A method is suggested for the direct computation of the current density in strong magnetic field. Some properties of the obtained expression are discussed.
A method is suggested for the direct computation of the current density in strong magnetic field. Some properties of the obtained expression are discussed.
The photoelectric yield of nickel and gold is measured using the photoionization of atomic hydrogen.
The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 of the 59Co NMR in ferromagnetic Co monotonically decreases with increasing field, approaching a constant value for H > 4φM. The high field rate is in semi-quantitative agreement with previous theoretical calculations. Similar results are found for 61Ni in Ni and 55Mn for Mn impurities in Fe.
In response to a small low-frequency a.c. field superimposed upon a large d.c. field, small flux jumps are observed to occur only during the half cycle corresponding to flux flowing out of a type II superconductor when in the mixed state. An explanation is proposed based on the thermal effects of the flow, creation and annihilation of flux vortices.
An exact solution of the linearized gap equation when the quantization of electrons in a constant magnetic field is obtained. From this the previous calculation of the present authors is recovered and the De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations in the critical temperature of a type II superconductor is derived.
The effective moment of a localized spin impurity in a metal is calculated to second order in perturbation theory for general values of the magnetic field.
The electroreflection spectrum of polycrystalline selenium in the range 1.5 – 4.1 eV is presented. Results are compared with published reflectivity data and energy band calculations.
The spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of 19F in BaF2 crystals has been measured from 300° to 1150°K.
The lifetimes of the 3d54s4p z6P and y6P levels of manganese have been measured by the method of zero field level crossing (Hanle effect). The following preliminary results have been derived: and .