Postpartum hemorrhage is the first cause of maternal death. Purpose: This study aims to determine the risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage cases at Ahmad Yani Metro General Hospital. Methods: This study used a case control study design with a retrospective dimension. Case is postpartum maternal bleeding. The number of samples with a comparison of case groups and control groups is 1: 1 or 86 : 86. Data collection uses a checklist form questionnaire to obtain research variables including age, parity, pregnancy complications, anemia, fetal weight (independent variable) and postpartum hemorrhage (variable dependent). Data were analyzed by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with the chi-square test. Results: The results showed there was a relationship between pregnancy complications (p-value = 0.049; OR = 1,927), anemia (p-value = 0,000; OR 5,031) with postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion: Pregnancy complications and anemia factors increase the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage. Antenatal care needs to be detected early and handling complications of pregnancy and anemia, so that post-saline bleeding can be prevented.
Background: Stimulation is a very important requirement for growth and development. Lack of stimulation can cause developmental disorders such as speech, language, and disorders of gross motor and fine motor, even developmental disorders that persist. Purpose: The study aims to determine the implementation of family psychosocial stimulation of children aged 48 - 60 months in PAUD Pertiwi Kota Metro. Methods: The design of this study is descriptive to describe the implementation of parents doing psychosocial stimulation of their children. The population in this study were all group A students aged 48 - 60 years in PAUD Pertiwi Kota Metro with a sample of 59 people. The instrument used in this study was a home inventory questionnaire for family psychosocial stimulation variables. Data collected was carried out by univariate analysis to describe family psychosocial stimulation. with a frequency distribution table. Results: The study showed that family psychosocial stimulation carried out by parents in children aged 48-60 years in PAUD Pertiwi Kota Metro contained 55.9% good categories, 42.4 adequate categories and only 1.7% less categories. Conclusion: Psychosocial stimulation by the family towards children has a tendency to be good, but there is still something lacking and sufficient. There is a need for socialization efforts to parents the importance of stimulation of child development.
Background: Increasing baby's growth and development can be done by providing stimulation, such as massage. Baby massage is beneficial to increase baby's weight. The monthly report of the Ganjar Agung Health Center in January-March 2017 contains an average of 14.7% of babies who do not gain weight. Purpose:The study aims to determine the effectiveness of infant massage on weight gain in infants aged 0-3 months in the Ganjar Agung Metro Barat Health Center in 2017.Methods:This study uses a pre-experimental design with non-equivalent control group design. The intervention given is baby massage. The research sample was all infants aged 0-3 months totaling 25 babies taken by consecutive sampling technique. Data analysis using paired t test. Results: The results showed a mean increase in baby's body weight after massage of 0.916 kg (SD 0.1214kg) and there was an effect of infant massage on weight gain in infants aged 0-3 (p = 0.000).Conclusion:The conclusion of the study is that infant massage can be one of the interventions to increase the baby's weight. Efforts to socialize baby massage programmatically need to be improved as one of the interventions to increase the growth (weight) of the baby.
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) causes a decrease in quality of life in all domains. The most often overlooked cause of DM patients is not carrying out physical activity regularly. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of healthy pathways on the quality of life of type 2 DM patients in the Health Center in Kotabumi North Lampung in 2017. Methods: This study used quasi-experimental pre-post test design with a control group. The number of samples consisted of treatment groups and control groups, each group of 22 respondents. The treatment group was the respondents who carried out healthy walks of intervention, then measured the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, while the control group did not carry out healthy walking activities. Data analysis uses t test dependent. Results: The results showed that there was an effect of healthy pathways on the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the health centers in Kotabumi, North Lampung (p = 0.007). Conclusions: Healthy paths improve the quality of life for patients with type 2 diabetes, including aspects of physical health, psychological health, social and environmental relations.
Latar Belakang: Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus (DM) menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup disemua domain. Penyebab yang paling sering diabaikan penderita DM adalah tidak melaksanakan aktivitas fisik secara teratur. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh jalan sehat terhadap kualitas hidup penderita DM tipe 2 di Puskesmas wilayah Kotabumi Lampung Utara Tahun 2017. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen pre post test design dengan kelompok kontrol. Jumlah sampel terdiri atas kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol masing-masing kelompok 22 responden. Kelompok perlakuan adalah responden yang dilakukan intervensi jalan sehat, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran kualitas hidup penderita DM tipe 2, sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak melakukan kegiatan jalan sehat. Analisis data menggunakan t test dependent. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh jalan sehat terhadap kualitas hidup penderita DM tipe 2 di Puskesmas wilayah Kotabumi Lampung Utara (p=0,007). Simpulan: Jalan sehat meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita DM tipe 2 meliputi aspek kesehatan fisik, kesehatan psikologis, hubungan sosial dan lingkungan.