Immunological properties of peptides from two different heavy chains of a3 allotype and restricted heterogeneity were studied using radioimmunoassays that involved inhibition by these peptides of a reaction between125I labeled anti-a3 antibodies and Sepharose-bound a3 IgG. A purified fraction of a2-anti-a3 which cross reacts with at IgG was used for the assays of peptides from one of the heavy chains (AH80-5). The picomoles of various inhibitors required for 50% inhibition of the a3-anti-a3 reactions were determined and the corresponding ΔG0 values were calculated. Citraconylation of the lysine side chains (CH) markedly affected the inhibitory activity of one of the two heavy chains (AH80-5) and had a lesser effect [Δ(ΔG0) 1.4 kcal/mole] on the other. In both instances when the lysines of the tryptic peptides were deblocked by exposure to low pH, we observed gains in activity (1.3–1.7 kcal/mole). Although some of the primary structure which contributes to some a3-antigenic determinants may have been removed by tryptic digestion, the immunopeptides which we recovered inhibited at least 60% of the maximal binding of purified, labeled a 2 anti-a3 antibodies to a3 IgG. Thus major antigenic determmant(s) recognized by these particular anti-a3 antibodies, were retained on the portions of VH region recovered from the tryptic digests. It is probable that losses in conformation contributed to the changes in ΔG0