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Internationalization and learning in health and social care 卫生和社会保健方面的国际化和学习
Pub Date : 2008-05-07 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00179.x
Sheila Greatrex-White

Globalization might justifiably be considered as today's driving force for world trade and economies, but it has also become identified with the increasingly supra-national context in which healthcare and higher education (HE) institutions are now operating. This new context represents a range of challenges that cannot be seen separately from the ones related to the developments towards a knowledge economy, the role of new technologies and developments towards global citizenship and lifelong learning. However, whilst embracing the advance of globalization, its impact on individual nations has to be balanced by a process of internationalization, in which countries adapt to this phenomenon while preserving their own individuality and respecting that of others. Nowhere is this more pertinent than in the fields of education, health and social care where the effect of globalization is increasingly dictating academic and professional requirements for graduates, and disciplines must adapt to provide adequate preparation, not only in academic and professional knowledge and skills, but also in cross-cultural skills and attitudes, without sacrificing quality and safety. We are likely to see increased expectations from funding and professional bodies that educators can show that they prepare their students well for global citizenship.

It is clear that globalization affects a great many aspects of our lives and we know that it raises many questions. If we take this to mean that the world is being moulded into a shared social space, questions regarding what we do in the design of our curricula (and research endeavours) that equips our students to responsibly occupy that space need to be raised. In health and social care education, we need to give attention to what it is that we seek from education and what we regard as an educated person, acknowledging that education is never value-free. Although internationalization concerns might appear social, cultural, humanistic and educational, they are also directly connected to globalization and the worry that a marketization ethos will lead to a lack of emphasis on teaching and learning and that academic quality will suffer.

Debates on the internationalization of HE have been prefaced by a number of underlying issues ranging from pressure on institutions to internationalize and the kinds of forces that are driving this, to a need for greater clarity or a common definition of the concept. Perhaps I need to delineate what I mean by internationalization, and here I draw on Van der Wende (1996, p. 23), ‘any systematic, sustained effort aimed at making higher education responsive to the requirements and challenges related to the globalization of societies, economy and labour markets.’ In this context, I associate globalization with competition, while internationalization is presumed to be associated with cooperation and collaboration. Internationalization applies to both a process of making something intern

