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Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Magmatic Evolution of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt, New Zealand 新西兰邓山蛇绿岩带岩浆演化的地质年代和地球化学制约因素
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_283
Daniel Patias, Renjie Zhou, Jonathan C. Aitchison
New whole-rock major and trace element geochemical, zircon U-Pb geochronological, and Hf isotopic data from gabbroic rocks in New Zealand’s mid-Permian Dun Mountain ophiolite belt (DMO) provide insight into the evolution of subduction systems and early stages of intraoceanic arc development. Fe-oxide-bearing gabbros yielded high εHf(t) values (+10.3 to +13) and zircon U-Pb ages of 271.6 ± 0.6 Ma. In contrast, Fe-Ti-oxide-bearing gabbros of 268.1 ± 0.6 Ma show more enriched geochemical characteristics, including a wide range of εHf(t) values (+15.5 to +6.8). New findings strengthen the evolutionary model for the DMO and place constraints on its youngest known magmatic episode. We infer that late magmatism fingerprinted by these gabbros, including consistent negative Nb-Ta anomalies, reflects early stages of arc development and formation of island arc tholeiites on the DMO. Our model is consistent with other existing regional geochronological and geochemical data, implying that the DMO had an early stage of normal-mid-ocean ridge basalt crustal accretion followed by an influx of slab-derived components and maturity of the subducting system between ca. 271.6 and 268 Ma. These results extend our understanding of the evolution of distinct intraoceanic systems.Ophiolites are fragments of ancient oceanic lithosphere that have been incorporated into continental margins [1, 2]. They can be formed in distinct tectonic settings, including mid-ocean ridge, back-arc, and forearc [3, 4]. However, since the recognition of lava with island arc tholeiites (IAT) and calc-alkaline geochemical signatures in the Troodos ophiolite [5], a growing number of studies have associated these fragments of ancient oceanic lithosphere to intraoceanic convergent plate margins [6]. Such ophiolites, formed during sea-floor spreading above the subducting slab, are referred to as suprasubduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites [7]. They are widely interpreted to form during subduction initiation and early growth of island arcs [2, 7, 8]. As a result, studying their geochemical and geochronological signatures is crucial for understanding plate tectonic processes and intraoceanic systems [3, 9-12].Different geochemical signatures, such as forearc basalt (FAB), boninite, and IAT, can often be found in rocks from the ophiolitic crustal section. These signatures are widely used to identify different stages of the ophiolite and the evolution of the intraoceanic system [13, 14]. However, diverse processes can affect the geochemical characteristics of ophiolitic rocks, for example, the injection of fluids and melts from the slab [15, 16], distinct episodes of melt extraction from the mantle [17], and cumulate processes [18, 19]. Additionally, specific processes, such as colder, denser slabs descending more quickly or a thicker sedimentary cover of the slab, can also contribute to the geochemical heterogeneity of ophiolitic rocks [20-22]. This complexity can make it challenging to determine an ophioli
在气象组织北区,采集了原地和浮游的辉长岩样品(图 1(b))。在罗丁河,对一块具有亚辉质地的叶状铁-氧化物辉长岩(RR-04;41.37467°S,173.29011°E;图 2(a) 和 (e))进行了原位采样。在 RR-04 地点西南两公里处,从一个约 20 米宽的露头采集到了由细长(小于 10 厘米)辉绿岩长钉侵入的各向同性铁-钛-氧化辉长岩(RR-07;41.36678°S,173.30453°E)(图 2(b))。在同一地点附近(RR-07 西北方 4 公里处),从罗丁河(Roding River)的巨石中采集到辉长岩辉长岩(RR-02B;41.35869°S,173.25853°E)(图 2(d))。鉴于河床中橄榄岩和辉长岩巨石的数量以及上游辉长岩露头的存在,该样本被认为来自于 DMO。另一个各向同性的铁-钛-氧化辉长岩(图 2(f)),位于 DMO 与麦饭石组接触点以西 500 米处,采集自矿工河(HT-04;41.39433°S,173.23656°E)中的巨石。考虑到橄榄岩巨石的出现,以及米纳河上游地区被绘制为蛇绿岩地壳段的组成部分,其成因被认为与 DMO 有关(图 1)[38]。在红山超基性岩块内,从 Lowther 溪的一个露头采集到一个辉长岩堤(样本 LC-03;-41.64775,173.00594)(图 2(c) 和 (g))。该堤坝宽 2 米,浅倾角,侵入上地幔橄榄岩,其正长石和富橄榄石层的成分带陡倾。制备的样品用于岩相学、地球化学和锆石同位素分析。表 1 概述了样品的岩相特征,详细情况见在线补充材料 1。全岩主要元素和痕量元素分析在澳大利亚布里斯班的澳大利亚实验室服务设施进行。样品首先经过一系列步骤进行制备,包括清洗、干燥、破碎、分裂和粉碎。使用 X 射线荧光光谱仪测定主要元素氧化物的浓度,精度为 ±2%-5%。此外,还使用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测量了 30 种微量元素,大多数元素的测量精度优于 ±5%。实施了质量控制措施,发现所有标准都在目标范围内,表明分析非常准确。主要氧化物的检出限为 0.01%,而微量元素的检出限则各不相同(在线补充材料 2)。锆石分离是在中国廊坊的河北地质调查院采用标准方法(重力、磁力和重液分离)进行的。将锆石装入环氧树脂中,然后抛光,露出晶核。使用配备了背散射、二次电子和阴极射线(CL)探测器的日立 SU3500 扫描电子显微镜对其进行成像。这些图像用于识别矿物裂缝、分带、内部结构和 CL 特性(CL 图像见在线补充材料 1)。锆石晶粒的同位素和痕量元素分析(91Zr、45Sc、49Ti、88Sr、89Y、93Nb、139La、140Ce、146Nd、147Sm、153Eu、157Gd、172Yb、175Lu、178Hf、206Pb、207Pb、208Pb、232Tb、232Tb、232Tb、232Tb、232Tb)、208Pb、232Th 和 238U)的研究是在昆士兰大学使用配备了 ASI RESOlution SE 193 nm 激光器的 Thermo Fisher iCAP RQ 四极 ICP-MS 进行的。U-Pb 同位素和痕量元素是在同一分析时段采集的。激光光斑的大小根据晶粒的大小进行调整。对于较大的锆石晶体(样品 RR-04、HT-04),采用 30 µm 的光斑尺寸,以 7 Hz 的重复频率和 3 J/cm3 的通量,在 1 秒钟的 30 个周期内采集数据。样品 RR-2B 采用 24 微米光斑尺寸进行分析,激光和 ICP-MS 设置与 30 微米光斑尺寸分析相同。锆石的 U-Pb 年龄分析以 91,500 颗锆石标准[39]为背景,以仪器偏差[40]和 TEMORA2 晶粒[41]为次要标准,以监测精确度和准确度。获得的数据表明,U-Pb 年龄测量的精确度和准确度优于 0.5%(见在线补充材料 1)。按照 Horstwood 等人[42]建议的程序,与 U-Pb 同位素比和一级与二级锆石标准的标准偏差相关的不确定性被传播到样品的不确定性中。对于锆石痕量元素,采用 NIST612 玻璃标准作为主要参考材料。昆士兰大学地球与环境科学学院地质分析质谱中心使用配备了 ASI RESOlution SE 193 nm 激光器的 Nu Plasma II 多收集器 ICP-MS (MC-ICP-MS) 对锆石中的 Lu-Hf(质量 171-180)进行了同位素分析。 在分析 U-Pb 同位素和痕量元素的同一光斑上,使用 50 µm 的较大光斑尺寸,以 8 Hz 的重复频率和 3 J/cm3 的样品通量,进行了三十五次一秒周期的测量。分析程序遵循 Zhou 等人的方法[44]。主要和次要锆石标准与用于 U-Pb 年龄分析的标准相同。一级标准(91,500)和监测标准(TEMORA2)的准确度和精确度均优于 0.1%。有关分析程序、数据质量、地球化学分析、锆石微量元素和同位素数据的更多信息,见在线补充材料 1 和 2。在判别图中,样品位于辉长岩或辉长闪长岩区域,具有亚碱性倾向(在线补充材料 1)。值得注意的是,地球化学可根据样品的元素丰度将其分为两个不同的类别,与Fe-Ti-Ox各向同性辉长岩(HT-04和RR-07;图3和图4)相比,Fe-Ox辉长岩(RR-04)和辉长岩堤(LC-03)具有更贫化的特征。铁氧化辉长岩(RR-04)的 TiO2 丰度也较低(0.24 重量%),但 SiO2 值(49.59 重量%)和 MgO 值(7.72 重量%)较低。与铁钛氧化物辉长岩相比,这些样品的氧化镁、氧化钙和铬(440、870 ppm)含量较高。相比之下,地球化学含量较高的样品(HT-04、RR-07)的二氧化硅(51.19、54.24 wt.%)和二氧化钛(0.86、0.94 wt.%)含量较高,而氧化镁(6.03、7.26 wt.%)和铬(150、340 ppm)含量较低。值得注意的是,贫化程度较高的样品显示出较低的 Ti/V 比值(1-25)和 Nb/Ta 比值(1-3),而铁钛氧化物辉长岩往往显示出较高的 Ti/V 比值(32-40)和 Nb/Ta 比值(11-13)。在主要氧化物地球化学图(MgO vs. TiO2 和 SiO2 vs. MgO;图 3(a)和(b))中,样品被绘制在与俯冲过程(岛弧和 FAB)相关的区域内。在原始地幔归一化痕量和软玉归一化 REE 图(图 4(a)和(b))中,与铁-钛氧化物辉长岩样品相比,堤(LC-03)和铁-氧化物辉长岩(RR-04)显示出更大的痕量元素损耗。这些样品中一些高场强元素(HFSEs),如 Nb、Zr、Hf 和 Ti 的丰度明显较低,大离子亲岩元素(LILEs,如 Ba、K、Rb、Cs 和 Sr)呈正异常。相比之下,富集程度较高的样品(Fe-Ti-氧化物辉长岩)类似于 N-或 E-MORB,表现出 LILE 的富集,但 HFSE 的损耗极小(图 4(a))。在软玉归一化 REE 图中也观察到类似的模式,其中辉长岩堤和铁氧体辉长岩与铁钛氧化物辉长岩样品相比,显示出更大的 REE 损耗(图 4(b)),后者显示的 REE 含量类似于 E- 或 N-MORB。与
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引用次数: 0
Late Oligocene to Early Pliocene Exhumation and Structural Development in the Western Himalaya, Northern Pakistan: Implications for the Cenozoic Metamorphic Overprint 巴基斯坦北部西喜玛拉雅晚渐新世至上新世早期的出露和构造发展:新生代变质叠印的影响
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/3252550
Irum Irum, Humaad Ghani, Edward R. Sobel, Gerold Zeilinger, Uwe Altenberger
New middle Miocene to Pliocene (~14–3 Ma) apatite fission track (AFT) cooling ages combined with published K–Ar/Ar–Ar and zircon fission track (ZFT) ages from the Hazara and Swat regions of Pakistan are used to explain the Oligocene to Pliocene structural evolution in the Western Himalaya. The structural model explains the distribution of K–Ar/Ar–Ar ages in three distinct age groups (Proterozoic, Paleozoic-Mesozoic, and Eocene to Oligocene). The Proterozoic to Mesozoic sequence of northern Hazara and Swat experienced elevated temperature and pressure conditions, evident by reset Eocene to Oligocene K–Ar/Ar–Ar hornblende and Eocene to Miocene muscovite ages, caused by Kohistan overthrusting the Indian margin during and after the India–Asia collision. Samples from the Indus syntaxis with Paleo to Mesoproterozoic K–Ar/Ar–Ar hornblende ages and Eocene to Oligocene Ar–Ar muscovite ages show no signs of Cenozoic metamorphism; these samples were thermally imprinted up to the Ar–Ar muscovite closure temperature. Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic rocks from the southern parts of Hazara and Swat show Mesozoic to Oligocene partially reset Ar–Ar muscovite ages and preservation of Ordovician metamorphism. The combined analysis of published K–Ar/Ar–Ar (muscovite), ZFT, and new AFT ages (~14–12 Ma) suggests that the Main Central thrust/Panjal thrust was active from Oligocene to early Miocene (~30–18 Ma), and the Nathia-Gali and Main Boundary thrusts were active from the middle to late Miocene (~14–9 Ma) in the Hazara area. New and published AFT ages (~6–3 Ma) from the Indus syntaxis suggest that early Pliocene tectonic thickening in the hinterland formed the N–S trending Indus anticline, creating an erosional half window in the Main Mantle thrust, forming the Indus syntaxis, and dividing the Main Central thrust sheet into the Hazara and Swat segments.The Himalaya, one of the most tectonically active mountain ranges in the world, exposes thrust belts that record both in-sequence and, less frequently, out-of-sequence propagation of deformation over million to millennial and decadal time scales (Figure 1). Detailed geochronologic, thermochronologic, geomorphologic, and thermobarometric studies in different parts of the Himalayan Orogen have highlighted differences in the structural style, spatiotemporal development of the structures, and effects of Cenozoic Himalayan metamorphism on the subducting Indian plate (1, and references therein). The Himalaya is tectonostratigraphically subdivided into four zones (Tethys-, Greater-, Lesser-, and Sub-Himalaya), bounded by southward-younging thrusts originating from the sole thrust known as the Main Himalayan thrust (MHT). However, studies in the Northwestern Himalaya have suggested that deformation switched back to the hinterland, resulting in the formation of out-of-sequence thrusts, reactivation of older thrusts, and zones of high seismicity and exhumation driven by tectonic and climatic processes [2-4].The Himalaya can
