Human dirofilariasis is a rare anthropo-zoonotic disease, mainly detected in Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, Central Asia, and Sri Lanka. An increasing number of autochthonous Dirofilaria spp. infections has been recently reported in the areas previously considered free of the disease, including northern Europe and the Baltic States. A rare autochthonous case of scrotal dirofilariasis detected in Lithuania was described. Here, a 42-year-old male presented with a 1 cm nodule, limited in the scrotum. A nodule excision was performed. On histological examination, a degenerating roundworm with the features of Dirofilaria spp. (multilayered cuticle, well-developed musculature, focally preserved longitudinal ridges) was detected in the abscess cavity. No additional treatment was needed. Twenty-four publications reporting 28 male genitalia dirofilariasis cases in European countries have been identified.