全球化可能有理由被视为当今世界贸易和经济的驱动力,但它也与医疗保健和高等教育(HE)机构目前运作的日益超国家的背景相一致。这种新的背景代表了一系列的挑战,这些挑战不能与知识经济的发展、新技术的作用以及全球公民和终身学习的发展分开来看。然而,在接受全球化的进展的同时,它对个别国家的影响必须通过国际化进程加以平衡,在国际化进程中,各国在适应这种现象的同时保留自己的个性并尊重其他国家的个性。这一点在教育、卫生和社会保健领域最为恰当,在这些领域,全球化的影响日益决定了对毕业生的学术和专业要求,各学科必须作出调整,在不牺牲质量和安全的前提下,不仅在学术和专业知识和技能方面,而且在跨文化技能和态度方面提供充分的准备。我们可能会看到,来自资助机构和专业机构的期望越来越高,他们希望教育工作者能够证明,他们为学生做好了成为全球公民的准备。很明显,全球化影响了我们生活的许多方面,我们知道它提出了许多问题。如果我们认为这意味着世界正在被塑造成一个共享的社会空间,那么我们需要提出的问题是,我们在课程设计(和研究工作)方面做了些什么,以使我们的学生负责任地占据这个空间。在卫生和社会保健教育中,我们需要注意我们从教育中寻求什么,以及我们如何看待一个受过教育的人,承认教育从来都不是没有价值的。虽然国际化问题可能出现在社会、文化、人文和教育方面,但它们也与全球化和对市场化思潮会导致对教与学的重视不足以及学术质量受到影响的担忧直接相关。关于高等教育国际化的辩论以一些潜在的问题为开端,这些问题包括机构国际化的压力和推动这种压力的各种力量,以及对这一概念的更明确或共同定义的需要。也许我需要描述一下我所说的国际化是什么意思,这里我引用了Van der Wende(1996,第23页),“任何系统的、持续的努力,旨在使高等教育响应与社会、经济和劳动力市场全球化相关的要求和挑战。”在这种背景下,我将全球化与竞争联系在一起,而国际化则被认为与合作和协作有关。国际化既适用于使某物国际化的过程(国家之间:交流和相互影响的过程),也可以被概念化为某种意识形态或政策,例如高等教育政策研究所评论(Hatakenaka, 2004)。国际化被认为与全球和跨文化世界的需求相匹配。例如,它带来了新的挑战,包括如何促进学生和教师(包括研究人员)的流动性,开发适应全球经济和全球公民需求的学科和课程,以及如何面对来自其他国家机构的竞争。然而,这也可能意味着制定政策,以克服以严重失衡为特征的全球卫生人力危机。对发达国家和发展中国家来说,确保可持续和适当的卫生保健系统和劳动力是一个巨大的挑战。此外,获得高等教育的机会有限,维持了全球的社会不平等;因此,高等教育的国际化有时被视为一个更民主、公平和平等的世界的主要贡献者。批评人士声称,富裕国家正在吸引欠发达国家的研究人员、教师、医疗工作者和付费学生到他们自己的国家,造成了人才流失的局面。这确实引起了护理方面的关注,据报道,一些非洲国家由于大量护士离职而陷入危机。批评者还声称,国际化是由发达国家的经济和政治利益驱动的——这是一种利润最大化和确保经济增长的策略。不管你喜不喜欢,我们生活在一个全球化的世界里,高等教育的政策也越来越国际化,政策制定者、研究人员和教育工作者都大力强调国际化是高等教育的主要目标。卫生和社会保健专业人员也不能幸免于这种论述。 关键的教训是学生们对“大局”的理解,即除了更明显的经典医学干预之外,更广泛的社会结构可以改善社区的健康状况,并理解不同的职业如何为实现共同的长期目标做出贡献。读了这篇论文后,我对国际政治经济学的看法发生了变化,我现在想知道我可以开发什么样的国际政治经济学,让医疗保健专业的学生在我自己的机构里团结起来。它帮助我了解如何通过更周到地考虑IPE课程的重点来最好地为学生服务。像国际政治经济学这样的课程创新,超越了学科专业知识的水平,承担起了为拓展学生认知和有效视野而提供新体验的责任,当然值得称赞。但是正如作者指出的那样,也许我们需要更多的“榜样”来增强学生对全球背景下健康的理解。上述国际政治经济学项目在一定程度上确保了不能出国的学生能够了解国际问题。根据我的经验,可以做更多的事情来挖掘海外留学经验的财富,并与那些由于各种原因无法自己出国留学的学生/教师分享这些经验。我自己的论文(该论文群中的第三篇,也将在下一期发表)通过从第一篇论文中选取出国留学元素和第二篇论文的跨学科主题,在前两篇论文之间建立了联系。通过对国外留学文献的批判性讨论,这可能是第一篇尝试历史和跨学科方法的论文,并主张更多的跨学科成果、方法和方法共享。它为读者提供了对早期出国留学研究的深入了解,并将其与当前的研究方法相结合,得出结论认为,如果来自不同学科的研究人员分享他们的方法(也许更重要的是,将他们的数据集提供给其他研究人员),我们可以共同了解更多关于出国留学现象的信息。很难想象忽略国际化作为一种强大的驱动力可能会影响任何医疗保健学生生活的许多方面。也许我们需要开始把学生视为一个完整的人,而不仅仅是崭露头角的职业治疗师、护士、医生、物理治疗师等,让学生掌握与他们一生相关的知识、技能和态度。在卫生和社会保健的专业微观观点和社会/国际宏观观点之间需要有一个良好的平衡。另一个平衡是在学术自由和保护公众免受不称职的从业者侵害之间的平衡。这些都是我们在急于国际化的过程中不得不面对的古老挑战。然而,如果健康和社会关怀领域的教学目的是让世界变得更美好,让学生不仅为专业实践做好准备,而且为融入多元文化空间的生活做好准备,那么这些论文中描述的努力将有助于在复杂的环境中创造一个共享的绿洲。我希望这些论文能在多个层面上激发批判性的讨论,包括健康和社会护理学习中国际化的潜在意识形态动机,它对课程、学生、员工和医疗保健用户的影响,以及保持国际化问题处于形成状态。关于高等教育的日益国际化,以及这如何影响卫生和社会保健从业人员的准备,我发现了许多值得考虑的问题。越来越多的健康和社会护理专业的学生正在跨越国界,为全球经济中的职业生涯做准备。我热衷于学习和提高任何国家的教育水平,这意味着我们必须愿意分享和学习。这意味着分享经验和知识,并对来自任何方向的创新和创造力持开放态度。它还涉及建立可持续的伙伴关系;用托尼•布莱尔的话来说,“我们希望看到更多的共同研究项目、共同课程和联合学位;我们希望看到更多的学生和学术人员的交流;我们希望英国教育成为真正的国际化”(DfES 2006)。但我们也需要确保这是真正全球性的,考虑到教育——而不仅仅是竞争和建立国家和机构帝国。我想用吉卜林的诗《我们和他们》中的几句话来结束读者的阅读,这首诗对我来说包含了健康和社会关怀学习国际化的所有重要内容:
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引用次数: 2
Enablers and challenges to international practice education: a case study 国际实践教育的推动因素与挑战:个案研究
Pub Date : 2008-05-07 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00178.x
Elizabeth Anne Kinsella PhD, Ann Bossers MEd, Donna Ferreira MSc (OT)