最近的构造模型也没有提供有关海拔高度测量区以南,即哈扎拉和斯瓦特地区构造演化的详细情况[6, 7, 12]。在本研究中,通过将渐新世至上新世的构造演化与新生代掘起的数据联系起来,我们可以更好地解释变形序列、始新世热印迹对印度板块俯冲部分的影响以及研究地区不同世代变质作用的保存情况。我们展示了哈扎拉和印度河综合区花岗岩的 11 个新的 AFT 年龄(图 2,4)。这些新数据与已公布的斯瓦特、卡汗、尼勒姆和南加帕尔巴特等毗邻地区的低温热时学和 K-Ar/Ar-Ar 年龄数据一起展示,以确定西喜马拉雅腹地构造演化的时间。根据 Treloar 等人[7]、DiPietro 等人[12]的模型和观测结果,以及本研究的结果,我们推导出了一个概念性构造模型,该模型显示了渐新世到上新世的构造发展,以及这如何推动了巴基斯坦西部腹地地区的掘起。位于巴基斯坦北部的兴都库什山脉、喀喇昆仑山脉和科希斯坦弧,形成于古生代-中生代时期的印度和亚洲交界处(图 1)。古生代晚期新特提斯大断裂导致裂块分离,这些裂块向北迁移,并在晚三叠世至早侏罗世锡梅利亚造山运动期间向亚洲增生,形成了喀喇昆仑山脉和兴都库什山脉[13, 14]。科希斯坦弧北部被喀喇昆仑山主脉(MKT)与欧亚板块(喀喇昆仑山脉和兴都库什山脉)隔开,南部被印度河断裂(又称 MMT)与印度板块隔开[15-17]。科希斯坦弧被认为是特提斯洋内俯冲作用形成的俯冲岛弧,始于晚侏罗世-早白垩世[17-19]。白垩纪晚期,科希斯坦弧内的断裂导致大量岩浆侵入体喷出[19]。在始新世时期,科希斯坦弧与印度和亚洲的缝合完成了特提斯的闭合和印度与亚洲的碰撞[10, 17, 20]。南迦帕尔巴特合成构造位于科希斯坦弧和拉达克弧之间,是一个南北走向的穹隆构造,从东到西几乎完全以MMT为界[21]。南迦帕尔巴特合成地壳由印度板块岩石组成,这些岩石在碰撞后经过高压和高温条件下的变质,并被年轻的花岗岩侵入[22]。印度和亚洲的碰撞导致喜马拉雅及其褶皱和推力带自始新世时期开始发育。西喜马拉雅造山带是一个广义的术语,用来代表尼泊尔以西至阿拉伯海的地区,包括西北喜马拉雅、西喜马拉雅和喜马拉雅轴带[1](图 1)。根据 DiPietro 和 Pogue 的提议[5],我们在此使用西喜马拉雅来代表南迦帕尔巴特句法和喜马拉雅轴带之间的 MMT 以南的喜马拉雅地区。西喜马拉雅从北到南分为三个不同的构造地层带:(1) 西部腹地(火成岩和变质岩带)、(2) 小喜马拉雅和 (3) 次喜马拉雅[5](图 1 和图 2)。西部腹地的北面与 MMT 相邻,南面与中央主推岩/Panjal 推岩(MCT/PT)相接。该区域主要由印度板块的下新生代至中生代火成岩和变质岩组成[5, 23, 24]。下新生代中级变质岩出露于印度河反断裂带,该断裂带将该地区分为哈扎拉地区和斯瓦特地区[25]。在这些地区,新元古代岩石被奥陶纪曼塞拉花岗岩和斯瓦特花岗岩侵入[26](图 2)。小喜马拉雅山北部由新生代板岩组成,上覆中生代至始新世沉积地层,这些地层在 MCT/PT 与 Nathia-Gali 推力之间强烈变形,形成推力片堆积层(图 2)。主边界推力(MBT)的悬壁由强烈变形的中生代至始新世沉积岩系组成,被推向哈扎拉-克什米尔综合地层和次喜马拉雅山的新近纪前缘地层[9, 27-29]。哈扎拉-克什米尔综合地层包含褶皱的新近纪前缘地层和位于地核的巴拉科特-巴格断层(图 2)。哈扎拉-克什米尔地层的西部边界以活跃的巴拉科特-杰赫勒姆断层为标志。次喜马拉雅山由前寒武纪至上新世时期的沉积序列组成,这些沉积序列构成了褶皱与推力带的外部部分[28-30]。
{"title":"Late Oligocene to Early Pliocene Exhumation and Structural Development in the Western Himalaya, Northern Pakistan: Implications for the Cenozoic Metamorphic Overprint","authors":"Irum Irum, Humaad Ghani, Edward R. Sobel, Gerold Zeilinger, Uwe Altenberger","doi":"10.2113/2024/3252550","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/3252550","url":null,"abstract":"New middle Miocene to Pliocene (~14–3 Ma) apatite fission track (AFT) cooling ages combined with published K–Ar/Ar–Ar and zircon fission track (ZFT) ages from the Hazara and Swat regions of Pakistan are used to explain the Oligocene to Pliocene structural evolution in the Western Himalaya. The structural model explains the distribution of K–Ar/Ar–Ar ages in three distinct age groups (Proterozoic, Paleozoic-Mesozoic, and Eocene to Oligocene). The Proterozoic to Mesozoic sequence of northern Hazara and Swat experienced elevated temperature and pressure conditions, evident by reset Eocene to Oligocene K–Ar/Ar–Ar hornblende and Eocene to Miocene muscovite ages, caused by Kohistan overthrusting the Indian margin during and after the India–Asia collision. Samples from the Indus syntaxis with Paleo to Mesoproterozoic K–Ar/Ar–Ar hornblende ages and Eocene to Oligocene Ar–Ar muscovite ages show no signs of Cenozoic metamorphism; these samples were thermally imprinted up to the Ar–Ar muscovite closure temperature. Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic rocks from the southern parts of Hazara and Swat show Mesozoic to Oligocene partially reset Ar–Ar muscovite ages and preservation of Ordovician metamorphism. The combined analysis of published K–Ar/Ar–Ar (muscovite), ZFT, and new AFT ages (~14–12 Ma) suggests that the Main Central thrust/Panjal thrust was active from Oligocene to early Miocene (~30–18 Ma), and the Nathia-Gali and Main Boundary thrusts were active from the middle to late Miocene (~14–9 Ma) in the Hazara area. New and published AFT ages (~6–3 Ma) from the Indus syntaxis suggest that early Pliocene tectonic thickening in the hinterland formed the N–S trending Indus anticline, creating an erosional half window in the Main Mantle thrust, forming the Indus syntaxis, and dividing the Main Central thrust sheet into the Hazara and Swat segments.The Himalaya, one of the most tectonically active mountain ranges in the world, exposes thrust belts that record both in-sequence and, less frequently, out-of-sequence propagation of deformation over million to millennial and decadal time scales (Figure 1). Detailed geochronologic, thermochronologic, geomorphologic, and thermobarometric studies in different parts of the Himalayan Orogen have highlighted differences in the structural style, spatiotemporal development of the structures, and effects of Cenozoic Himalayan metamorphism on the subducting Indian plate (1, and references therein). The Himalaya is tectonostratigraphically subdivided into four zones (Tethys-, Greater-, Lesser-, and Sub-Himalaya), bounded by southward-younging thrusts originating from the sole thrust known as the Main Himalayan thrust (MHT). However, studies in the Northwestern Himalaya have suggested that deformation switched back to the hinterland, resulting in the formation of out-of-sequence thrusts, reactivation of older thrusts, and zones of high seismicity and exhumation driven by tectonic and climatic processes [2-4].The Himalaya can ","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"9 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"139509447","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Lithospheric Conductivity Structure in the Middle Segment of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt: Insights into Neoproterozoic Tectonic–Magmatic Processes 江南造山带中段岩石圈传导结构:对新元古代构造-岩浆过程的启示
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_325
Jiayong Yan, Hui Chen, Juzhi Deng, Hui Yu, Yuexin You, Yidan Wen, Min Feng
The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) evolved from the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks through multi-stage oceanic-continental subduction, collisional orogeny, and intracontinental deformation, which is an important region to study the formation and evolution of the South China Continent (SCC). Magnetotelluric soundings were collected along a 520-km-long northwest (NW)-trending profile across the middle segment of the JOB to explore the possible remnants of ancient tectonic–magmatic processes beneath the central SCC by combining with the satellite gravity and magnetic data. The resistivity model reveals that the crust in the middle segment of the JOB and its adjacent area is characterized by high resistivity anomalies, while the uppermost mantle is characterized as medium resistivity anomalies and separated by several subvertical, lithospheric-scale conductors. Two trans-crust anomalies of high conductivity and low density beneath the Jiujiang–Shitai Buried fault (JSBF) and Jiangshan–Shaoxing fault (JSF) extend south-eastward to the lithosphere, which are attributed to the NW and southeast boundaries of the middle segment of the JOB. The imaged NW-trending of JSF reflects the tectonic process of the JOB subducting under the Cathaysia Block. Two lower-crustal conductors also imaged beneath the Jiuling area are interpreted as the partial melting of the lower crust, which may be related to the deep southeast subduction of the Paleo-south China Ocean during 970 to 860 Ma. In addition, the trans-lithosphere high conductivity adjacent to the ancient collisional zone of the Jinning period II (ACZII) is probably related to the asthenosphere upwelling caused by the soft collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks, which triggered the contemporaneous magmatism in the Jiuling area. This work provides a new insight into the lithospheric evolution in SCC during the Neoproterozoic.The South China Continent (SCC) is located at the junction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, Tethys, and Pacific tectonic domains, bordered by the North China Block to the north, the Indochina Block to the south, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the west, and the West-Pacific Plate to the east [1] . Its present status comes from the composite evolution of multi-stage plate tectonics in the Paleo-south China Block, making it one of the most complex geological evolution history areas since the Neoproterozoic [2, 3]. The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) in the middle of SCC is spread in a NE-NEE direction, with the Yangtze Block on the northwest (NW) and the Cathaysia Block on the southeast (Figure 1). This area records the collisional assembly of these two ancient microplates, which is of great significance for understanding the crustal accretion, tectonic evolution in the SCC, and the breakup of supercontinent Rodinia [4, 5].Previously proposed models for the tectonic evolution of the JOB include (1) plate subduction collision model [6, 7]; (2) plume model [8]; and (3) plate-rift model [9]. The first
