The inner structure of the flagella of Giardia intestinalis is similar to that of other organisms, consisting of nine pairs of outer microtubules and a central pair containing radial spokes. Although the 9+2 axonemal structure is conserved, it is not clear whether subregions, including the transition zone, are present in the flagella of this parasite. Giardia axonemes originate from basal bodies and have a lengthy cytosolic portion before becoming active flagella. The region of the emergence of the flagellum is not accompanied by any membrane specialization, as seen in other protozoa. Although Giardia is an intriguing model of study, few works focused on the ultrastructural analysis of the flagella of this parasite. Here, we analyzed the externalization region of the G. intestinalis flagella using ultra-high resolution scanning microscopy (with electrons and ions), atomic force microscopy in liquid medium, freeze fracture, and electron tomography. Our data show that this region possesses a distinctive morphological feature – it extends outward and takes on a ring-like shape. When the plasma membrane is removed, a structure surrounding the axoneme becomes visible in this region. This new extra-axonemal structure is observed in all pairs of flagella of trophozoites and remains attached to the axoneme even when the interconnections between the axonemal microtubules are disrupted. High-resolution scanning electron microscopy provided insights into the arrangement of this structure, contributing to the characterization of the externalization region of the flagella of this parasite.