Internationalization is a growing priority for professions, universities and governments around the globe. This has led to increased numbers of health and social care students participating in international practice education experiences. This study identifies enablers and challenges to participation in international practicum education through a case study. The case involves one occupational therapy programme and its international partners, and investigates the perspectives of students, university personnel and preceptor stakeholders. Challenges included: lack of financial support, limited placement availability, and procedural complexity. Enablers included: external financial support, champions for the concept, international connections, and access to the appropriate communication technology. Practical insights that may be relevant for enabling student participation in international education experiences are highlighted.

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引用次数: 39
Pedagogy for interprofessional education – what do we know and how can we evaluate it? 跨专业教育的教学法——我们知道什么?我们如何评价它?
Pub Date : 2008-05-07 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00175.x
Jane Payler PhD, Edgar Meyer PhD, Debra Humphris PhD

Locating this paper in the wider context of evaluations of interprofessional education (IPE), this review explores the knowledge base of the pedagogic processes for interprofessional education. The article concentrates on evidence for professionals in health, social care and education, the challenges involved in IPE and the challenges involved in evaluating IPE. Although IPE is widely discussed, detailed descriptions of the underlying pedagogy are scarce. The paper aims to provide a more detailed account of the approaches to learning and teaching in IPE. A literature review was undertaken to collate information on approaches to IPE, concentrating primarily on identifying descriptions of pedagogical features for pre- and post-registration training and continuing professional development. The review identifies a number of pedagogical models and educational processes underpinning IPE. Although the findings indicate that social-constructivist approaches, small group working and problem-based learning are often referred to, evidence of pedagogical models used in IPE and ways of developing evidence of their effectiveness and usefulness are still limited. Based on the discussion of some challenges that face IPE in general and the evaluation of IPE in particular, the authors propose the need for a theoretical framework that conceptualizes learning by taking into account the wider context of learning and the pedagogy that is employed during IPE. Reference is made to a framework which would respond to evidence in the literature that evaluations of IPE need to take into consideration different, complimentary sources of data that go beyond traditional, often positivist evaluations.

{"title":"Pedagogy for interprofessional education – what do we know and how can we evaluate it?","authors":"Jane Payler PhD,&nbsp;Edgar Meyer PhD,&nbsp;Debra Humphris PhD","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00175.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00175.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Locating this paper in the wider context of evaluations of interprofessional education (IPE), this review explores the knowledge base of the pedagogic processes for interprofessional education. The article concentrates on evidence for professionals in health, social care and education, the challenges involved in IPE and the challenges involved in evaluating IPE. Although IPE is widely discussed, detailed descriptions of the underlying pedagogy are scarce. The paper aims to provide a more detailed account of the approaches to learning and teaching in IPE. A literature review was undertaken to collate information on approaches to IPE, concentrating primarily on identifying descriptions of pedagogical features for pre- and post-registration training and continuing professional development. The review identifies a number of pedagogical models and educational processes underpinning IPE. Although the findings indicate that social-constructivist approaches, small group working and problem-based learning are often referred to, evidence of pedagogical models used in IPE and ways of developing evidence of their effectiveness and usefulness are still limited. Based on the discussion of some challenges that face IPE in general and the evaluation of IPE in particular, the authors propose the need for a theoretical framework that conceptualizes learning by taking into account the wider context of learning and the pedagogy that is employed during IPE. Reference is made to a framework which would respond to evidence in the literature that evaluations of IPE need to take into consideration different, complimentary sources of data that go beyond traditional, often positivist evaluations.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2008-05-07","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00175.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"85694816","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 44
Design considerations for online learning in health and social work education 健康和社会工作教育在线学习的设计考虑
Pub Date : 2008-02-01 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00170.x
Patricia M. Reeves PhD, Thomas C. Reeves PhD