然而,由于 JOB 中段厚厚的沉积覆盖层,没有岩浆岩裸露出来,因此无法深入了解研究区域地下的构造-岩浆过程。因此,对 JOB 下的地下结构进行地球物理成像,是了解 SCC 构造-岩浆过程的关键。然而,对于SCC,之前报道的MT观测要么集中于整个SCC,要么主要局限于SCC的西部[12, 13]。在本研究中,我们介绍了沿穿越 JOB 中段的西北剖面进行 MT 勘测的结果。我们采用三维(3-D)反演方法确定岩石圈的电性结构,并研究了主要解析电性特征的可能起源及其构造影响。通过结合区域、地质和地球物理数据,我们打算对构造边界及其在 JOB 中段之下的深部延伸以及长江和国泰区块之间的深部过程提出新的见解。JOB分布于长江和国泰两块断块的交界处,西起广西北部,经贵州省、湖南省西部、江西省、安徽省南部、浙江省西部至浙江省北部,绵延1500多千米,宽约200千米(图1)。JOB大致可分为三部分:东北段(怀玉岩或双溪武岩系)、中段(九岭山岩系)和西南段(湖南北部和广西北部岩系),主要由中新生代低品位变质地层、新元古代花岗岩、少量黑云母岩和两套公认的蛇纹岩带组成[4,11]。其中,露头地层主要由南华火山沉积岩、未发生变质作用或低级变质作用的南华系巨厚裂谷沉积岩以及新元古代至早古生代稳定的浅海沉积序列组成。褶皱基底包括双溪乌组、溪口组、双桥山组、泗浦组、冷家溪组和板溪组,主要由一套绿斜面变质片岩和箭状岩、夹长凝灰岩、矽卡岩和基性超基性岩组成[21-23]。这里的新元古代岩浆岩的年龄主要集中在950至750Ma,在820Ma左右形成一个重要的峰值。其岩性主要为铝质花岗岩和少量硅质玄武岩、黑云母-超黑云母岩,形成了西南段的蚌洞、三房、元宝山侵入体,中段的九岭侵入体和东北段的许村、歙县、休宁侵入体。侏罗纪中、晚侏罗世以来的一系列构造运动,包括区域性深断层的发育及其向隆起和凹陷区块的剖分,主要控制了侏罗纪中、晚侏罗世以来的构造格局[22, 24, 25]。该地区的主要断层包括西北部近 NE 向分布的九江-石台埋藏断层(JSBF)和安化-罗城断层,中部近 NEE 向分布的宜丰-景德镇断层和东南部近 NE 向分布的江山-绍兴断层(JSF)[3, 23, 26]。JOB的构造变形主要包括晋宁期长江块体与国泰期块体碰撞形成的逆S形构造体系、加里东期华南断裂闭合形成的复合构造体系和印支-燕山期大陆内造山运动形成的复合构造体系[11]。目前,学术界对JOB东北段的边界位置、成因环境和区域构造演化有了全面的认识[2,4],但对中段和南段的研究程度相对薄弱,尤其是对中段的构造边界位置、深部边界延伸和岩石圈俯冲过程仍存在争议[11,13]。近年来,利用地球物理方法在SCC开展了大量深部探测研究,取得了丰硕成果。Han 等人基于横跨景德镇和温州的 MT 剖面的二维反演结果,对该地区的地壳运动进行了深入研究。
{"title":"Lithospheric Conductivity Structure in the Middle Segment of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt: Insights into Neoproterozoic Tectonic–Magmatic Processes","authors":"Jiayong Yan, Hui Chen, Juzhi Deng, Hui Yu, Yuexin You, Yidan Wen, Min Feng","doi":"10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_325","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_325","url":null,"abstract":"The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) evolved from the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks through multi-stage oceanic-continental subduction, collisional orogeny, and intracontinental deformation, which is an important region to study the formation and evolution of the South China Continent (SCC). Magnetotelluric soundings were collected along a 520-km-long northwest (NW)-trending profile across the middle segment of the JOB to explore the possible remnants of ancient tectonic–magmatic processes beneath the central SCC by combining with the satellite gravity and magnetic data. The resistivity model reveals that the crust in the middle segment of the JOB and its adjacent area is characterized by high resistivity anomalies, while the uppermost mantle is characterized as medium resistivity anomalies and separated by several subvertical, lithospheric-scale conductors. Two trans-crust anomalies of high conductivity and low density beneath the Jiujiang–Shitai Buried fault (JSBF) and Jiangshan–Shaoxing fault (JSF) extend south-eastward to the lithosphere, which are attributed to the NW and southeast boundaries of the middle segment of the JOB. The imaged NW-trending of JSF reflects the tectonic process of the JOB subducting under the Cathaysia Block. Two lower-crustal conductors also imaged beneath the Jiuling area are interpreted as the partial melting of the lower crust, which may be related to the deep southeast subduction of the Paleo-south China Ocean during 970 to 860 Ma. In addition, the trans-lithosphere high conductivity adjacent to the ancient collisional zone of the Jinning period II (ACZII) is probably related to the asthenosphere upwelling caused by the soft collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks, which triggered the contemporaneous magmatism in the Jiuling area. This work provides a new insight into the lithospheric evolution in SCC during the Neoproterozoic.The South China Continent (SCC) is located at the junction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, Tethys, and Pacific tectonic domains, bordered by the North China Block to the north, the Indochina Block to the south, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the west, and the West-Pacific Plate to the east [1] . Its present status comes from the composite evolution of multi-stage plate tectonics in the Paleo-south China Block, making it one of the most complex geological evolution history areas since the Neoproterozoic [2, 3]. The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) in the middle of SCC is spread in a NE-NEE direction, with the Yangtze Block on the northwest (NW) and the Cathaysia Block on the southeast (Figure 1). This area records the collisional assembly of these two ancient microplates, which is of great significance for understanding the crustal accretion, tectonic evolution in the SCC, and the breakup of supercontinent Rodinia [4, 5].Previously proposed models for the tectonic evolution of the JOB include (1) plate subduction collision model [6, 7]; (2) plume model [8]; and (3) plate-rift model [9]. The first ","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"87 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140036800","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Study of Road Performance and Curing Mechanism of Coal Gangue by Curing Agent 固化剂对煤矸石路面性能和固化机理的研究
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_183
Zhe Ren, Rui Zhang, Jian Zhang, Qiang Gao, Chuanxiao Liu, Yingying Wan, Jianjun Liu, Qingliang Hu, Chengbin Ren
Coal gangue is a type of rock waste product with dark gray color during coal mining and washing. The curing agent stabilizes soils by improving their physico-mechanical properties, allowing the soils to be reused in engineering as the subgrade fill. This study investigates the impact of SAHP curing agent on road performance parameters of coal gangue. The results showed that the road performance parameters of coal gangue increase with the curing agent content. The compressive resilience modulus of 7 days and California bearing ratio of coal gangue with 0.2% curing agent meet the specifications. The scanning electron microscope reveals the presence of agglomerated gels and hexagonal prism crystals between coal gangue particles. The observed crystals are ettringite, and the gels are silicate gel (nSiO2·mH2O) formed by the reaction of Na2O·nSiO2 with CO2 and H2O, as determined by combined X-ray diffraction and energy spectrum analysis. The improved coal gangue by the curing agent can be utilized as subgrade fill, supporting the reuse of coal gangue in highway engineering.Mine wastes are generated nearly in all mining operations. As the unwanted by-products of mining, they are often placed in large heaps on the mining sites. Inappropriate disposal of the mine wastes (coal gangue, tailings, and other wastes) would release hazardous substances, which exert great impact on the local ecological environment and human health [1, 2]. The oxidation of sulfide minerals is the main source of acid mine drainage (AMD), which results in the surface and groundwater contamination. As the typical sedimentary rock, coal contains a large amount of carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen elements. The oxidation of pyrite is the major source of AMD or coal mine drainage (CMD) in the coal industry [3]. During the complex oxidation process among water, air, and exposed coal rock, the heavy metals leach into the water gradually. A comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the soils, stream, and water bodies near the coal-washing waste dump from the geochemical perspective is necessary for water remediation plan [4]. It is worth noting that, not all CMD are hated, advanced technology makes it possible to reuse the mining wastes, such as recovering rare earth elements [3].Large size of the mining industry determines the deposition of coal gangue, which occupies a large area of land resources [2, 5]. Oxidation and spontaneous combustion exist during the long-term coal gangue accumulation, and harmful gases such as SO2, NOx, and CO can also be released [1]. Coal gangue has been utilized in the preparation of cement [6], powder asphalt mortar [7], and autoclaved aerated concrete [8]. With the rapid development of transportation infrastructure construction, coal gangue was also proposed to be reused in highway engineering as the filling material.Coal gangue can satisfy the basic requirements for road engineering materials after being compacted or stabilized, which offers certain potential
传统的固化剂,尤其是水泥,可以在一定程度上提高煤矸石的机械性能。非传统稳定剂可用于土壤稳定,包括稻壳灰(RHA)、塑料废料、合成纤维和其他有机复合土壤稳定剂[20]。有机复合土壤稳定剂多为液体,主要由水玻璃、环氧树脂、高分子材料和离子材料中的一种或多种组合而成。它们已被应用于斜坡的抗侵蚀[21]以及改善粘土和砾石的机械性能[22, 23]。此外,固化剂还可用于加固受重金属污染的土壤 [24,25]。然而,利用新型固化剂改善煤矸石的研究却很少见。因此,有必要探索新的、可持续的煤矸石非传统固化剂[26]。如果可行,在煤矸石加固中使用非传统稳定剂可以提高路基的工程性能,同时节约耕地和降低施工成本。本研究考察了使用 SAHP 非传统固化剂改性煤矸石的物理、化学和机械性能。通过实验室测试和分析,确定了煤矸石在不同固化剂含量下 7 天和 28 天的 UCS、压缩回弹模量、剪切强度和 CBR。使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X 射线衍射(XRD)和能量色散光谱(EDS)分析了固化剂对煤矸石的固化机理。本研究中的煤矸石取自山东省枣河高速公路附近的废弃煤矸石堆场(东经 116°47′24″,北纬 35°23′26″)(图 1),并按照标准(中文)对煤矸石的液塑限、粒度分布、自由膨胀率、抗崩解指数和压碎值进行了实验室测试:JTG 3430 (2020) [27]、JTG E41 (2005) [28] 和 JTG E42 (2005) [29],如图 2(a)所示。本研究采用卓能达建筑科技有限公司生产的 SAHP 土壤稳定剂来改良天然煤矸石(图 2(b))。硅酸钠、硫酸钠、无水乙醇、羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)以及 CaCl2 和 MgCl2 的无机化合物是 SAHP 固化剂的主要成分。本研究根据 JTG 3430(2020)[27],对掺入 0.2%、0.4%、0.6% 和 0.8% 固化剂的煤矸石进行了 UCS 试验、回弹模量(RM)试验、直接剪切试验和 CBR 试验,以研究不同固化剂含量下煤矸石的物理力学性能:煤矸石样品根据固化龄分为两组:7 天和 28 天。天然煤矸石中必须加水,以确保水分分布均匀。稀释的固化剂不能在封闭过程中加入煤矸石中,以避免预先凝固。因此,采样制备过程中使用的水被分成两部分,第一部分用于提前加入围岩材料,第二部分用于稀释固化剂。根据 JTG E51(2009)[30]的要求,使用河北龙腾试验仪器有限公司生产的 TC-200 F 路面材料综合试验机对 100×100 mm 试件进行 UCS 和 RM 试验。每组试验制备 6 个试件。最大抗压负荷为平均抗压强度的 0.6 倍。快速剪切试验采用南京土壤仪器厂生产的 ZJ 应变控制直接剪切仪。在剪切过程中,垂直荷载分别为 100、200、300 和 400 kPa,剪切速率保持为 0.1 mm/min。压实试验采用南京土壤仪器厂生产的 JDS-1 型数控电动压实机。在 CBR 试验中,使用重型压实仪制备试样,并测量浸泡 4 昼夜后的浸泡膨胀量。浸水试样采用 TC-200F 路面材料综合试验机进行渗透试验。当贯入度为 2.5 毫米和 5 毫米时,计算直径为 50 毫米的贯入棒的承载比,以较大值作为 CBR。
