with sufficient spatiotemporal distribution. In this context, we propose the Earthquake Graph Network (EQGraphNet) to enhance the performance of single-station magnitude estimation. The backbone of the proposed model consists of eleven convolutional neural network layers and ten RCGL modules, where a RCGL combines a Residual Connection and a Graph convolutional Layer capable of mitigating the over-smoothing problem and simultaneously extracting temporal features of seismic signals. Our work uses the STanford EArthquake Dataset for model training and performance testing. Compared with three existing deep learning models, EQGraphNet demonstrates improved accuracy for both local magnitude and duration magnitude scales. To evaluate the robustness, we add natural background noise to the model input and find that EQGraphNet achieves the best results, particularly for signals with lower signal-to-noise ratios. Additionally, by replacing various network components and comparing their estimation performances, we illustrate the contribution of each part of EQGraphNet, validating the rationality of our approach. We also demonstrate the generalization capability of our model across different earthquakes occurring environments, achieving mean errors of 0.1 units. Furthermore, by demonstrating the effectiveness of deeper architectures, this work encourages further exploration of deeper GNN models for both multi-station and single-station magnitude estimation.