Increasingly, health and social work educators are joining their colleagues throughout higher education in exploring the possibilities of teaching and learning online. Online teaching and learning initiatives have been aided by both proprietary and open source course management systems such as BlackBoard and Moodle. However, the rush to put courses online is rarely informed by adequate consideration of the affordances of the World Wide Web to support different types of pedagogical dimensions or instructional design. In addition, academic staff members may jump into teaching online without sufficient consideration of the design components that can be implemented in online courses. This study provides an introduction to 10 design dimensions, derived from research and theory in instructional technology, cognitive science and adult education, for guiding the design and evaluation of online learning environments for health and social work education. It concludes by addressing the rewards and risks of online learning.

{"title":"Design considerations for online learning in health and social work education","authors":"Patricia M. Reeves PhD,&nbsp;Thomas C. Reeves PhD","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00170.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00170.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Increasingly, health and social work educators are joining their colleagues throughout higher education in exploring the possibilities of teaching and learning online. Online teaching and learning initiatives have been aided by both proprietary and open source course management systems such as BlackBoard and Moodle. However, the rush to put courses online is rarely informed by adequate consideration of the affordances of the World Wide Web to support different types of pedagogical dimensions or instructional design. In addition, academic staff members may jump into teaching online without sufficient consideration of the design components that can be implemented in online courses. This study provides an introduction to 10 design dimensions, derived from research and theory in instructional technology, cognitive science and adult education, for guiding the design and evaluation of online learning environments for health and social work education. It concludes by addressing the rewards and risks of online learning.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2008-02-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00170.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"79116797","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 60
Induction and transition in the National Health Service for four professional groups 国家卫生服务体系中四个专业群体的入职和过渡
Pub Date : 2008-02-01 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00171.x
Hywel Thomas BA (Econ & Soc Studs) MEd PhD PGCE, Judith Hicks BA Dip. Ed MEd, Graeme Martin BSc CertEd MEd, Gill Cressey BEd MSc (Econ) CEE PhD

National Health Service policies of induction and supporting transition into posts face three key issues: meeting a diversity of needs in terms of change, the integration of induction into a service with profession-specific policies and practices, and their configuration with workforce policies designed to alter role boundaries and develop more interprofessional working. In examining these three areas, the study reported here reviews current practice in four professional groups (dentists working in the community dental service, children's nurses, pharmacists and radiographers) with the purpose of reviewing their experience of induction and transition in relation to National Health Service policies and contexts. The small-scale qualitative study was conducted between September 2005 and March 2006. Twenty-one interviews were undertaken with pharmacists and children's nurses working in hospitals and primary care, radiographers in hospitals and community dentists in primary care; relevant national and local policy documents were also analysed. The study concludes by recognizing that ‘statutory’ induction is secure, that more attention is needed to support interprofessional learning at points of transition; that disparities in access to training may become increasingly problematic; that significant aspects of current practice do not match contemporary policy requirements; and that more research into the models of learning that will facilitate more effective interprofessional working are needed.

