The extended guiding-centre Lagrangian equations of motion are derived by the Lie-transform perturbation method under the assumption of time-dependent and inhomogeneous electric and magnetic fields that satisfy the standard guiding-centre space–time orderings. Polarization effects are introduced into the Lagrangian dynamics by the inclusion of the polarization drift velocity in the guiding-centre velocity and the appearance of finite-Larmor-radius corrections in the guiding-centre Hamiltonian and guiding-centre Poisson bracket.
We analysed the excitation of a surface magnetoplasmon wave by the mode conversion of a p-polarized laser beam over a rippled semiconductor (n-type)-free space interface. The pump surface magnetoplasmon wave exerts a ponderomotive force on the free electrons in the semiconductor, imparting a linear oscillatory velocity at the laser modulation frequency to them. This linear oscillatory velocity couples with the modulated electron density to produce a current density, which develops a resonant surface magnetoplasmon wave in the terahertz region. The amplitude of the terahertz surface magnetoplasmon wave can be tuneable with an external magnetic field and the semiconductor's temperature.
We describe the interaction of parallel-propagating Alfvén waves with ion-acoustic waves and other Alfvén waves, in magnetized, high-$beta$ collisionless plasmas. This is accomplished through a combination of analytical theory and numerical fluid simulations of the Chew–Goldberger–Low (CGL) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations closed by Landau-fluid heat fluxes. An asymptotic ordering is employed to simplify the CGL-MHD equations and derive solutions for the deformation of an Alfvén wave that results from its interaction with the pressure anisotropy generated either by an ion-acoustic wave or another, larger-amplitude Alfvén wave. The difference in time scales of acoustic and Alfvénic fluctuations at high-
$beta$ means that interactions that are local in wavenumber space yield little modification to either mode within the time it takes the acoustic wave to Landau damp away. Instead, order-unity changes in the amplitude of Alfvénic fluctuations can result after interacting with frequency-matched acoustic waves. Additionally, we show that the propagation speed of an Alfvén-wave packet in an otherwise homogeneous background is a function of its self-generated pressure anisotropy. This allows for the eventual interaction of separate co-propagating Alfvén-wave packets of differing amplitudes. The results of the CGL-MHD simulations agree well with these predictions, suggesting that theoretical models relying on the interaction of these modes should be reconsidered in certain astrophysical environments. Applications of these results to weak Alfvénic turbulence and to the interaction between the compressive and Alfvénic cascades in strong, collisionless turbulence are also discussed.
Satellite data analysis of a compressed gyro-scale current sheet prior to magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail shows that electrostatic lower hybrid waves localized to the region of a transverse ambipolar electric field at the centre of the current sheet are driven by $boldsymbol{E} times boldsymbol{B}$ velocity shear and result from compression. The presence and location of shear-driven waves around the centre of the current sheet, where the magnetic field reverses and the density gradient is minimal, is consistent with our model. This is notable because the free energy source is the curvature of the electron $boldsymbol{E} times boldsymbol{B}$
flow and not the density gradient. Laboratory experiments and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations have shown that shear-driven lower hybrid fluctuations are capable of producing anomalous cross-field transport (viscosity) and resistivity, which can trigger magnetic reconnection. We estimate the terms in the generalized Ohm's Law directly from MMS data as the spacecraft cross a gyro-scale current sheet. Our analysis shows that the wave effects (resistivity, diffusion and viscosity) and pressure anisotropy effects are comparable. We also find that the quasi-static electric field gradient is correlated with a non-gyrotropic electron distribution function, which is consistent with our model. Furthermore, theoretical arguments suggest agyrotropy is an indicator of the possibility for magnetic reconnection to occur.
Spontaneous avalanche to plasma begins in the core of an ellipsoidal Rydberg gas of nitric oxide. Ambipolar expansion of NO$^+$ draws energy from avalanche-heated electrons. Then, cycles of long-range resonant electron transfer from Rydberg molecules to ions equalize their relative velocities. This sequence of steps gives rise to a remarkable mechanics of self-assembly, in which the kinetic energy of initially formed hot electrons and ions drives an observed separation of plasma volumes. These dynamics adiabatically sequester energy in a reservoir of mass transport, starting a process that anneals separating volumes to form an apparent glass of strongly coupled ions and electrons. Short-time electron spectroscopy provides experimental evidence for complete ionization. The long lifetime of this system, particularly its stability with respect to recombination and neutral dissociation, suggests that this transformation affords a robust state of arrested relaxation, far from thermal equilibrium. We see this most directly in the excitation spectrum of transitions to states in the initially selected Rydberg series, detected as the long-lived signal that survives a flight time of $500 mathrm {mu }$
s to reach an imaging detector. The initial density of electrons produced by prompt Penning ionization, which varies with the selected initial principal quantum number and density of the Rydberg gas, determines a balance between the rising density of ions and the falling density of Rydberg molecules. This Penning-regulated ion-Rydberg molecule balance appears necessary as a critical factor in achieving the long ultracold plasma lifetime to produce spectral features detected after very long delays.
The particle-in-cell (PIC) method is successfully used to study magnetized plasmas. However, this requires large computational costs and limits simulations to short physical run times and often to set-ups of less than three spatial dimensions. Traditionally, this is circumvented either via hybrid-PIC methods (adopting massless electrons) or via magneto-hydrodynamic-PIC methods (modelling the background plasma as a single charge-neutral magneto-hydrodynamical fluid). Because both methods preclude modelling important plasma-kinetic effects, we introduce a new fluid-PIC code that couples a fully explicit and charge-conserving multi-fluid solver to the PIC code SHARP through a current-coupling scheme and solve the full set of Maxwell's equations. This avoids simplifications typically adopted for Ohm's law and enables us to fully resolve the electron temporal and spatial scales while retaining the versatility of initializing any number of ion, electron or neutral species with arbitrary velocity distributions. The fluid solver includes closures emulating Landau damping so that we can account for this important kinetic process in our fluid species. Our fluid-PIC code is second-order accurate in space and time. The code is successfully validated against several test problems, including the stability and accuracy of shocks and the dispersion relation and damping rates of waves in unmagnetized and magnetized plasmas. It also matches growth rates and saturation levels of the gyro-scale and intermediate-scale instabilities driven by drifting charged particles in magnetized thermal background plasmas in comparison with linear theory and PIC simulations. This new fluid-SHARP code is specially designed for studying high-energy cosmic rays interacting with thermal plasmas over macroscopic time scales.
This paper explores the feasibility of a break-even-class mirror referred to as BEAM (break-even axisymmetric mirror): a neutral-beam-heated simple mirror capable of thermonuclear-grade parameters and $Qsim 1$ conditions. Compared with earlier mirror experiments in the 1980s, BEAM would have: higher-energy neutral beams, a larger and denser plasma at higher magnetic field, both an edge and a core and capabilities to address both magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic stability of the simple mirror in higher-temperature plasmas. Axisymmetry and high-field magnets make this possible at a modest scale enabling a short development time and lower capital cost. Such a $Qsim 1$
configuration will be useful as a fusion technology development platform, in which tritium handling, materials and blankets can be tested in a real fusion environment, and as a base for development of higher-$Q$