Introduction: Post-Covid Syndrome, Sick Building Syndrome, Silicone Breast Syndrome, Choric Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia -Autoimmunity to the Autonomic Nervous System.
Introduction: Post-Covid Syndrome, Sick Building Syndrome, Silicone Breast Syndrome, Choric Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia -Autoimmunity to the Autonomic Nervous System.
Introduction: Hebrew Edition of Laryngectomee Guide.
Introduction: : Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is a scale used to evaluate functional status during rehabilitation. The associations between FIM scale scores upon stroke rehabilitation completion and functional status of older adults according to the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines has never been studied until now.
Aims: To study the association between FIM scale scores upon stroke rehabilitation completion and functional status of older adults according to the Israeli MOH guidelines.
Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the Geriatric Rehabilitation department in Sheba Medical Center. Medical charts of older adults (age ≥65 years) admitted for rehabilitation during 2018-2020 following stroke were studied. Age, gender, total FIM score upon rehabilitation completion, functional status upon rehabilitation completion according to the Israeli MOH guidelines and moving to a nursing-home were documented.
Results: The cohort included 119 older adults: 63 (52.9%) males; mean age was 80.5±7.6 years. Most older adults were severely dependent upon rehabilitation completion (n=97/119, 81.5%) and 16 (16.5%) of whom moved to a nursing-home. Median total FIM scores upon rehabilitation completion was 109 (IQR: 106-116) in mildly dependent older adults, 69 (IQR: 48-84) in severely dependent community-dwelling older adults, and 34 (IQR: 25-45) in severely dependent nursing-home residents (p<0.001). Total FIM score of 100 (or less) had the highest sensitivity (93.8%) and specificity (95.5%) in differentiating between mildly dependent and severely dependent older adults. Binary logistic regression showed a significant association between being severely dependent and total FIM scores upon stroke rehabilitation completion - adjusted for age and gender (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.30-0.92, p=0.025).
Conclusions: These findings may assist Israeli geriatricians who use the FIM scale to define the functional status of older adults upon stroke rehabilitation completion.
Introduction: Imatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and is used for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) since 2002. We present a patient who suffered from fluid retention and periorbital edema secondary to this drug.
Introduction: Pregnancy due to rape during captivity in female hostages is a complex, devastating and extremely challenging issue for victims, families and medical staff and may raise difficult ethical and clinical issues. Literature on the subject is scarce. Females who became pregnant as a result of rape in captivity in recent history, especially Yazidi women in ISIS captivity, suffered from a wide range of mental disorders including; post-traumatic stress disorder in high prevalence, anxiety, depression, severe dissociative disorder, somatoform disorder and sexual functioning disorders. Higher levels of education and the absence of prior mental disorders predicted better post-traumatic growth. It is crucial to prepare the medical staff to all possible scenarios including a potential refusal of the victim to opt for abortion due to emotional or religious reasons. It is extremely important to respect the victim's wishes and autonomy while avoiding paternalism or prejudice but at the same time offering consultation when confusion arises.
Introduction: Amblyopia is a common cause of visual impairment in children. There is circumstantial evidence for the correlation between living in impoverished areas and treatment failure. However, no large study directly assessed this correlation.
Aims: To check the correlation between socioeconomic status and amblyopia treatment success rates, in children 3-18 years old.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study, review of the electronic medical records of patients treated for amblyopia in a tertiary center during a period of 24 years.
Results: A total of 102 participants were enrolled in the study, of whom 50 came from impoverished areas and were the study group. The study and control group participants had similar distribution of age, sex and baseline clinical data. Study group participants had significantly lower baseline visual acuity. The mean follow-up time was 34 months. Both groups had a significant improvement in visual acuity and a significant decline in severe amblyopia proportion. Final visual acuity, visual improvement and amblyopia severity were similar in both groups. The proportion of successful treatments was similar in both groups.
Discussion: Although participants from impoverished areas began follow-up with significantly lower visual acuity, their vision has improved during follow-up and was similar to final visual acuity of the control group. Amblyopia treatment has eliminated the gap in visual acuity between amblyopic patients from impoverished areas and amblyopic patients in the general population. Conclusion: Given good treatment compliance, social disparities were not significant determinants of amblyopia treatment success.
Introduction: Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy and is the leading cause of preventable irreversible blindness worldwide. Glaucoma causes progressive visual field loss and can have significant implications on the patient's quality of life. Lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) is the only treatment proven to prevent vision loss from glaucoma. It is achieved using medication, laser treatment and surgery. The treatment paradigm of glaucoma has been one whereby surgical intervention has been left for advanced cases due to a variety of reasons, mainly concerning safety and long term success. The past two decades have seen a paradigm shift towards earlier IOP lowering interventions using a wide array of different technologies in the laser and surgical spaces. This review aims to understand the background to this paradigm shift, its necessity, and its potential impact on the vision and life of glaucoma patients.
Introduction: Eyelid blepharoplasty, including lower eyelid blepharoplasty, are among the most common aesthetic surgeries recently performed. In contrast to upper eyelid blepharoplasty, lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a surgery with mostly an aesthetic indication, in which patients bear all associated costs, and their expectations rise accordingly. Nevertheless, the complexity of the anatomy, the differences in the aging processes of the face and eyelids between patients, the diversity of surgical methods, and the expectations gap make the surgery more challenging in comparison to upper eyelid blepharoplasty. A comprehensive understanding of the eyelid anatomy and the surrounding tissues, as well as matching expectations alongside with thorough preoperative evaluation, are all essential for providing a more personal adjustment of the surgical method and avoiding complications and mental distress for both patients and surgeons. This article briefly reviews the anatomy and aging processes of the lower eyelids, the main surgical approaches, and their common complications. Moreover, we present a framework for how such complications can be avoided.
Introduction: Ophthalmology is a broad branch of medicine, which includes an extensive range of sub-specialties on one hand, and interfaces with other fields of medicine on the other. This issue contains papers from different sub-specialties of ophthalmology, that together cover several of the most important issues in this field. These papers present the topics in a manner compatible with the wide readership of the journal, and touch upon the most current updates and innovations. The original articles in this issue deal with treatments for the prevention of myopia progression in children, treatment of complicated cases of retinal detachment in children, ocular manifestations of vascular abnormalities in patients with coronavirus, and a series of patients with corneal damage due to ultraviolet-C (UVC) lamps intended to clear the air of this virus. The review papers describe glaucoma and the current change in its treatment paradigm, which focuses on earlier intervention, ocular manifestations of systemic autoimmune diseases, and the possibilities for artificial corneal implantation. We hope that this special issue will be of interest and clinical value to its readers.