Perinatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals negatively impacts health, but the mechanism by which such toxicants damage long-term reproductive and metabolic function is unknown. Lipid metabolism plays a pivotal role in steroid hormone synthesis as well as energy utilization and storage; thus, aberrant lipid regulation may contribute to phthalate-driven health impairments. In order to test this hypothesis, we specifically examined epigenetic disruptions in lipid metabolism pathways after perinatal phthalate exposure. During gestation and lactation, pregnant Long-Evans rat dams were fed environmentally relevant doses of phthalate mixture: 0 (CON), 200 (LO), or 1000 (HI) µg/kg body weight/day. On PND90, male offspring in the LO and HI groups had higher body weights than CON rats. Gene expression of lipid metabolism pathways was altered in testis and adipose tissue of males exposed to the HI phthalate dosage. Specifically, Srebf1 was downregulated in testis and Srebf2 was upregulated in adipose tissue. In testis of HI rats, DNA methylation was increased at two loci and reduced at one other site surrounding Srebf1 transcription start site. In adipose tissue of HI rats, we observed increased DNA methylation at one region within the first intron of Srebf2. Computational analysis revealed several potential transcriptional regulator binding sites, suggesting functional relevance of the identified differentially methylated CpGs. Overall, we show that perinatal phthalate exposure affects lipid metabolism gene expression in a tissue-specific manner possibly through altering DNA methylation of Srebf1 and Srebf2.
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) has previously been shown to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease in rats. The current study investigated the potential that sperm epimutation biomarkers can be used to identify ancestral induced transgenerational obesity and associated pathologies. Gestating F0 generational female rats were transiently exposed to DDT during fetal gonadal sex determination, and the incidence of adult-onset pathologies was assessed in the subsequent F1, F2, and F3 generations. In addition, sperm differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs) that were associated with specific pathologies in the transgenerational F3 generation males were investigated. There was an increase of testis disease and early-onset puberty in the F2 generation DDT lineage males. The F3 generation males and females had significant increases in the incidence of obesity and multiple disease. The F3 generation DDT males also had significant increases in testis disease, prostate disease, and late onset puberty. The F3 generation DDT females had increases in ovarian and kidney disease. Epigenetic alterations of the germline are required for the transgenerational inheritance of pathology. Therefore, the F3 generation sperm was collected to examine DMRs for the ancestrally exposed DDT male population. Unique sets of DMRs were associated with late onset puberty, prostate disease, kidney disease, testis disease, obesity, and multiple disease pathologies. Gene associations with the DMR were also identified. The epigenetic DMR signatures identified for these pathologies provide potential biomarkers for transgenerationally inherited disease susceptibility.
Mammalian sperm RNA has recently received a lot of interest due to its involvement in epigenetic germline inheritance. Studies of epigenetic germline inheritance have shown that environmental exposures can induce effects in the offspring without altering the DNA sequence of germ cells. Most mechanistic studies were conducted in laboratory rodents and C.elegans while observational studies confirm the phenotypic phenomenon in wild populations of humans and other species including birds. Prominently, paternal age in house sparrows affects offspring fitness, yet the mechanism is unknown. This study provides a first reference of house sparrow sperm small RNA as an attempt to uncover their role in the transmission of the effects of paternal age on the offspring. In this small-scale pilot, we found no statistically significant differences between miRNA and tRNA fragments in aged and prime sparrow sperm. These results indicate a role of other epigenetic information carriers, such as distinct RNA classes, RNA modifications, DNA methylation and retained histones, and a clear necessity of future studies in wild populations.
Determinants of lifetime health are complex and emphasize the need for robust predictors of disease risk. Allostatic load (AL) has become a clinical framework to estimate the cumulative biological burden associated with chronic stress. To assist knowledge translation in the developmental origins of health and disease field, clinically valid methods for reliable AL assessment in experimental models are urgently needed. Here, we introduce the rat cumulative allostatic load measure (rCALM), as a new preclinical knowledge translation tool to assess the burden of chronic stress. First, we identified an array of stress-associated physiological markers that are particularly sensitive to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation by ancestral prenatal stress. Second, we determined which of these markers are susceptible to an intervention by environmental enrichment (EE) to mitigate AL. The markers most responsive to stress and EE therapy were assembled to become operationalized in the rCALM. Third, the new rCALM was validated for the ability to indicate future disease risks. The results show that the rCALM estimates the burden of chronic stress and serves as a proxy to estimate stress resilience and vulnerability to disease. Using the rCALM we showed that enrichment therapy can offset the adverse health outcomes linked to a high AL. Thus, the rCALM provides a model for the development of new test strategies that facilitate knowledge translation in preclinical animal models.