The aim of the present work is the determination of different essential (minor and trace) elements found in five Moroccan vegetables collected from large commercial markets in Kenitra city, Morocco, and in some organic vegetables which were traditionally grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, in a plot located in the rural commune of Dar Laaslouji, 48 km from Kenitra city. The k0-standardisation method of the Neutron Activation Analysis (k0-INAA) using the TRIGA Mark II research reactor of 2 MW at the National Centre for Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (CNESTEN) and gamma-ray spectroscopy facility were employed. For quality control, the accuracy of measurements has been investigated using certified reference materials (IAEA-336 lichens, and NIST SRM 1547 peach leaves) which were analyzed simultaneously with the samples. Good agreement was found between certified and determined values. The primary results are presented and discussed for the concentration of minor and trace elements in some vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, green peppers, cilantro and mint), that are widely used in Moroccan meals.