{"title":"Study of Road Performance and Curing Mechanism of Coal Gangue by Curing Agent","authors":"Zhe Ren, Rui Zhang, Jian Zhang, Qiang Gao, Chuanxiao Liu, Yingying Wan, Jianjun Liu, Qingliang Hu, Chengbin Ren","doi":"10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_183","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_183","url":null,"abstract":"Coal gangue is a type of rock waste product with dark gray color during coal mining and washing. The curing agent stabilizes soils by improving their physico-mechanical properties, allowing the soils to be reused in engineering as the subgrade fill. This study investigates the impact of SAHP curing agent on road performance parameters of coal gangue. The results showed that the road performance parameters of coal gangue increase with the curing agent content. The compressive resilience modulus of 7 days and California bearing ratio of coal gangue with 0.2% curing agent meet the specifications. The scanning electron microscope reveals the presence of agglomerated gels and hexagonal prism crystals between coal gangue particles. The observed crystals are ettringite, and the gels are silicate gel (nSiO2·mH2O) formed by the reaction of Na2O·nSiO2 with CO2 and H2O, as determined by combined X-ray diffraction and energy spectrum analysis. The improved coal gangue by the curing agent can be utilized as subgrade fill, supporting the reuse of coal gangue in highway engineering.Mine wastes are generated nearly in all mining operations. As the unwanted by-products of mining, they are often placed in large heaps on the mining sites. Inappropriate disposal of the mine wastes (coal gangue, tailings, and other wastes) would release hazardous substances, which exert great impact on the local ecological environment and human health [1, 2]. The oxidation of sulfide minerals is the main source of acid mine drainage (AMD), which results in the surface and groundwater contamination. As the typical sedimentary rock, coal contains a large amount of carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen elements. The oxidation of pyrite is the major source of AMD or coal mine drainage (CMD) in the coal industry [3]. During the complex oxidation process among water, air, and exposed coal rock, the heavy metals leach into the water gradually. A comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the soils, stream, and water bodies near the coal-washing waste dump from the geochemical perspective is necessary for water remediation plan [4]. It is worth noting that, not all CMD are hated, advanced technology makes it possible to reuse the mining wastes, such as recovering rare earth elements [3].Large size of the mining industry determines the deposition of coal gangue, which occupies a large area of land resources [2, 5]. Oxidation and spontaneous combustion exist during the long-term coal gangue accumulation, and harmful gases such as SO2, NOx, and CO can also be released [1]. Coal gangue has been utilized in the preparation of cement [6], powder asphalt mortar [7], and autoclaved aerated concrete [8]. With the rapid development of transportation infrastructure construction, coal gangue was also proposed to be reused in highway engineering as the filling material.Coal gangue can satisfy the basic requirements for road engineering materials after being compacted or stabilized, which offers certain potential ","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"12 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140072422","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Experimental Investigation on the Grouting Performance of Foam-CNT Composite Grouts in Vertical Inclined Fractures Under Flowing Condition 流动条件下泡沫-CNT 复合灌浆材料在垂直倾斜裂缝中的灌浆性能实验研究
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_341
Yaohui Liu, Fang Lv, Zebin Ouyang, Tao Wang
Grouting is an effective method to solve the problem of water inrush in tunnel and underground engineering. However, rock fractures are often simplified as horizontal and smooth fractures in most grouting studies, while studies on vertical inclined fractures are still rare. To investigate the diffusion law in vertical inclined fractures, a vertical inclined fracture grouting simulation device was developed. A new type of cement slurry with low weight and high flowing water resistance was developed by combining carbon nanotube (CNT) slurry with foamed cement. Physical simulation experiments were conducted to investigate various factors (initial flowing water, inclination angle, sand content, and grouting rate) on the sealing efficiency of grouting. Results show that the high foam content has a negative effect on the compressive strength of the slurry, and has a positive effect on the fluidity and water resistance. The optimum ratio of slurry is 30% foam content, 1.0% CNT content, 1.3 water/cement ratio, and 3% additive content. The inclination angle and inclination direction of the fracture have a great influence on the sealing efficiency of grouting. Foam-CNT composite grouts can meet the requirement of flowing water grouting in vertical inclined fractures.Water inrush is a common problem in tunneling and underground engineering. Water inrush will delay the project and result in high personal injury and property damage [1, 2]. Grouting is an effective method to solve the problem of water inrush [3]. Grouting can improve the strength and reduce the permeability of the rock by injecting slurry into the rock fractures [4-7]. Considerable progress has been made in the area of flowing water grouting in recent years [8-10]. However, the theory of grouting still cannot meet the requirements of practical engineering.Many scholars studied the sealing and diffusion law of flowing water grouting [11-14]. Sui et al. [15] investigated the effects of fracture width, initial flowing rate, grouting time, and grouting amount on the sealing efficiency of flowing water grouting through laboratory simulation experiments. Liang et al. [16] demonstrated that the inclination of fracture has a significant effect on the sealing efficiency and the diffusion law of flowing water grouting. Depending on the relation between the direction of flowing water and fracture, rock fractures can be divided into horizontal fractures, horizontally inclined fractures, and vertically inclined fractures (Figure 1). However, in most studies on flowing water grouting, rock fractures are simplified as horizontal fractures [17, 18], and studies on the vertical inclined fracture grouting are still rare.Many scholars have proved that the diffusion law of liquid in inclined fractures and horizontal fractures is completely different [19]. Graf et al. [20] proposed a numerical method to discretize inclined nonplanar two-dimensional (2D) fractures within a three-dimensional (3D) finite element grid
灌浆是解决隧道和地下工程涌水问题的有效方法。然而,在大多数灌浆研究中,岩石裂缝通常被简化为水平和光滑裂缝,而对垂直倾斜裂缝的研究仍然很少。为了研究垂直倾斜裂缝的扩散规律,开发了一种垂直倾斜裂缝注浆模拟装置。通过将碳纳米管(CNT)浆液与发泡水泥相结合,开发了一种重量轻、流动水阻力大的新型水泥浆。通过物理模拟实验研究了各种因素(初始流水、倾斜角、含沙量和注浆率)对注浆密封效率的影响。结果表明,高泡沫含量对浆液的抗压强度有负面影响,而对流动性和抗水性有正面影响。浆液的最佳配比为泡沫含量 30%、CNT 含量 1.0%、水灰比 1.3、添加剂含量 3%。裂缝的倾斜角度和倾斜方向对灌浆的密封效率有很大影响。泡沫-碳纳米管复合灌浆料可以满足垂直倾斜裂缝中流动水灌浆的要求。涌水是隧道和地下工程中常见的问题,会延误工期,造成严重的人身伤害和财产损失[1, 2]。灌浆是解决涌水问题的有效方法[3]。灌浆可通过向岩石裂缝注入浆液来提高岩石强度并降低渗透性 [4-7]。近年来,流水注浆领域取得了长足的进步 [8-10]。许多学者研究了流水注浆的封闭性和扩散规律 [11-14]。隋文等[15]通过实验室模拟实验研究了裂缝宽度、初始流速、灌浆时间和灌浆量对流动水灌浆封孔效率的影响。梁等人[16]的研究表明,裂缝的倾角对流动水灌浆的封孔效率和扩散规律有显著影响。根据流水方向与断裂的关系,岩石断裂可分为水平断裂、水平倾斜断裂和垂直倾斜断裂(图 1)。然而,在大多数流水灌浆研究中,岩石裂缝都被简化为水平裂缝[17, 18],对垂直倾斜裂缝灌浆的研究还很少。许多学者已经证明,液体在倾斜裂缝和水平裂缝中的扩散规律完全不同[19]。Graf 等人[20]提出了一种数值方法,在三维有限元网格内对倾斜非平面二维(2D)裂缝进行离散化处理,用于地下流动和运移模拟。Mustapha 等人[21]提出了一种新方法,在三维断裂介质中离散化倾斜非平面二维裂缝,用于地下流动和传输模拟。一些学者通过数值方法研究了垂直倾斜裂缝中灌浆料的封堵和扩散规律[22]。Mu 等[23]采用多方向扇形(MDS)的空间逐步法(SSM)计算单斜粗糙断裂中的浆液扩散。Li等人[24]采用数值方法研究了海水条件下具有时变粘度的C-S灌浆料在倾斜岩石裂缝中的扩散。结果表明,垂直裂缝的灌浆难度远高于水平裂缝。在实际工程中,合适的灌浆材料是灌浆成败的关键因素[25]。为满足不同工程的灌浆要求,学者们开发了不同功能的灌浆材料[26, 27],如耐久性和强度高的水泥浆[28]、流动性和泵送性强的化学浆[29-31]、灌浆性能均衡的复合浆[32]、环境污染少的环保浆[33]等。水泥基浆液是实际工程中应用最广泛的注浆材料。一些学者通过各种方法改善灌浆材料的性能,如减小粒径[34]、用粉煤灰替代部分水泥[35]、掺入添加剂[36]等。然而,对灌浆材料的研究大多还集中在水平裂缝灌浆方面,对适用于垂直倾斜裂缝的灌浆材料的研究还很少。
