The level of job satisfaction has a significant impact on an individual's job behaviors. In any organization, job satisfaction affects performance as part of job behavior significantly. Its importance in developing nations like Bangladesh is clear. The present study investigated the relationship of Bangladesh industrial workers' job satisfaction level and job behavior as workplace behaviors that affect job performance. This quantitative study collected data from respondents using a standardized questionnaire. A sample of 300 Bangladeshi industrial workers was chosen. An 8-item self-report (JPI) measurement scale was utilized for the evaluation of job performance. The measurement of job satisfaction was conducted through the utilization of the job satisfaction index (JSI). Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 24.0 version was used for data and regression analysis in this study for hypotheses testing. The analysis found a disproportionate amount of people satisfied with their jobs. The study revealed that job satisfaction is a critical job behavior that affects job performance. The study also indicated that job-related factors affected job performance more than personal traits. Also found, employees who reported high levels of job satisfaction also reported higher levels of job performance. Bangladeshi industrial regulators and mill authorities can use the results to design regulations that boost employee performance and work happiness. It can also be used to evaluate employee treatment and how job satisfaction affects other job behaviors to guide organizational decisions and initiatives.