Topological interlocking assemblies (TIA) are arrangements of blocks kinematically constrained by a fixed frame, such that all rigid body motions of each block are prevented by the neighbouring blocks and the frame. In the literature, several blocks are introduced that can be arranged into interlocking assemblies, however only few of them can be arranged in non-unique ways. This study investigates a particularly versatile interlocking block called the Versatile Block: this block can be arranged in three different doubly periodic ways given by wallpaper symmetries. We investigate the hypothesis that the arrangement of copies of the same block influences the mechanical response of a TIA. We examine the interlocking mechanism and the correlation between arrangement and overall structural performance in planar TIA consisting of the Versatile Block. Furthermore, we analyse load transfer mechanisms within the assemblies and from the assemblies onto the frame. For fast apriori evaluation of the load transfer onto the frame we introduce a combinatorial model called Interlocking Flows. To investigate our assemblies from a mechanical point of view we conduct several finite element studies. These reveal a strong influence of arrangement on the structural behaviour, for instance, an impact on both the point and amount of maximum deflection under a given load, thereby confirming our hypothesis. We also evaluate the accuracy of the proposed Interlocking Flow model by a comparison with the finite element simulations.