{"title":"Experimental Investigation on the Grouting Performance of Foam-CNT Composite Grouts in Vertical Inclined Fractures Under Flowing Condition","authors":"Yaohui Liu, Fang Lv, Zebin Ouyang, Tao Wang","doi":"10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_341","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_341","url":null,"abstract":"Grouting is an effective method to solve the problem of water inrush in tunnel and underground engineering. However, rock fractures are often simplified as horizontal and smooth fractures in most grouting studies, while studies on vertical inclined fractures are still rare. To investigate the diffusion law in vertical inclined fractures, a vertical inclined fracture grouting simulation device was developed. A new type of cement slurry with low weight and high flowing water resistance was developed by combining carbon nanotube (CNT) slurry with foamed cement. Physical simulation experiments were conducted to investigate various factors (initial flowing water, inclination angle, sand content, and grouting rate) on the sealing efficiency of grouting. Results show that the high foam content has a negative effect on the compressive strength of the slurry, and has a positive effect on the fluidity and water resistance. The optimum ratio of slurry is 30% foam content, 1.0% CNT content, 1.3 water/cement ratio, and 3% additive content. The inclination angle and inclination direction of the fracture have a great influence on the sealing efficiency of grouting. Foam-CNT composite grouts can meet the requirement of flowing water grouting in vertical inclined fractures.Water inrush is a common problem in tunneling and underground engineering. Water inrush will delay the project and result in high personal injury and property damage [1, 2]. Grouting is an effective method to solve the problem of water inrush [3]. Grouting can improve the strength and reduce the permeability of the rock by injecting slurry into the rock fractures [4-7]. Considerable progress has been made in the area of flowing water grouting in recent years [8-10]. However, the theory of grouting still cannot meet the requirements of practical engineering.Many scholars studied the sealing and diffusion law of flowing water grouting [11-14]. Sui et al. [15] investigated the effects of fracture width, initial flowing rate, grouting time, and grouting amount on the sealing efficiency of flowing water grouting through laboratory simulation experiments. Liang et al. [16] demonstrated that the inclination of fracture has a significant effect on the sealing efficiency and the diffusion law of flowing water grouting. Depending on the relation between the direction of flowing water and fracture, rock fractures can be divided into horizontal fractures, horizontally inclined fractures, and vertically inclined fractures (Figure 1). However, in most studies on flowing water grouting, rock fractures are simplified as horizontal fractures [17, 18], and studies on the vertical inclined fracture grouting are still rare.Many scholars have proved that the diffusion law of liquid in inclined fractures and horizontal fractures is completely different [19]. Graf et al. [20] proposed a numerical method to discretize inclined nonplanar two-dimensional (2D) fractures within a three-dimensional (3D) finite element grid","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"18 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140301026","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Numerical Modeling of Melting Processes During Slab Break-off: Insights Into Tectonic Setting for Massif-Type Anorthosites 板岩断裂期间熔融过程的数值建模:洞察地块型正长岩的构造背景
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_344
Qian Yuan
The concept that lithosphere detachment or break-off has long been conceived as a viable mechanism to explain prominent geological phenomena in Earth’s crust and the surface. One of the strengths of slab delamination mechanism is that it can account for the extensive magmatism in active orogenic belts due to the upwelling of the asthenosphere after the slab break-off. However, in the last 20 years, geodynamic simulations show that the inflow of the asthenosphere upon slab break-off is insufficient to cause significant melting of the overriding lithosphere adjacent to the slab window. The primary reasons include the occurrence of slab break-off at a location that is too deep to effectively heat the overriding lithospheric mantle. Another factor is the presence of a thin film of crustal material that is retained during the slab break- off, inhibiting a significant thermal perturbation within the lithosphere. In this work, we couple petrological–thermomechanical simulations with magmatic melting processes to examine the lithospheric melting and surface lithological expression associated with slab break-off. Our work shows that in the early Earth when the mantle temperature is relatively higher, shallow slab break-off can give rise to significant lithospheric melting during the development of slab break-off. Moreover, because the slab becomes weaker in the earlier hotter mantle, it may break-off prior to the stage of continental collision, thus the magmatism it induced may not give a direct constraint on the time of continental collision. Our study has implications for the interpretation of geological and tomography studies in orogenic belts. It also provides insights into reconciling conflicts between geodynamic and geological studies regarding slab break off-induced melting and magmatism.One of the most peculiar lithologies in Earth’s middle age is Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites (PMAs), a plutonic batholith-forming rock type temporally restricted to the Proterozoic [1-4]. Formally, PMAs are composed of at least 90% plagioclase feldspar accompanied by minor mafic silicates and Fe-Ti oxides [5]. PMAs are areally and volumetrically extensive, with the largest PMA being the Kunene Complex in SW Angola, which covers an area of 18,000 km2 [6]. A consensus has been largely reached on the mechanism by which anorthosites were concentrated. They formed through the accumulation of magmatic plagioclase at the top of a magma chamber due to the low density of plagioclase compared to coexisting melt [7]. However, despite their simple mineralogy and have been studied for over a century, the geodynamic setting accounting for PMAs remains hotly debated [1, 2, 8, 9].A variety of tectonic settings have been proposed for PMAs, including Andean-type continental arc, post-orogenic, anorogenic, and continental rift settings [2, 4, 10, 11]. In recent years, a new tectonic regime—slab break-off—has been adopted accounting for the origin of several PMAs in Asia based o
在这里,我们将浅层板块断裂情景作为板块断裂诱发岩浆活动的最低要求,因为如果浅层板块断裂不显示任何岩石圈熔融,我们就不需要在中层或深层板块断裂下考虑它。为此,我们开始通过改变板块速度(1-10 厘米/年)、板块屈服应力(60、200 兆帕)、长度和海洋岩石圈的年龄来探索促进浅板块断裂的条件。在板块断裂的发展过程中,我们特别关注覆岩岩石圈的熔融过程。如下文所示,在目前的地幔温度下,即使是浅层板块断裂也无法使俯冲板块附近的岩石圈地幔产生熔融。接下来,我们在地球早期地幔温度较高的情况下进行了浅层断裂模拟,结果清楚地表明,板块断裂过程中岩浆层的上涌会引起强烈的热扰动,从而熔化覆盖的地幔岩石圈。最后,由于地幔对流代码没有设计熔体分离和化学分化过程的模型,我们进行了pMELTs/pHMELTs热力学建模来模拟后续的岩浆过程。在此,我们详细描述了使用这种特殊设置的浅断裂参考模型(图 2)。由于规定的较高板块速度(10 厘米/年)以及大洋板块和大陆板块之间的薄弱区,具有 20 兆年历史的大洋岩石圈很快开始俯冲(图 2(a)和(e))。2.5 Myr 之后,整个大洋板块发生俯冲,导致两块大陆发生碰撞(图 2(b) 和 (f))。就在大陆碰撞之后和大陆地壳开始俯冲之前,俯冲板块在 50 千米深处迅速变窄,俯冲板块下形成明显的星体层流入(图 2(c) 和 (g))。随后,断裂扩大,导致俯冲板块沿俯冲面脱离(图 2(d) 和 (h))。与先前的研究[25]一致,我们发现在板块断裂后的粘性蠕变过程中,地壳薄膜持续存在。考虑与水有关的流变学并没有使结果发生重大变化。总之,尽管参考模型表现出一种浅层断裂模式,地幔通过板块窗口强劲流入,但没有观察到与板块断裂相关的岩石圈地幔熔化。在另一个模型中,我们将岩石圈地幔的屈服应力从80兆帕提高到150兆帕,更接近较高的估计值[52],我们观察到与参考模型类似的浅层断裂动力学(图3)。由于最大屈服应力较高,板块断裂发生的时间较长,但在大陆碰撞后板块断裂过程中仍表现出强烈的星体层上涌(图 3(b)和(e))。尽管如此,我们还是没有观测到板块断裂过程引起的岩石圈地幔熔融。然而,在地球早期形成 PMA 时,地幔势温度可能比现在高 150-250°C [32]。在这里,模型 3 的特征与参考案例相同,只是地幔温度比参考案例高 150°C,并且我们在开始时相应地增加了地壳地热梯度。与参考案例类似,模型开始后不久,大洋板块发生俯冲(图 4(a))。然而,由于地幔温度升高,板块变得越来越薄弱,并迅速开始变窄(图 4(b))。随着俯冲板块继续变窄,天体层地幔开始大量流入,取代了大陆板块下的变窄板块区域。同时,由于星体层温度较高,加热速度较快,星体层的上涌确实导致了凌空岩石圈地幔的部分熔化(图 4(b) 和插入部分)。随着板块颈缩的持续,当星体层地幔上涌时,会导致更显著的熔化(图4(c)和插入部分),整个熔化过程可持续近0.2 Myr(图4(d)和插入部分)。为了进一步说明岩石圈熔化是由板块断裂时的星体层上涌直接引起的,而不是由基底熔化引起的,我们将凌空岩石圈的固结温度稍微降低了20°C(1100°C)。如图 5 所示,凌覆岩石圈的显著熔化恰恰是沿着因星体层上涌而形成的弯曲区域形成的,而在凌覆岩石圈的其他位置没有观察到熔化。
{"title":"Numerical Modeling of Melting Processes During Slab Break-off: Insights Into Tectonic Setting for Massif-Type Anorthosites","authors":"Qian Yuan","doi":"10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_344","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_344","url":null,"abstract":"The concept that lithosphere detachment or break-off has long been conceived as a viable mechanism to explain prominent geological phenomena in Earth’s crust and the surface. One of the strengths of slab delamination mechanism is that it can account for the extensive magmatism in active orogenic belts due to the upwelling of the asthenosphere after the slab break-off. However, in the last 20 years, geodynamic simulations show that the inflow of the asthenosphere upon slab break-off is insufficient to cause significant melting of the overriding lithosphere adjacent to the slab window. The primary reasons include the occurrence of slab break-off at a location that is too deep to effectively heat the overriding lithospheric mantle. Another factor is the presence of a thin film of crustal material that is retained during the slab break- off, inhibiting a significant thermal perturbation within the lithosphere. In this work, we couple petrological–thermomechanical simulations with magmatic melting processes to examine the lithospheric melting and surface lithological expression associated with slab break-off. Our work shows that in the early Earth when the mantle temperature is relatively higher, shallow slab break-off can give rise to significant lithospheric melting during the development of slab break-off. Moreover, because the slab becomes weaker in the earlier hotter mantle, it may break-off prior to the stage of continental collision, thus the magmatism it induced may not give a direct constraint on the time of continental collision. Our study has implications for the interpretation of geological and tomography studies in orogenic belts. It also provides insights into reconciling conflicts between geodynamic and