Magnetofossils in the continental shelf sediments of the Yellow and Bohai Seas have long been overlooked. Based on the magnetic results of 88 surface sediments (0–10 cm depth), first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams, isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves from 6 representative samples, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations of 2 samples, the formation and preservation mechanisms of magnetofossils in this region are elucidated. The FORC diagrams consistently show a clear central ridge feature, which indicates the presence of intact magnetofossils in all representative samples. The morphologies observed by TEM are primarily equant and elongated, with minimal or no bullet-shaped (magnetite) magnetofossils. Analysis further reveals a widespread distribution of magnetofossils in the mud areas of the Bohai Sea, North Yellow Sea, and South Yellow Sea, with proportions (contribution to SIRM; SIRM is defined as the remanent magnetization that remains constant as the external magnetic field increases) of <32.5 %, 40.9 % ∼ 44.6 %, and 59.9 % ∼ 66.5 %, respectively. Despite the presence of non-biogenic single domain magnetite, the proportion of magnetofossils can be estimated by the χARM/SIRM value, as they are positively correlated. The surface sedimentary environment of these mud areas is primarily suboxic and characterized by abundant dissolved iron, which facilitate the formation of magnetofossils by magnetotactic bacteria (MTB). It is unlikely that the surface sedimentary environment becomes sulphidic, thereby enabling the preservation of magnetofossils after their formation. The redox state of the study area, crucial for magnetofossil formation, is mainly controlled by the total organic carbon (TOC) content. From north to south, the higher proportion of magnetofossils is coupled with higher TOC content, possibly due to the intensified reducing degree of the suboxic environment, promoting MTB proliferation and thus forming more magnetofossils. The mechanisms governing the formation and preservation of magnetofossils proposed in this study may also be applicable to geological records.
The archipelagic aprons of the large deep-sea seamounts of the northwestern Pacific Ocean (NWPO) show potential areas for significant reserves of ferromanganese nodules (FMNs). This study used datasets such as depth, backscatter intensity (BI), and optical coverage in conjunction with mineralogical, element geochemical, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic, and chronological analyses of FMNs of the Suda Guyot (SG), which was located on the central area of the Marcus-Wake seamounts, in the NWPO. The results indicated a Y-shaped distribution of the deposit on the northern apron of the SG. Landslides predated the mineralization processes of the FMN deposit, and the ubiquitous channels in the apron had largely minimal influence on the distribution of nodules. Current mineralization of the deposit has been ongoing for ∼10 Myrs. Continuous weakening of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) resulted in a gradual decrease in bottom water oxygen contents around the SG. This in turn resulted in a decrease in cryptocrystalline Fe-vernadite (δ-MnO2) and elemental contents associated with δ-MnO2 of FMNs, such as Mo, Te, and Tl. Meanwhile, the contribution of Asian dust to the study area increased, leading to increased Fe, which in turn increased amorphous ferrihydrite (FeOOH), and FeOOH-associated elements such as Ti, Pb, and Th. Productivity gradually increased to its peak value around 4–5 Myrs ago, leading to similar trends in REY, Ba, and U. REY contents exhibited a certain correlation with water depth around the SG. The results of this study suggest that the Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD) variation resulted in higher content of REY of the FMNs in the shallower apron.
The formation and development of a small Mediterranean deltaic system are investigated through a primary seismic stratigraphic interpretation of a high-resolution seismic profile network, combined with multiple bathymetric data (including multibeam bathymetric imagery) and collated with shallow sediment cores collected with a vibro-corer device.
The submarine delta of the Adra River is divided into a basal patchy seismic unit and five wedge-shaped younger seismic units that are related to the Holocene highstand stabilization. Limited age control indicates that the two uppermost seismic units are very recent, most likely related to a dearth of fluvial fluxes led by channel deviations and by sediment retention. The formation of the three older seismic units is correlated to three humid periods during the Middle Holocene, Late Holocene and Little Ice Age, under a general context of progressive aridification of southeastern Iberia.
The stacking patterns and spatial distribution of individual seismic units document a history of episodic progradation of successive prodeltaic lobes, with a long-term evolution mediated by climatically-induced changes in the river basin and more recent anthropogenic interventions. Overall, the subaqueous deltaic system registers the complete modification of a deltaic system that evolves from a fluvial-dominated delta to recent wave-dominated wedges. In between, the deltaic system exhibits a progressive asymmetric character, due to the instauration of Atlantic waters on the shelf and their subsequent eastward redistribution. The Adra deltaic system is proposed as an outstanding example of a small deltaic system that reacts almost immediately to the complex interaction between natural changes in the system and anthropogenic interventions in the drainage basin.