{"title":"Induction and transition in the National Health Service for four professional groups","authors":"Hywel Thomas BA (Econ & Soc Studs) MEd PhD PGCE,&nbsp;Judith Hicks BA Dip. Ed MEd,&nbsp;Graeme Martin BSc CertEd MEd,&nbsp;Gill Cressey BEd MSc (Econ) CEE PhD","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00171.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00171.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>National Health Service policies of induction and supporting transition into posts face three key issues: meeting a diversity of needs in terms of change, the integration of induction into a service with profession-specific policies and practices, and their configuration with workforce policies designed to alter role boundaries and develop more interprofessional working. In examining these three areas, the study reported here reviews current practice in four professional groups (dentists working in the community dental service, children's nurses, pharmacists and radiographers) with the purpose of reviewing their experience of induction and transition in relation to National Health Service policies and contexts. The small-scale qualitative study was conducted between September 2005 and March 2006. Twenty-one interviews were undertaken with pharmacists and children's nurses working in hospitals and primary care, radiographers in hospitals and community dentists in primary care; relevant national and local policy documents were also analysed. The study concludes by recognizing that ‘statutory’ induction is secure, that more attention is needed to support interprofessional learning at points of transition; that disparities in access to training may become increasingly problematic; that significant aspects of current practice do not match contemporary policy requirements; and that more research into the models of learning that will facilitate more effective interprofessional working are needed.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2008-02-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00171.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"86743495","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 10
Non-formal learning and interprofessional collaboration in health and social care: the influence of the quality of staff interaction on student learning about collaborative behaviour in practice placements 健康和社会护理中的非正式学习和专业间合作:员工互动质量对学生在实习中学习合作行为的影响
Pub Date : 2008-02-01 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00169.x
Katherine C. Pollard PhD MSc PGDip (SocSci) BA DipHEM RM

This paper reports findings from a qualitative study exploring pre-qualifying health and social care students’ experiences of interprofessional learning and working in practice placement settings. The author argues that processes of non-formal learning and unconscious role modelling in these environments are key to students’ developing collaborative skills. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a quota sample of 52 students from 10 health and social care professions. Data were analysed thematically. The nature of interprofessional collaboration varied across different settings, with students encountering a more disparate range of professions and agencies in community and social work settings than in acute healthcare settings. Most students appeared to have been exposed to examples of both effective and poor collaborative working. Although many students characterized interprofessional collaboration in placement settings as ‘good’, this assessment often conflicted with their description of behaviour that could be considered to constitute suboptimal collaborative practice. Students perceived the quality of interprofessional interaction to depend mainly on interpersonal communication, showing little awareness of how organizational systems influence collaboration. The findings show that some staff in placement settings experienced problems when working with colleagues from other disciplines, and indicate that consequently, through processes of non-formal learning and unconscious role modelling, some students may have learned inappropriate behaviours with regard to interprofessional working. Although students were not necessarily expected to appreciate the importance of appropriate organizational systems for the establishment and maintenance of effective interprofessional collaboration, it appeared that staff members might also not be aware of these issues. The author argues that staff in placement settings need to understand and model the relevant capacities in order to provide students with appropriate learning opportunities in this regard. It appears that qualified staff need support to develop their own collaborative practice, so that they are able effectively to support students’ interprofessional learning and working in practice.

{"title":"Non-formal learning and interprofessional collaboration in health and social care: the influence of the quality of staff interaction on student learning about collaborative behaviour in practice placements","authors":"Katherine C. Pollard PhD MSc PGDip (SocSci) BA DipHEM RM","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00169.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00169.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This paper reports findings from a qualitative study exploring pre-qualifying health and social care students’ experiences of interprofessional learning and working in practice placement settings. The author argues that processes of non-formal learning and unconscious role modelling in these environments are key to students’ developing collaborative skills. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a quota sample of 52 students from 10 health and social care professions. Data were analysed thematically. The nature of interprofessional collaboration varied across different settings, with students encountering a more disparate range of professions and agencies in community and social work settings than in acute healthcare settings. Most students appeared to have been exposed to examples of both effective and poor collaborative working. Although many students characterized interprofessional collaboration in placement settings as ‘good’, this assessment often conflicted with their description of behaviour that could be considered to constitute suboptimal collaborative practice. Students perceived the quality of interprofessional interaction to depend mainly on interpersonal communication, showing little awareness of how organizational systems influence collaboration. The findings show that some staff in placement settings experienced problems when working with colleagues from other disciplines, and indicate that consequently, through processes of non-formal learning and unconscious role modelling, some students may have learned inappropriate behaviours with regard to interprofessional working. Although students were not necessarily expected to appreciate the importance of appropriate organizational systems for the establishment and maintenance of effective interprofessional collaboration, it appeared that staff members might also not be aware of these issues. The author argues that staff in placement settings need to understand and model the relevant capacities in order to provide students with appropriate learning opportunities in this regard. It appears that qualified staff need support to develop their own collaborative practice, so that they are able effectively to support students’ interprofessional learning and working in practice.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2008-02-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00169.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"88726906","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 52
Construction of the client in physiotherapy student's practical learning sessions: a discourse analytic study 物理治疗学生实践学习中客户的建构:话语分析研究
Pub Date : 2008-02-01 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00172.x
Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen MSc RPT, Ulla Talvitie PhD RPT, Minna-Riitta Luukka PhD