geological studies regarding slab break off-induced melting and magmatism.One of the most peculiar lithologies in Earth’s middle age is Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites (PMAs), a plutonic batholith-forming rock type temporally restricted to the Proterozoic [1-4]. Formally, PMAs are composed of at least 90% plagioclase feldspar accompanied by minor mafic silicates and Fe-Ti oxides [5]. PMAs are areally and volumetrically extensive, with the largest PMA being the Kunene Complex in SW Angola, which covers an area of 18,000 km2 [6]. A consensus has been largely reached on the mechanism by which anorthosites were concentrated. They formed through the accumulation of magmatic plagioclase at the top of a magma chamber due to the low density of plagioclase compared to coexisting melt [7]. However, despite their simple mineralogy and have been studied for over a century, the geodynamic setting accounting for PMAs remains hotly debated [1, 2, 8, 9].A variety of tectonic settings have been proposed for PMAs, including Andean-type continental arc, post-orogenic, anorogenic, and continental rift settings [2, 4, 10, 11]. In recent years, a new tectonic regime—slab break-off—has been adopted accounting for the origin of several PMAs in Asia based o","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"21 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140313461","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Paleogene Sedimentary Basin Development in Southern Nevada, USA 美国内华达州南部古近纪沉积盆地的开发
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_225
Jens-Erik Lundstern, Theresa M. Schwartz, Cameron M. Mercer, Joseph P. Colgan, Jeremiah B. Workman, Leah E. Morgan
The cause of the transition from Mesozoic and early Cenozoic crustal shortening to later extension in the western United States is debated. In many parts of the extant Sevier hinterland, now the Basin and Range Province, the sedimentary sections that provide the most direct record of that transition remain poorly studied and lack meaningful age control. In this paper, we present field characterization supported by U-Pb detrital zircon and 40Ar/39Ar feldspar ages for ten sections across southern Nevada. We describe a newly identified basin, here named the Fallout Hills basin, which preserves >1.0 km of sedimentary deposits as old as middle Eocene, ca. 48 Ma. Deposition occurred during the 20 m.y. (million years) before the 27.60 ± 0.03 Ma Monotony Tuff blanketed much of south-central Nevada, based on 47.6 Ma and younger detrital zircon maximum depositional ages (MDAs) from near the Pintwater and Spotted Ranges. Elsewhere in southern Nevada, prevolcanic Cenozoic strata commonly form thinner (~100 m), isolated exposures that yield detrital zircon MDAs ≤10 m.y. older than (and in some cases essentially the same age as) the ca. 27–28 Ma ignimbrites that cap the sections. A variable but overall upward-fining facies pattern is observed in both the Fallout Hills basin and the thinner sections. These localized patterns imply topographic changes that are unlikely to reflect plate-scale processes and are not consistent with large-magnitude extension. Instead, variable uplift due to magmatism combined with antecedent topographic relief from thrust faulting and subsequent erosion likely provided accommodation for these deposits.Supracrustal rocks often provide some of the only records of topographic evolution and magmatic activity in ancient orogenic systems. They are, therefore, valuable for inferring the geometry, timing, and causal factors of tectonism and for constraining topographic change for use in geodynamic models [1, 2]. There is active debate concerning the fundamental transition that occurred in the western United States (Figure 1) from Mesozoic and early Cenozoic crustal shortening to Neogene basin-and-range extension [3, 4], which has implications for the study of crustal dynamics worldwide, including the stability of compressional orogens and the causes of extension. Sedimentary rocks deposited during this transition are sparse and generally not well studied across Nevada, eastern California, and western Utah, where one model has proposed that Cretaceous shortening thickened the crust sufficiently to support an orogenic highland commonly referred to as the Nevadaplano [5], while another has suggested that elevated topography was achieved only later due to south-migrating middle Cenozoic volcanism [3, 6]. Detailed constraints on the timing and setting of deposition would be valuable for understanding surface dynamics and the associated driving forces during this time and would assist with testing between sharply differing models that have been p
我们认为,内华达州南部的地层大多沉积在后收缩盆地中,而不是由板块尺度的过程推动盆地的形成,这些盆地的位置和几何形状是由之前的塞维尔时代晚期的推断断层、空间上可变的河流侵蚀或新生代火山活动控制的。也有可能是集中在构造或地层薄弱地带的老河道侵蚀为始新世至渐新世的沉积提供了空间。Beard[52]和 Lamb 等人[124, 125]同样认为,东南部彩虹花园盆地(图 2)沉积的大部分沉积物都是从附近中生代至古新世塞维尔断层和拉雷米亚断层期间产生的地形隆起上暴露的古生代和中生代岩石中侵蚀而来,并通过较年轻的渐新世河道网络输送到邻近的东北向低地。值得注意的是,在我们研究区域的某些地方,新生代地层明显沉积在明显的古地形起伏上(几十米到几百米),这一点可以从单位厚度的横向变化和斑点山脉东北部基底-新生代不整合层之上明显的层理叠加看出(图 9)、图 9)、平特沃特山脉东部(在线补充材料图 S2)、北帕克山脉(在线补充材料图 S7)[135-137] 和德拉马尔山脉东南部(在线补充材料图 S10)[143]。我们在许多断面上记录的山坡沉积和冲积扇沉积的证据同样表明沉积在地形起伏较大的地区,这些沉积在空间上的重复出现表明整个研究区域地形崎岖不平。此外,值得注意的是,瀑布山盆地最厚的沉积物集中在斑点山脉推断断层系统[38, 40, 79, 81, 83]的出露区附近,包括斑点山脉的北侧,那里的沉积岩似乎填充了一条古峡谷,向西穿过埋骨山,到达推断断层的上盘(图 2 和图 9)。内华达州南部其他几处火山前新生代岩石的出露地段也位于中生代推断断层的出露地段附近,包括我们在德拉马尔山脉东南部、东帕赫拉纳加特山脉和乱石山的地段(图 2)。虽然所有地段的沉积岩都沉积在火山岩之下(图 4),但在我们研究区域(图 2)的北部和东北部,印第安峰-卡连特和内华达中部闪长岩岩场的首次喷发发生在约 36 Ma [123, 126],与几个地段的沉积开始时间相近(图 12)。除了与地壳内岩浆和热能的增加有关的区域性隆起之外,局部地形的隆起和下沉也会伴随着岩浆室的充填和排空,早期喷发的物质会阻塞火山口附近的排水管网,即使这些物质没有到达所研究的地段。岩浆活动对容纳和沉积作用的影响在北帕罗克山脉南部的地段尤为明显,该地段明显的地形起伏与附近的印第安峰-卡连特闪长岩活动有关(如上所述),似乎早于沉积作用或与沉积作用同步进行[135, 137, 138]。研究区域内最厚、最古老的沉积层位于 Fallout Hills 盆地沉积中心,其部分厚度早于这些可能的合火山沉积层,并且位于这些沉积层的远端,可能是由于北面和东面地形的发展而增加了沉积物的流入。虽然我们所记录的沉积很可能发生在推力断层之前遗留下来的、由岩浆系统同步发展所形成的容积中,但我们在许多接替层顶部附近所记录的湖泊状石灰岩所显示的沉积与几种可能的原因是一致的,其中包括断层疤痕、滑坡或新喷发的火成岩和熔岩对流出的阻碍。然而,我们并没有观察到表明沉积在正常断层悬壁中的扇形倾角或厚度变化,尽管这种模式很难观察到,特别是对于较薄和暴露较少的地段。即使这些地层中的部分或全部沉积在正断层所形成的容积中,这些沉积的厚度和范围也不能表明是大范围的区域延伸。尽管这些地层覆盖了广阔的区域,而且厚度相对较厚(约 1.5 米),但它们并不表明这些地层具有大的区域延伸性。
{"title":"Paleogene Sedimentary Basin Development in Southern Nevada, USA","authors":"Jens-Erik Lundstern, Theresa M. Schwartz, Cameron M. Mercer, Joseph P. Colgan, Jeremiah B. Workman, Leah E. Morgan","doi":"10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_225","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_225","url":null,"abstract":"The cause of the transition from Mesozoic and early Cenozoic crustal shortening to later extension in the western United States is debated. In many parts of the extant Sevier hinterland, now the Basin and Range Province, the sedimentary sections that provide the most direct record of that transition remain poorly studied and lack meaningful age control. In this paper, we present field characterization supported by U-Pb detrital zircon and 40Ar/39Ar feldspar ages for ten sections across southern Nevada. We describe a newly identified basin, here named the Fallout Hills basin, which preserves >1.0 km of sedimentary deposits as old as middle Eocene, ca. 48 Ma. Deposition occurred during the 20 m.y. (million years) before the 27.60 ± 0.03 Ma Monotony Tuff blanketed much of south-central Nevada, based on 47.6 Ma and younger detrital zircon maximum depositional ages (MDAs) from near the Pintwater and Spotted Ranges. Elsewhere in southern Nevada, prevolcanic Cenozoic strata commonly form thinner (~100 m), isolated exposures that yield detrital zircon MDAs ≤10 m.y. older than (and in some cases essentially the same age as) the ca. 27–28 Ma ignimbrites that cap the sections. A variable but overall upward-fining facies pattern is observed in both the Fallout Hills basin and the thinner sections. These localized patterns imply topographic changes that are unlikely to reflect plate-scale processes and are not consistent with large-magnitude extension. Instead, variable uplift due to magmatism combined with antecedent topographic relief from thrust faulting and subsequent erosion likely provided accommodation for these deposits.Supracrustal rocks often provide some of the only records of topographic evolution and magmatic activity in ancient orogenic systems. They are, therefore, valuable for inferring the geometry, timing, and causal factors of tectonism and for constraining topographic change for use in geodynamic models [1, 2]. There is active debate concerning the fundamental transition that occurred in the western United States (Figure 1) from Mesozoic and early Cenozoic crustal shortening to Neogene basin-and-range extension [3, 4], which has implications for the study of crustal dynamics worldwide, including the stability of compressional orogens and the causes of extension. Sedimentary rocks deposited during this transition are sparse and generally not well studied across Nevada, eastern California, and western Utah, where one model has proposed that Cretaceous shortening thickened the crust sufficiently to support an orogenic highland commonly referred to as the Nevadaplano [5], while another has suggested that elevated topography was achieved only later due to south-migrating middle Cenozoic volcanism [3, 6]. Detailed constraints on the timing and setting of deposition would be valuable for understanding surface dynamics and the associated driving forces during this time and would assist with testing between sharply differing models that have been p","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"42 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"140323592","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Compressive Fracture Behavior and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Sandstone under Constant Crack Water Pressure 恒定裂隙水压力下砂岩的压缩断裂行为和声发射特性
