Introduction: Aortic dissections and dissections of cervical, cerebral, and coronary arteries have been previously reported in scuba divers. These incidents may be the consequence of a variety of physiological effects. We review the reported cases of arterial dissection in scuba divers and discuss potential contributing factors related to immersion and diving.
Methods: Medline, CINAHL Plus, and SPORTDiscus were searched for published reports of arterial dissection and the Australasian Diving Safety Foundation fatality database was searched for additional cases from Australia. Identified cases were recorded and scrutinised for possible contributing factors.
Results: Nineteen cases of arterial dissection, both fatal and non-fatal, were identified. These included cervical or intracranial artery dissection (n = 14), aortic dissection (n = 4), and coronary artery dissection (n = 1). There were 14 male and five female victims; mean age 44 years (SD 14, range 18-65). Contributing factors may include a combination of vasoconstriction and blood redistribution, untreated hypertension, increased pulse pressure, abnormal neck movement or positioning, constrictive and burdensome equipment, exercise, increased gas density and circuit resistance with concomitant elevated work of breathing, atheroma, and possibly the mammalian dive response.
Conclusions: Dissecting aneurysms of the aorta or cervical, cerebral, and coronary arteries should be considered as a potential complication of scuba diving. The development of aneurysms associated with scuba diving is likely multifactorial in pathogenesis. Detailed reporting is important in the evaluation of cases. The potential role of the mammalian dive response as a contributing factor requires further evaluation.