In recent years, there has been a tendency to stress the active role and equal partnership of clients in social and healthcare. Moreover, research in the role of clients has attracted growing interest. Clinical education has been seen as an excellent arena for learning the distinctiveness of the interaction between the client and the professional physiotherapist by giving students the chance to participate in actual healthcare encounters. This study focuses on examining the construction of various client roles through interactions between participants in practical learning sessions that physiotherapy students took part in. These sessions were real professional physiotherapy encounters. Qualitative discourse analysis was applied to 12 videotaped practical learning sessions and four constructions of the client were identified. These interpretative repertoires were named according to the client's role in the interaction as ‘receiver’, ‘executer’, ‘participator’ and ‘fellow’. The identified repertoires represented the multi-dimensionality and contradictory construction of the client during sessions where two professionals differing in knowledge and skills worked together. Although the professional appeared to play a dominant role in constructing the client role, the client's eagerness to participate was also significant. Extrapolating from the study, we suggest that in aiming to enhance student understanding and practice of patient-centred physiotherapy, clinical educators should be aware of the interactional practices through which the participation of the client can be supported.

{"title":"Construction of the client in physiotherapy student's practical learning sessions: a discourse analytic study","authors":"Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen MSc RPT,&nbsp;Ulla Talvitie PhD RPT,&nbsp;Minna-Riitta Luukka PhD","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00172.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00172.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>In recent years, there has been a tendency to stress the active role and equal partnership of clients in social and healthcare. Moreover, research in the role of clients has attracted growing interest. Clinical education has been seen as an excellent arena for learning the distinctiveness of the interaction between the client and the professional physiotherapist by giving students the chance to participate in actual healthcare encounters. This study focuses on examining the construction of various client roles through interactions between participants in practical learning sessions that physiotherapy students took part in. These sessions were real professional physiotherapy encounters. Qualitative discourse analysis was applied to 12 videotaped practical learning sessions and four constructions of the client were identified. These interpretative repertoires were named according to the client's role in the interaction as ‘receiver’, ‘executer’, ‘participator’ and ‘fellow’. The identified repertoires represented the multi-dimensionality and contradictory construction of the client during sessions where two professionals differing in knowledge and skills worked together. Although the professional appeared to play a dominant role in constructing the client role, the client's eagerness to participate was also significant. Extrapolating from the study, we suggest that in aiming to enhance student understanding and practice of patient-centred physiotherapy, clinical educators should be aware of the interactional practices through which the participation of the client can be supported.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2008-02-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00172.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"86331041","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 5
Experiential gaming to facilitate cultural awareness: its implication for developing emotional caring in nursing 体验游戏促进文化意识:其对护理中情感关怀发展的影响
Pub Date : 2008-02-01 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00168.x
Iain Graham PhD RN, Eileen Richardson MA BA RN RNT

For nurses to deliver effective transcultural care, it must be carried out in a way that recognizes cultural difference and responds sensitively to it. In this study, the authors address the meaning of ‘cultural awareness’ and its place in the development of cultural competence among healthcare professionals. They explore the difficulties of providing effective methods for enabling students to become culturally aware and consider the use of games/simulations, whereby the learning experience emphasizes action and students begin to explore and evaluate through reflection. The focus then turns to using games in promoting cultural awareness based on the authors’ experiences. Over several years, Bournemouth University and other European and American partners have developed and used with effect two particular games specifically tailored for work with healthcare professionals. The content and scope of the games are described which, together with supporting material, constitute a day's workshop and provide an excellent basis for furthering the development of cultural knowledge and skills. The final discussion describes how, with the present trend towards a scientific–technological approach to teaching/learning, the craft of nursing is being lost and therefore the complexity of caring is not being realized. This in turn jeopardizes the students’ emotional learning, thereby negating the strength of nursing and the understanding of nursing as a discipline and practice. We believe that re-investing in forgotten teaching methods like gaming/simulation may help students interpret nursing as a caring practice that is academically defensible.

