Objectives: This study aimed to compare participants' experiences on two different formulations of extended-release buprenorphine.
Methods: Participants were part of a larger parent study comparing Brixadi™ (extended-release buprenorphine), hereafter called Brixadi, to extended-release naltrexone. At the time, Brixadi, was not fully FDA approved, and because of medication supply issues, 12 individuals were switched to Sublocade™ (a different formulation of extended-release buprenorphine), hereafter called Sublocade, for one dose and then back to Brixadi. Ten of those individuals completed semistructured interviews regarding their experiences with each medication.
Results: In general, most participants preferred Brixadi, and most found Sublocade to cause more injection site pain/discomfort. Participants' experiences with respect to cravings, medication wearing off too soon, withdrawal symptoms, and perceived helpfulness with recovery are also discussed.
Conclusions: Patients may prefer Brixadi to Sublocade because of injection site pain/discomfort. This could be mitigated with topical or subcutaneous anesthetics. Findings are mixed with respect to the effect of the medications on cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and the medication wearing off too soon. To address feelings of the medication wearing off too soon, patients could be given additional weekly doses of Brixadi (for patients on monthly doses of Brixadi) or supplemental sublingual buprenorphine (for patients on either Brixadi or Sublocade).