Objective: College student drinking is not a new phenomenon, yet the field of research studying college student drinking is relatively young. In recognition of the 75th anniversary of what is now the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, this article reviews the path from the first article to focus exclusively on college student drinking as the topic (published in 1945) to the current state of the science and attempts to look forward to the next steps in the field's research agenda.
Method: Articles were selected by consensus of the authors from incarnations of the journal and other academic journals based on their relevance to the genesis of current best practices regarding college student drinking prevention.
Results: Major eras and themes include (a) early efforts to describe and understand college student drinking; (b) building foundations for prevention and intervention efforts in response to growing concerns about high-risk drinking; (c) the emergence of harm-reduction efforts, normative interventions, and efforts to document campus strategies; (d) efficacious prevention efforts and high-risk drinking; (e) the "Call to Action" Task Force Report from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; and (f) updates to the science (including emerging technology).
Conclusions: Understanding the rich history of science related to college drinking prevention should prepare and guide our field for the next 75 years of scientific advances, leading to even greater understanding of the etiology and topology of college student drinking as well as more effective methods to reduce alcohol-related harms.
Objective: This article reviews changes in drinking patterns in the general U.S. population since the first appearance of the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol in June 1940.
Method: Contents of the three iterations of the journal (Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, and Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs) were reviewed along with additional prominent key articles on the subject known to the author.
Results: Early articles in the field tended to focus on alcoholics and alcoholism, usually with a biological emphasis. The earliest "scientific investigation" of drinking patterns that appeared in iterations of JSAD reported data based on a survey in 1946, and the earliest report of trends in drinking patterns compared the 1946 data with data from 1963. Since then, there have been numerous evaluations of drinking patterns in the general U.S. population.
Conclusions: There have been major changes over the past 75 years in the manner in which drinking patterns are measured and summarized. Perhaps the biggest change was the introduction of probability sampling. Additional major changes continue to occur, responding to technological changes (e.g., the use of computers, cell phones, and broadband connections) in how people interact with their environment.
Objective: This article provides a historical review of alcohol and other drug policy research and its impact on public health over the past 75 years. We begin our summary with the state of the field circa 1940 and trace the development across the subsequent decades. We summarize current thinking and suggest possible future directions the field of alcohol and other drug policy may take. Specific topics discussed include the minimum legal drinking age, pricing and taxation, hours and days of sale, outlet density, and privatization effects. The future of drug policy research is also considered.
Method: A comprehensive search of the literature identified empirical studies, reviews, and commentaries of alcohol and other drug policy research published from 1940 to 2013 that contributed to the current state of the field.
Results: Our review demonstrates the historical emergence of alcohol problems as a public health issue over the early part of the 20th century, the public health policy response to this issue, subsequent research, and current and future research trends.
Conclusions: Alcohol and other drug policy research over the last several decades has made great strides in its empirical and theoretical sophistication of evaluating alcohol policy effects. This history is not only remarkable for its analytic complexity, but also for its conceptual sophistication.
This article reviews the history of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs as well as the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies. Each has its roots in the Yale Laboratory of Applied Physiology and the era shortly after the repeal of National Prohibition in the United States. The journal was founded as the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol in 1940 by Howard W. Haggard, M.D., director of the Yale Laboratory of Physiology. Alcohol, although not originally the sole focus of the laboratory, eventually became the main and then only focus. A Section of Alcohol Studies and later Center of Alcohol Studies formally became components of the laboratory. The faculty grew to include notable figures such as Elvin Morton Jellinek and Mark Keller, among other influential people who helped establish a modern, multidisciplinary, scientific approach to alcohol problems in the United States. The first alcohol education program, originally called the Summer Session of the School of Alcohol Studies, was also founded there in 1943. The center later moved to Rutgers University in New Jersey, becoming the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies in 1962. With it came the summer school and the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, which in 1975 became the Journal of Studies on Alcohol. The journal again changed names in 2007, becoming the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, reflecting an increasing focus among substance use researchers on drugs other than alcohol. This article discusses the influence of the journal and the center in the larger historical context of alcohol studies throughout the 20th century to the modern day.
Objective: Universal prevention programs are intended to prevent or delay the onset of alcohol use disorders in the general population. This article reviews research on universal prevention programs for alcohol use published over the last 75 years.
Method: A literature search of studies published since the inception of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs in 1940 revealed 66 manuscripts that addressed or reported the findings of universal prevention programs in that journal. Additional studies published elsewhere were also reviewed.
Results: Research on universal prevention programs can be divided into three eras: Identifying the need for prevention (1940-1970) and the first (1971-1990) and second (1991-2010) eras of universal prevention research.
Conclusions: In the past 75 years, the field of universal prevention for alcohol use disorders has evolved from nonexistent to mature, replicating and enhancing effective strategies and identifying and learning from ineffective ones. The future provides unique opportunities to develop sophisticated strategies to enhance the efficacy of universal prevention programs.
Objective: A review of psychosocial approaches to alcohol use disorders (AUDs) was performed to identify and contextualize trends in major treatment approaches and special populations and provide possible future directions for alcohol research.
Method: The PsycINFO database was searched for peer-reviewed articles relevant to psychosocial approaches to AUDs for each decade since the 1940s, resulting in approximately 4,246 articles for review. Topics were included if they made up at least 4% of the relevant articles for any one decade. Nine treatment and seven special population topics were identified for the current review.
Results: Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic and aversion therapies were major topics in the 1940s and 1950s, but few articles have been published recently. Other topics have shown consistent representation in the literature, including criminal justice and military populations, self-help groups, group therapies, couples and family therapies, behavioral treatments and cognitive-behavioral therapy, and complementary/ alternative treatments. The majority of the specific population topics and two newer treatment approaches have appeared more recently in significant proportions, including adolescents, college students, women, ethnic minorities, and dually diagnosed populations; newer treatments include brief interventions and motivational interviewing approaches.
Conclusions: The number of articles on psychosocial approaches to AUDs has been increasing since the 1940s. There have been recent surges in alcohol research on specific populations, an increase in the integration of alcohol treatment with primary care, and a continued emphasis on empirically supported and cost-effective treatments for AUDs; these trends likely will continue into the future.
Objective: This article traces the evolution of alcohol-related social policy over the past 75 years.
Method: The literature was reviewed and is critically discussed.
Results: The social history of alcohol policies over the last 75 years began with the scientific approach to alcohol in the 1930s and later shifted to a central interest in the disease of alcoholism. Beginning with the National Council on Alcoholism Education, advocates struggled to "mainstream" treatment for this disease into the health care system. Major steps included decriminalization of public intoxication, emphasis of the social respectability of persons with alcohol problems, development of a treatment system that was accompanied by health insurance coverage, and work-based programs to identify and attract employed patients with health insurance coverage. These structures were considerably altered by the War on Drugs, managed care, and the merger of drug and alcohol treatment. The Affordable Care Act, however, has the potential for achieving the mainstreaming goals for alcohol problems originally conceived in the early 1940s.
Conclusions: Responsible involvement of the alcoholic beverage industry could greatly enhance current activities but is not likely to occur. Stigma persists in part because of associations with prevention and treatment of illegal drug use problems. The Affordable Care Act offers opportunities and challenges to the specialty of treating alcohol use disorders.