Estuarine dams and weirs are constructed in estuaries for reasons such as blocking the salt intrusion, securing freshwater, and stabilizing upstream water levels. While they can provide many social benefits, they can also alter estuarine physical and sedimentary processes. How this occurs and their relative importance to global estuaries and deltas are not well understood. To address this, we perform and extensive remote sensing and literature analysis. Remote sensing was conducted based on a global river database of 1531 rivers representing the largest rivers cumulatively draining 85 % of the landmass discharging into the global ocean. It was found that 9.7 % of global estuaries and deltas are currently affected by estuarine dams or weirs acting as the upstream limit of salt, tide, or storm surge intrusion. If we include supplementary examples, overall 220 estuaries with estuarine dams or weirs were identified and confirmed by literature review. These structures are found worldwide and are prominent in developed or developing countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. The number of estuarine dams and weirs has increased rapidly since the 1800s with a peak in construction rate in the 1970s, particularly due to construction in Asia. Estuarine dams and weirs are found at the river mouths of both small and large watersheds. Most of these estuarine structures are located at x = 0–100 km inland from the mouth and their discharge intervals can be continuous, daily – weekly, seasonal, or interannual. Based on a quantified classification by geomorphology, estuarine dams and weirs are found most in river mouths which are wave-dominated followed by tide-dominated and then river-dominated. Estuarine dams and weirs can cause significant changes to the quantity and timing of freshwater discharge, tides, stratification, turbidity, sedimentation, oxygen conditions, phytoplankton blooms, and fish migration. We synthesize this current knowledge on estuarine dams and weirs and propose a conceptual model for physical and geomorphological change in mixed wave- and river-dominated and tide-dominated estuaries with estuarine dams.
Reversals in wave-generated longshore currents in surf zones occur at different temporal and spatial scales. Along coastlines with tidal channel openings with well-developed mouth bars or ebb-tidal deltas, the reversal mechanism is often attributed to the mouth bar – induced refraction of the shoaling waves. This reversal mechanism is characterized by convergence of longshore currents from the adjoining surf zones at the mouth of the tidal channel. Simultaneous half-hourly monitoring of wave-generated longshore currents over 50 successive (daylight) semi-diurnal tidal cycles in beach surf zones adjoining the Qua Iboe River estuary, S.E coast of Nigeria showed the above reversal pattern during flooding stage only. The converse pattern, where the surf zone longshore currents diverged away from the mouth of the estuary, was observed during ebbing stage. Both surf zones showed flow direction inversion with respect to each other, with velocity vector correlation coefficient r > − 0.8 in over 80 % of the data set. Instances of comparable flow direction (<10 %) were also recorded. Tidal processes are implicated in the documented results. Direction-averaged longshore current velocities, typically in the 15–60 cm/s range, attained highest values in both surf zones at about spring tide phase. Also, tidal cycle-residual longshore current maximum and minimum velocities occurred close to spring and neap tide, respectively. Only 30 % of the residual velocities were eastward directed in the up-drift surf zone as against 80 % in the down-drift counterpart. Given the prevailing southwesterly waves, the present results negate the assertion that reversal in longshore current direction in this offset shoreline setting is exclusively a consequence of wave refraction by mouth bar morphology. The reversing pattern of the longshore currents over a tidal cycle is well explained by incorporating interacting effects of shoaling waves with tide-induced oscillations in water level as well as the estuarine flow.
The evolution of oceanic temperatures between the Turonian and the K/T boundary indicates a long-term cooling coincident with a decrease of atmospheric CO2 levels, yet the cause of climate cooling at that time still remains debated. In this study, we evaluated the possible implication of enhanced silicate weathering as a sink for atmospheric CO2 by applying paired NdHf isotope measurements to detrital clay records from the West African margin. The use of this novel proxy for chemical weathering intensity (ΔɛHf(t)clay) was complemented by additional mineralogical and major-trace element analyses in order to investigate the variability of mechanical erosion patterns and further explore potential linkages between tectonics, weathering and climate during the late Cretaceous.
Our ΔɛHf(t)clay data suggest more intense silicate weathering on the West African Craton during the Santonian to the middle Campanian period, coincident with enhanced physical erosional inputs as inferred from higher Quartz/Clays and Feldspar/Clays ratios. This observation suggests that the shift towards intensified chemical weathering at that time was driven by enhanced mechanical erosion, possibly related to a moderate tectonic event on the West African craton. Evidence for increasing kaolinite contents and higher ΔɛHf(t)clay values during the Maastrichtian point towards more hydrolysing conditions, inducing either destabilization of older Mesozoic lateritic material or favouring the development of kaolinite-rich soils.
Overall, this study was compared with several new data of chemical weathering evolution along the south Atlantic margins, adding new insights on tectonic-weathering-climate interactions during the late Cretaceous, suggesting a possible link between silicate weathering feedbacks and global cooling at that time.