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_314
Jiancheng Huang, Yong Luo, Chengzhi Pu, Song Luo, Xuefeng Si
Engineering rock containing flaws or defects under a large water source is frequently subject to the couple influence of constant crack water pressure and geostress. To investigate the fracture behavior of precracked rock under hydromechanical coupling with constant crack water pressure, compression tests were conducted on red sandstone specimens containing a single crack of different angles using a device to realize the constant crack water pressure during loading, and the failure process of rock specimens was monitored by acoustic emission (AE) technique. The results show that the presence of constant crack water pressure has a significant promotion effect on the development of shear wing cracks, and the promotion effect is influenced by the prefabricated crack angle and water pressure. As the constant crack water pressure increases, the failure mode of the 0° precrack specimen changes from “X”- shear failure to the single oblique shear failure along the shear wing crack direction, the main failure crack of the inclined precracked specimens (precrack angles of 15°, 45°, and 60°) changes from a small acute angle with the prefabricated crack to a direction along the shear wing crack, and irregular cracks occur at the chipped prefabricated crack in the 90° precracked specimen. With an increase in the constant crack water pressure, the average energy for a single hit, cumulative AE energy, and cumulative AE hits decrease, and the proportion of the tensile cracks increases and that of the shear cracks decreases.In underground mining, water conservancy and hydropower, geothermal development, and oil exploitation projects, rock structure inevitably contains various flaws and can be damaged and destroyed due to stress variations [1-7]. Therefore, the study of the failure characteristics of rocks with original crack, such as the crack propagation mechanism [8-11], mechanical properties [12-14], and acoustic emission (AE) characteristics [15-17], has been popular in recent years. Water, as a common liquid in the earth crust, is commonly present in rock flaws in underground engineering structures [18]. Due to the low permeability, rocks are often subjected to the influence of crack water pressure. In general, there are two common types of crack water pressure in rocks, as demonstrated by cases I and II in Figure 1. In case I, the crack water is not connected to a large water source, and the crack water pressure is not replenished in time during crack expansion. Therefore, the crack water pressure decreases as the crack expands. In case II, the crack water is connected to a large water source, the crack water pressure is immediately replenished during the crack propagation, so that the water pressure remains almost constant. This type of crack water pressure is termed the constant crack water pressure. With the rapid development of various types of rock engineering, increasing underground projects are being constructed under large water sources (e.g., tunn
大水源下含有缺陷或瑕疵的工程岩石经常受到恒定裂隙水压力和地应力的耦合影响。为了研究在恒定裂隙水压力的水力机械耦合作用下预裂隙岩石的断裂行为,利用加载过程中实现恒定裂隙水压力的装置,对含有不同角度单裂隙的红砂岩试件进行了压缩试验,并利用声发射(AE)技术监测了岩石试件的破坏过程。结果表明,恒定裂缝水压的存在对剪切翼裂缝的发展有显著的促进作用,而促进作用受预制裂缝角度和水压的影响。随着恒定裂缝水压的增加,0° 预裂缝试样的破坏模式由 "X "型剪切破坏转变为沿剪切翼裂缝方向的单斜剪切破坏,倾斜预裂缝试样(预裂缝角度为 15°、45° 和 60°)的主要破坏裂缝由与预制裂缝成小锐角转变为沿剪切翼裂缝方向,90° 预裂缝试样的崩裂预制裂缝处出现不规则裂缝。在地下采矿、水利水电、地热开发、石油开采等工程中,岩石结构不可避免地存在各种缺陷,会因应力变化而受到破坏和破坏[1-7]。因此,对带有原始裂缝的岩石的破坏特征,如裂缝扩展机理[8-11]、力学性能[12-14]和声发射(AE)特征[15-17]等的研究近年来很受欢迎。水作为地壳中常见的液体,通常存在于地下工程结构的岩石缺陷中[18]。由于渗透率低,岩石经常受到裂隙水压力的影响。一般来说,岩石中常见的裂隙水压力有两种类型,如图 1 中的情况 I 和情况 II 所示。在情况 I 中,裂隙水没有与大水源相连,裂隙水压力在裂隙扩展过程中得不到及时补充。因此,裂缝水压会随着裂缝的扩展而降低。在情况 II 中,裂缝水与大型水源相连,裂缝水压在裂缝扩展过程中立即得到补充,因此水压几乎保持恒定。这种裂缝水压称为恒定裂缝水压。随着各类岩石工程的快速发展,越来越多的地下工程在大型水源下施工(如湖底隧道和海底采矿)。遇到恒定裂隙水压力的情况也越来越多。因此,有必要研究恒定裂隙水压力对裂隙岩石破坏行为的影响。目前,已有大量关于裂隙水压力对岩石破坏特性影响的数值和实验研究[19-25]。Pu 等[26]利用数值模拟方法研究了裂隙水压力对裂隙扩展和岩石强度的影响,揭示了水压力作用下岩石的裂隙破坏和断裂机理。Li 等[27]利用三维数值模型中的快速拉格朗日连续体分析方法研究了裂隙水压力作用下单轴压缩岩石的破坏演化过程。Wang 等[28]提出了一种利用扩展有限元法模拟渗流应力耦合作用下裂缝扩展的数值方法。Li 等[29]提出了一种基于均质化方法和水平集方法的岩石异质性和多水力裂缝扩展建模方法。Ma 等[30]通过数值和分析方法分析了压裂液热物理参数对干热岩破坏的影响。Haeri 等人[31] 利用断裂分析代码模拟了岩石中节理分布对圆孔水力压裂的影响。Gu 等人[32-34]通过实验方法研究了孔隙度对水饱和砂岩和煤动态响应的影响。他们发现水饱和砂岩和煤的削弱程度与孔隙度呈正相关。他们还探讨了孔隙度和含水率对软煤断裂扩展和动态强度的影响机理。Li 等人
{"title":"Compressive Fracture Behavior and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Sandstone under Constant Crack Water Pressure","authors":"Jiancheng Huang, Yong Luo, Chengzhi Pu, Song Luo, Xuefeng Si","doi":"10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_314","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_314","url":null,"abstract":"Engineering rock containing flaws or defects under a large water source is frequently subject to the couple influence of constant crack water pressure and geostress. To investigate the fracture behavior of precracked rock under hydromechanical coupling with constant crack water pressure, compression tests were conducted on red sandstone specimens containing a single crack of different angles using a device to realize the constant crack water pressure during loading, and the failure process of rock specimens was monitored by acoustic emission (AE) technique. The results show that the presence of constant crack water pressure has a significant promotion effect on the development of shear wing cracks, and the promotion effect is influenced by the prefabricated crack angle and water pressure. As the constant crack water pressure increases, the failure mode of the 0° precrack specimen changes from “X”- shear failure to the single oblique shear failure along the shear wing crack direction, the main failure crack of the inclined precracked specimens (precrack angles of 15°, 45°, and 60°) changes from a small acute angle with the prefabricated crack to a direction along the shear wing crack, and irregular cracks occur at the chipped prefabricated crack in the 90° precracked specimen. With an increase in the constant crack water pressure, the average energy for a single hit, cumulative AE energy, and cumulative AE hits decrease, and the proportion of the tensile cracks increases and that of the shear cracks decreases.In underground mining, water conservancy and hydropower, geothermal development, and oil exploitation projects, rock structure inevitably contains various flaws and can be damaged and destroyed due to stress variations [1-7]. Therefore, the study of the failure characteristics of rocks with original crack, such as the crack propagation mechanism [8-11], mechanical properties [12-14], and acoustic emission (AE) characteristics [15-17], has been popular in recent years. Water, as a common liquid in the earth crust, is commonly present in rock flaws in underground engineering structures [18]. Due to the low permeability, rocks are often subjected to the influence of crack water pressure. In general, there are two common types of crack water pressure in rocks, as demonstrated by cases I and II in Figure 1. In case I, the crack water is not connected to a large water source, and the crack water pressure is not replenished in time during crack expansion. Therefore, the crack water pressure decreases as the crack expands. In case II, the crack water is connected to a large water source, the crack water pressure is immediately replenished during the crack propagation, so that the water pressure remains almost constant. This type of crack water pressure is termed the constant crack water pressure. With the rapid development of various types of rock engineering, increasing underground projects are being constructed under large water sources (e.g., tunn","PeriodicalId":18147,"journal":{"name":"Lithosphere","volume":"40 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":2.4,"publicationDate":"2024-01-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"139772995","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"地球科学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Deep Subsurface Pseudo-Lithostratigraphic Modeling Based on Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (3D CNN) Using Inversed Geophysical Properties and Shallow Subsurface Geological Model 基于三维卷积神经网络(3D CNN)的深层地下伪岩层地层建模(利用反演地球物理属性和浅层地下地质模型
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_273
Baoyi Zhang, Zhanghao Xu, Xiuzong Wei, Lei Song, Syed Yasir Ali Shah, Umair Khan, Linze Du, Xuefeng Li