{"title":"Experiential gaming to facilitate cultural awareness: its implication for developing emotional caring in nursing","authors":"Iain Graham PhD RN,&nbsp;Eileen Richardson MA BA RN RNT","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00168.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00168.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>For nurses to deliver effective transcultural care, it must be carried out in a way that recognizes cultural difference and responds sensitively to it. In this study, the authors address the meaning of ‘cultural awareness’ and its place in the development of cultural competence among healthcare professionals. They explore the difficulties of providing effective methods for enabling students to become culturally aware and consider the use of games/simulations, whereby the learning experience emphasizes action and students begin to explore and evaluate through reflection. The focus then turns to using games in promoting cultural awareness based on the authors’ experiences. Over several years, Bournemouth University and other European and American partners have developed and used with effect two particular games specifically tailored for work with healthcare professionals. The content and scope of the games are described which, together with supporting material, constitute a day's workshop and provide an excellent basis for furthering the development of cultural knowledge and skills. The final discussion describes how, with the present trend towards a scientific–technological approach to teaching/learning, the craft of nursing is being lost and therefore the complexity of caring is not being realized. This in turn jeopardizes the students’ emotional learning, thereby negating the strength of nursing and the understanding of nursing as a discipline and practice. We believe that re-investing in forgotten teaching methods like gaming/simulation may help students interpret nursing as a caring practice that is academically defensible.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2008-02-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2008.00168.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"80291428","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 30
Teamworking in healthcare: longitudinal evaluation of a teambuilding intervention 医疗保健中的团队合作:团队建设干预的纵向评估
Pub Date : 2007-10-31 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00164.x
Julie E. Bayley BSc MSc, Louise M. Wallace BSc MBA PhD C.Psychol F.B.Ps.S, Peter Spurgeon B.Sc. PhD A.B.Ps.S., Fred Barwell B.Sc. M.Sc. PhD C.Psychol, Patti Mazelan B.Sc. PhD

Modernization of health services is a priority in the UK requiring changes in the working practices of all staff, and improved teamworking is a prerequisite of effective service delivery. This study evaluates a short teambuilding course delivered to health professionals. A longitudinal survey design was used to assess the feasibility of the course and the change in individual perceptions of team roles and team functioning, and communication skills by questionnaires immediately after the course (time 1), at 3 months (time 2) and at 6 months (time 3). Three questionnaires (Team Development Measure, Teambuilding Questionnaire and Teambuilding Questionnaire-II) were administered over this period, and telephone interviews were conducted with team members and managers at time 3. Combined results suggest that the teambuilding programme lead to an apparent slight improvement in perceived teamworking at 3 months but this had disappeared at 6 months. Although the development of individual teamworking skills is important, interventions must consider the impact of individual, team and organizational level factors on successful translation of learning into practice. Several limitations to the study are discussed.

保健服务现代化是联合王国的一项优先事项,要求改变所有工作人员的工作做法,改善团队合作是有效提供服务的先决条件。本研究评估一个短期的团队建设课程交付给卫生专业人员。采用纵向调查设计,在课程结束后立即(时间1)、3个月(时间2)和6个月(时间3)进行问卷调查,以评估课程的可行性和个人对团队角色和团队功能的看法以及沟通技巧的变化。在此期间进行了3份问卷调查(团队发展量表、团队建设问卷和团队建设问卷- ii)。并且在时间3对团队成员和经理进行了电话采访。综合结果表明,团队建设项目在3个月时对团队合作的感知有明显的轻微改善,但在6个月时就消失了。虽然个人团队合作技能的发展很重要,但干预措施必须考虑个人、团队和组织层面因素对成功将学习转化为实践的影响。讨论了本研究的几个局限性。
{"title":"Teamworking in healthcare: longitudinal evaluation of a teambuilding intervention","authors":"Julie E. Bayley BSc MSc,&nbsp;Louise M. Wallace BSc MBA PhD C.Psychol F.B.Ps.S,&nbsp;Peter Spurgeon B.Sc. PhD A.B.Ps.S.,&nbsp;Fred Barwell B.Sc. M.Sc. PhD C.Psychol,&nbsp;Patti Mazelan B.Sc. PhD","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00164.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00164.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Modernization of health services is a priority in the UK requiring changes in the working practices of all staff, and improved teamworking is a prerequisite of effective service delivery. This study evaluates a short teambuilding course delivered to health professionals. A longitudinal survey design was used to assess the feasibility of the course and the change in individual perceptions of team roles and team functioning, and communication skills by questionnaires immediately after the course (time 1), at 3 months (time 2) and at 6 months (time 3). Three questionnaires (Team Development Measure, Teambuilding Questionnaire and Teambuilding Questionnaire-II) were administered over this period, and telephone interviews were conducted with team members and managers at time 3. Combined results suggest that the teambuilding programme lead to an apparent slight improvement in perceived teamworking at 3 months but this had disappeared at 6 months. Although the development of individual teamworking skills is important, interventions must consider the impact of individual, team and organizational level factors on successful translation of learning into practice. Several limitations to the study are discussed.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2007-10-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00164.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"87864595","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 8
Factors influencing the quality of student learning on practice placements 影响学生实习学习质量的因素
Pub Date : 2007-10-31 DOI: 10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00161.x
Jenny Morris EdD MSc BA GradDipPhys DipTP CertEd(FE)

