Introduction: Pulmonary embolism (PE) can be diagnosed by perfusion lung scintigraphy using human albumin macroaggregates labelled 99mTc (99mTc-MAA). When PE is suspected, subcutaneous Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) should be administered even before the results of the PE diagnostic flowchart. In our study, we aimed to evaluate a possible interaction (in vitro interference) between 99mTc-MAA and LMWH.
Methods: The reconstitution of MAA kit was performed according to the manufacturer's instruction. After labelling, we carried out the following preparations: a standard dose of 99mTc-MAA alone, as control; 99mTc-MAA and enoxaparin at different ratios. According to the manufacturer's instruction, the radiochemical purity was performed and evaluated immediately (T0), after 15 and 30 minutes after incubation (T15 and T30).
Results: We compared the radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MAA with: (i) radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MAA and enoxaparin (11 ratio), (ii) radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MAA and enoxaparin (0.5 ratio), and (iii) radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MAA and enoxaparin (ratio 2). No significant differences were found between all the measured parameters at each time point for each ratio. We also tested the stability of 99mTc-MAA in physiological conditions (at 37°C in PBS): the initial radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MAA was 99.78%. The values of 99mTc-MAA radiochemical purity were high in all conditions of possible interaction with LMWH, with values ranging from 98.00% at T0 to 95% at T30.
Conclusion: We found no statistically significant change in the in vitro stability of 99mTc-MAA in the presence of enoxaparin, excluding a possible direct interference. Future studies will be needed to check the 99mTc-MAA stability under physiological conditions.
Aims: The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate SUVs variability with respect to lesion size, administered dose, and reconstruction algorithm.
Background: SUVmax and SUVpeak are influenced by technical factors as count statistics and reconstruction algorithms.
Objective: To fulfill the aim, we evaluated the SUVs variability with respect to lesion size, administered dose, and reconstruction algorithm (ordered - subset expectation maximization plus point spread function option - OSEM+PSF, regularized Bayesian Penalized Likelihood - BPL) in a 5 - rings BGO PET/CT scanner.
Methods: Discovery IQ scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US) was used for list mode acquisition of 25 FDG patients, 12 injected with 3.7 MBq/kg (Standard Dose protocol - SD) and 13 injected with 1.8 MBq/kg (Low Dose protocol - LD). Each acquisition was reconstructed at different time/FOV with both OSEM+PSF algorithm and BPL using seven different beta factors. SUVs were calculated in 70 lesions and analysed in function of time/FOV and Beta. Image quality was evaluated as a coefficient of variation of the liver (CV - liver).
Results: SUVs were not considerably affected by time/FOV. However, SUVs were influenced by beta: differences were higher in small lesions (37% for SUVmax, 15% for SUVpeak) compared to larger ones (14% and 6%). CV - liver ranged from 6% with Beta-500 (LD and SD) to 13% with Beta- 200 (LD). CV - liver of BPL with Beta-350 (optimized for clinical practice in our institution) in LD was lower than CV - liver of OSEM+PSF in SD.
Conclusion: When a high sensitivity 5 - rings BGO PET/CT scanner is used with the same reconstruction algorithm, quantification by means of SUVmax and SUVpeak is a robust standard compared to the activity and scan duration. However, both SUVs and image quality are influenced by reconstruction algorithms and the related parameters should be considered to obtain the best compromise between detectability, quantification, and noise.
Clinical imaging equipment technological advancements offer insight into the evolution of mathematical techniques used to estimate parameters necessary to characterize the microvasculature and, thus, differentiate normal tissues from abnormal ones. These parameters are blood flow (F), capillary endothelial permeability surface area product (PS), vascular fraction (ve), and extravascular extracellular space size (EES,ve). There are a number of well-established approaches that exist in the literature; however, their analysis is restricted by complexity and is heavily influenced by noise. On the other hand, these characteristics can also be calculated using simpler and straightforward approaches such as Up-Slope Method (USM) and Graphical Analysis (GA). The review looks into the theoretical background and clinical uses of these methodologies, as well as the applicability of these techniques in various sections of the human body.
Background: Radiotherapy is used as one of the most effective regimens for cancer treatment, while radioresistance is a major drawback in cancer treatment.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the sensitizing effect of olanzapine (OLA) with X-ray on glioblastoma (U-87 MG) cells death.
Methods: The synergistic killing effect of OLA with ionizing radiation (IR) on glioma was evaluated by colony formation assay. The generations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and protein carbonyl (PC) as oxidized proteins were determined in OLA-treated and irradiated cells.
Results: Results of this study showed that OLA reduced the number of colonies in irradiated glioma cells.OLA elevated ROS and PC levels in irradiated cells. The synergistic killing effect of OLA with IR in U-87 MG cells was observed at concentrations of 1 μM and 20 μM of OLA. The maximum radiosensitizing effect of OLA was observed at a concentration of 20 μM.
Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that OLA has a radiosensitizing effect on cell death induced by IR in glioma cells.
Background: The synthesis of 225Actinium derivatives was afforded by using PSMA- 617, DOTATATE peptides, and EDTMP ligand. Detailed experiments, quality control (QC), and stability studies were also well described. The radiolabelling reactions were performed in mild conditions with desirable radiochemical yields and high radiochemical purities.
Methods: PSMA-617, DOTATATE were radiolabelled with 225Actinium in 0.1 M HCl in the presence of ascorbate buffer solution and passed through the C-18 light cartridge for purification and the product was eluted by ethanol-water solution. EDTMP was also radiolabelled with 225Actinium without using any stabilizer and purification step. All products were well analyzed by R-TLC and R-HPLC. The stability of those compounds was also studied within the validity period of time.
Results: 225Ac-DOTATATE and 225Ac-PSMA-617 were obtained at the same condition. The radiochemical yield of 225Ac-DOTATATE was less than225Ac-PSMA 617. The stability experiments indicating decay daughters of 225Actinium appeared after T0 +1 h due to the recoil effect radiolysis. On the other hand, 225Ac-EDTMP was more stable than DOTA-peptide radiolabelled compounds. 225Ac-EDTMP was produced with more than 95% radiochemical yield and 99% radiochemical purity.
Conclusion: A detailed chemistry study was presented for the synthesis of 225Actinium derivatives in mild conditions with absolute radiochemical purities and high yields. The experimental results showed that 225Ac-EDTMP could be a suitable radiopharmaceutical alternative for bone metastases arising from primer tumors as a cocktail therapy.