Lithostratigraphic modeling holds a vital role in mineral resource exploration and geological studies. In this study, we introduce a novel approach for automating pseudo-lithostratigraphic modeling in the deep subsurface, leveraging inversed geophysical properties. We propose a three-dimensional convolutional neural network with adaptive moment estimation (3D Adam-CNN) to achieve this objective. Our model employs 3D geophysical properties as input features for training, concurrently reconstructing a 3D geological model of the shallow subsurface for lithostratigraphic labeling purposes. To enhance the accuracy of pseudo-lithostratigraphic modeling during the model training phase, we redesign the 3D CNN framework, fine-tuning its parameters using the Adam optimizer. The Adam optimizer ensures controlled parameter updates with minimal memory overhead, rendering it particularly well-suited for convolutional learning involving huge 3D datasets with multi-dimensional features. To validate our proposed 3D Adam-CNN model, we compare the performance of our approach with 1D and 2D CNN models in the Qingniandian area of Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China. By cross-matching the model’s predictions with manually modeled shallow subsurface lithostratigraphic distributions, we substantiate its reliability and accuracy. The 3D Adam-CNN model emerges as a robust and effective solution for lithostratigraphic modeling in the deep subsurface, utilizing geophysical properties.Litho-strata manifest a broad range of rock properties arising from distinct geological processes, for example, weathering, compaction, metamorphism, and deformation. These intricate processes, when combined, yield complex representations of various litho-strata. Furthermore, lithostratigraphy dictates the physical and chemical attributes of the litho-strata, the distribution of which is intimately intertwined with mineral resource distribution. Traditional lithostratigraphic identification methods, for example, borehole drilling and trenching, necessitate manual interpretation of field-collected or borehole core samples. While direct, these methods prove costly, time-consuming, and inadequate for identifying deep subsurface litho-strata in a large area. Additionally, human subjectivity and experience wield considerable influence over these conventional approaches’ outcomes. Hence, there exists a need for more reliable lithostratigraphic identification methods using physical or chemical properties. Three-dimensional geological modeling plays a vital role in portraying subsurface spatial characteristics, for example, litho-strata, fault networks, physical and chemical properties, and quantitative mineralization [1-3]. With the advancements in deep-penetration geophysical and geochemical exploration, the prospect of studying geological bodies’ physical and chemical properties from a 3D perspective becomes feasible [4-6]. These methodologies deepen the comprehension of the lithostratigraphy’
不同岩性地层通过各种地球物理勘探获得的信号存在差异,这些差异反映在反向地球物理特征上。如在线补充图 S1-S3 所示,根据研究区域浅层地下三维地质模型的标注,不同岩性地层的地球物理特性属于不同的范围。密度、磁性和电阻率的变化归因于岩性地层不同的矿物成分,从而影响了地球物理勘探。因此,我们探索了反演地球物理特征与岩性地层之间的非线性映射关系,以实现深部地下的岩性地层识别。虽然岩性地层的空间分布主要是通过研究区域浅层地下横断面所形成的三维地质模型得知的,但我们采用了三维浅层地下地质模型和反演地球物理模型作为训练和测试数据集,如图 5 所示。这包括将反演地球物理密度、磁性和电阻率作为输入特征,将地质模型中的岩石地层作为标签。三维网格模型中的每个象素包含七个属性,即中心坐标(x、y 和 z)、密度对比度、磁感应强度对比度、电阻率和岩石地层标签。我们从研究区域的浅层地下选取了一个面积为 570 × 689 × 33 个体素的三维网格,每个体素的面积为 35 × 35 × 35 米。这些体素被分为训练数据集(9,720,068 个体素)和测试数据集(3,240,022 个体素),保持 3:1 的比例。我们采用行进立方体算法,将三维网格划分为一系列一维(沿 Z 轴)、二维(在 XY 平面上)和三维块,作为样本,剪切间距为 1 个体素。这种策略使我们能够获得更多的样本。利用浅层地下三维地质模型标注的岩层地层学,可作为整个区块的标注(图 6)。为了评估模型的泛化能力,我们将可用样本分为训练数据集和测试数据集,两者的比例为 3:1。训练过程包括三个阶段:使用训练数据集进行模型训练;使用测试数据集评估模型性能;使用训练好的模型预测研究区域深层地下的岩石地层。通过对总体准确率、分类精度、损失函数和预测结果的综合评估,我们确定了一个具有特定参数组合的最佳三维 CNN 模型。我们测试了三种不同的优化器,即随机梯度下降(SGD)[48, 49]、AdaGrad [50, 51]和 Adam,旨在加快训练速度并提高准确率。如表 2 所示,采用 Adam 优化器的模型在训练和测试数据集中都表现出更高的准确率和更低的损失值。图 7 和图 8 说明,基于 Adam 的模型收敛速度快,训练效果好。值得注意的是,训练集上的性能低于测试集上的性能,是因为我们在训练过程中使用了放弃选项。在线补充图 S4 中的混淆矩阵表明,基于 SGD 和 AdaGrad 的模型很难准确识别某些岩层,例如测试数据集中的石英脉和安山岩堤,因为它们的训练样本有限。我们将预测的岩石地层结果与训练区的实际岩石地层进行了比较,如在线补充图 S5 所示。基于 SGD 和 AdaGrad 的模型与实际分布有很大差异,而基于 Adam 的模型不仅重建了实际分布,还定义了清晰的岩石地层边界。如在线补充图 S6 所示,从深部地下的预测结果来看,基于 SGD 和 AdaGrad 的模型错误地确定了深部地下新沉积的白垩系岩石地层,这违背了地质规律。相比之下,基于 Adam 的模型在研究区深层地下岩石地层预测方面取得了更好的结果。
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引用次数: 0
Whole-Rock and Apatite Geochemistry of Late Triassic Plutonic Rocks in the Eastern Songpan-Ganzi Orogenic Belt: Petrogenesis and Implications for Tectonic Evolution 东松潘-甘孜造山带晚三叠世板块岩的全岩和磷灰石地球化学:岩石成因及其对构造演化的影响
IF 2.4 4区 地球科学 Q3 GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS Pub Date : 2024-01-12 DOI: 10.2113/2024/lithosphere_2023_284
Haoyu Yan, Zhiqin Xu, Guangwei Li, Bihai Zheng, Jianguo Gao, Xiaoping Long
To constrain the late Triassic tectonic evolution of the Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt, we present new whole-rock and in situ apatite geochemistry for plutonic rocks in its eastern margin. The Taiyanghe pluton can be classified into two rock types: dioritic and granitic rocks. The former exhibits low SiO2 and MgO contents but high Al2O3, Th, LREE contents, and Th/Yb and Th/Nb ratios, as well as low Ba/La and Ba/Th ratios and enriched Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, which, together with apatite geochemistry and Nd isotopes, indicate that they were derived from low degrees of partial melting of lithospheric mantle metasomatized by sediment-derived melts. The latter is characterized by high Sr and low Y and Yb, with elevated Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N ratios, implying an adakitic affinity. Notably, their similar Sr-Nd isotopic compositions indicate an origin from partial melts of a newly underplated lower crust. The Maoergai granitic rocks, characterized by high Sr and low Y and Yb contents with high Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N ratios, are indicative of adakitic rocks. In combination with the enriched whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopes and the apatite Nd isotopic data, we suggest that they were generated by the partial melting of the ancient thickened mafic lower crust. The Markam and Yanggonghai felsic granitoid rocks are peraluminous and similar to typical S-type granitoids, indicating an origin from remelting of the Triassic metasedimentary rocks. Based on the temporal-spatial relationship of the late Triassic plutonic rocks in the orogenic belt, we suggest that these rocks were formed in association with the roll-back and subsequent break-off of a subducted slab of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. During the subduction, the formation of the Maoergai adakitic rocks was triggered by slab roll-back, whereas the magmatic “flare up” (ca. 216–200 Ma) was likely caused by slab break-off. This indicates that the final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean happened in the end of the Triassic or Early Jurassic.Orogenic belts are important sites where voluminous magmatic rocks with diverse lithologic and geochemical characteristics are produced [1-3]. However, the diversity of magmatic rocks developed in orogenic belts has been a topic of debate concerning their sources, magmatic processes, and geodynamic settings involved in petrogenesis [1-7]. Particular attention has been usually focused on the geodynamic framework, which can be generally regarded to be grouped into two types according to the temporal relationship to the tectonic evolutionary process of orogenic belts: subduction and postcollision [4, 8]. Magmatic rocks with diverse geochemical characteristics in orogenic belts offer a critical window to understand the tectonic evolution of these stages [1, 3, 4, 7]. Therefore, the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts could be accurately reconstructed by investigating the temporal-spatial variability and geochemical signatures of these diverse magmatic rocks.The Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt is widel
作者声明,他们没有任何已知的经济利益或个人关系可能会影响本文所报告的工作。本研究得到了国家自然科学基金(编号:91955203和92162211)、南京大学卓越计划和中国地质调查局(DD20230340)的资助。感谢审稿人和编辑分别对稿件提出的有益意见和处理意见。 这些富含LILEs(Rb、Ba和Sr)和贫乏HFSEs(Nb、Ta和Ti)的侵入岩被认为是由板块衍生的流体或熔体相部分熔化地幔楔而形成的[16, 20, 122]。第三,松潘-甘孜造山带深成岩的同位素年龄范围与弧相关岩浆活动相似,最年轻的年龄在玉树弧和伊墩弧的南部俯冲带以上(约263-203 Ma)和昆仑东部地层的北部俯冲带以上(约225-200 Ma)[20, 106, 123-126]。此外,以往的研究表明,松潘-甘孜造山带侵入岩的锆石Hf和全岩Sr-Nd同位素组成与三叠纪的伊墩和昆仑深成岩相似,从而表明松潘-甘孜造山带岩浆活动产生于大陆弧或岛弧[20]。最后,大量的野外调查结合三叠纪沉积盖层中的锰云母40Ar/39Ar年龄和锆英石U-Pb年龄,反映出三叠纪中晚期的连续沉积并没有中断[127-129],表明松潘-甘孜造山带周围直到三叠纪末期都没有发生弧-大陆或大陆-大陆事件[23]。因此,根据上述重要证据,在晚三叠世,古特提斯洋板块仍然存在,并且仍然俯冲在宜敦弧和松潘-甘孜造山带之下。古特提斯洋的最终关闭时间被推定为早侏罗世或晚三叠世末期,海相沉积向非海相沉积的明显转变进一步证实了这一点[130]、金沙江缝合线和松潘-甘孜造山带复合体中存在早侏罗世海相沉积地层[131],以及早侏罗世时代的变质和变形峰值[30, 109, 132]也进一步证实了这一点。松潘-甘孜造山带由于拥有众多主年龄介于约 231 Ma 至约 200 Ma 之间的柱状岩,因此具有约 30 Ma 的长期岩浆活动,这与冈底斯带的古新世柱状岩浆活动相似[8, 133, 134]。冈底斯带中具有多种地球化学和岩石学特征的古新世侵入岩涉及多种来源,包括增厚的下地壳、变质地幔和古印度大陆地壳物质[133-135]。这些岩浆岩的形成通常被认为与新特提斯洋关闭的最后阶段(包括板块后退和断裂过程)有着必然的联系[8]。松潘-甘孜造山带上具有多种岩石学和地球化学特征的晚三叠世侵入岩还包括多种岩浆源(沉积盖层、下地壳和变质地幔)[12]。重要的是,这些岩浆岩最近被认为是在古泰西洋关闭的最近阶段产生的[12, 20, 28]。本研究考察的具有代表性的块状岩石就是在这一关键阶段出现的。因此,我们认为古特提斯洋板块俯冲的后退和断裂可以为解释松潘-甘孜造山带广泛分布的晚三叠世岩浆岩的不同岩石学和地球化学特征提供合理的机制[12, 20, 28]。松潘-甘孜造山带的早期岩浆活动主要以赤铁矿(包括毛尔盖赤铁矿)和少量I型和S型花岗岩及岩浆岩为主(约231-216 Ma)[16, 18, 20-22, 122]。这些岩石与古特提斯洋板块的后退密切相关(图14(a))。板块的后退引起了热星体层的上升,提供了足够的对流热量来熔化古特提斯洋板块,增厚了岩浆岩下地壳,并使岩石圈地幔和沉积覆盖层(图14(a))变质,产生了高K钙碱性岩浆,并伴有或不伴有赤铁矿和S型花岗岩岩浆[12, 17, 20, 28]。最近对松潘-甘孜造山带及邻近地区三叠纪海洋沉积物的产地研究也支持古特提斯洋的板块后退[131, 136]。这些研究表明,沉积物最初来源于近大陆或陆块,在板块后退之前沉积到古特提斯洋的残余部分,然后来自远大陆的沉积物沉积下来,这可能是古特提斯洋板块后退引起的[131, 136]。
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