Practice/clinical placements are central to learning in healthcare programmes, and optimizing learning during placements is important. However, little literature exists on physiotherapy students’ practice placement experiences. That which has been published presents a picture of both positive and negative experiences.

The topic was addressed within a larger longitudinal study into the learning experiences of students from non-traditional backgrounds undertaking a 4-year part-time physiotherapy programme. Seventeen students from the 2000 cohort participated in the qualitative phenomenographic study. The study met institutional ethical requirements and participants’ gave written informed consent. Within the individual semi-structured interviews undertaken in the final year, participants were asked to identify the aspects of their practice placements which had least and most facilitated their learning.

Data were analysed using a phenomenographic approach, which identifies variation in the ways in which people experience phenomena. The iterative process began with identification of interview responses from verbatim transcriptions of the interviews, and ended with a set of categories of description which, together, captured the full set of participants’ responses. Representative quotations illustrated the nature and scope of each category of description and provided evidence regarding the rigour of the data analysis process.

Some categories were identified as both positive and negative, for example direct involvement with patients, educator–student interaction, with the degree and nature of context deciding on the direction of participants’ perceptions. Factors relating to placement organization were also found to have both positive and negative influences on learning. Effective communication is proposed as a means to addressing the negative aspects identified.

This study provides useful information on participant's perceptions of the quality of their clinical placement experiences. However, the research base on this important topic continues to be small, and further research is needed on physiotherapy students from both traditional and non-traditional backgrounds.

{"title":"Factors influencing the quality of student learning on practice placements","authors":"Jenny Morris EdD MSc BA GradDipPhys\u0000\t\t\t\t\t\tDipTP CertEd(FE)","doi":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00161.x","DOIUrl":"10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00161.x","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Practice/clinical placements are central to learning in healthcare programmes, and optimizing learning during placements is important. However, little literature exists on physiotherapy students’ practice placement experiences. That which has been published presents a picture of both positive and negative experiences.</p><p>The topic was addressed within a larger longitudinal study into the learning experiences of students from non-traditional backgrounds undertaking a 4-year part-time physiotherapy programme. Seventeen students from the 2000 cohort participated in the qualitative phenomenographic study. The study met institutional ethical requirements and participants’ gave written informed consent. Within the individual semi-structured interviews undertaken in the final year, participants were asked to identify the aspects of their practice placements which had least and most facilitated their learning.</p><p>Data were analysed using a phenomenographic approach, which identifies variation in the ways in which people experience phenomena. The iterative process began with identification of interview responses from verbatim transcriptions of the interviews, and ended with a set of categories of description which, together, captured the full set of participants’ responses. Representative quotations illustrated the nature and scope of each category of description and provided evidence regarding the rigour of the data analysis process.</p><p>Some categories were identified as both positive and negative, for example direct involvement with patients, educator–student interaction, with the degree and nature of context deciding on the direction of participants’ perceptions. Factors relating to placement organization were also found to have both positive and negative influences on learning. Effective communication is proposed as a means to addressing the negative aspects identified.</p><p>This study provides useful information on participant's perceptions of the quality of their clinical placement experiences. However, the research base on this important topic continues to be small, and further research is needed on physiotherapy students from both traditional and non-traditional backgrounds.</p>","PeriodicalId":100874,"journal":{"name":"Learning in Health and Social Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2007-10-31","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1473-6861.2007.00161.x","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"72719328","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 14
Learning in Health and Social Care
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