Interindividual variability in habitat preferences affect local abundance and residency times. Within a population range, this can lead to sectors having a continuous flow of unique individuals, with others being used by the same set of resident individuals. These patterns of habitat use by individuals, referred to here as individual spatial mixing, can have important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes. This study proposes a novel approach for estimating the degree of individual spatial mixing in an endangered beluga population, based on the comparison of local individual diversity obtained from photo-identification data against abundance indices derived from systematic aerial surveys. Divergences between long-term indices of abundance and diversity were observed across many sectors within the population's summer habitat. This was the case notably for the Saguenay Fjord, where on average only 1.8% of the total population count was detected during summer aerial surveys, but where 41% of all individuals identified in the photo-identification data were found at least once. The comparative approach proposed in this study to estimate individual spatial mixing can help quantify site fidelity patterns in wildlife populations and estimate its vulnerability to local stressors such as anthropogenic noise.
The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) is an endangered cetacean that ranges throughout much of Southeast Asia and lives in coastal, estuarine, and riverine habitats including three river systems: Ayeyarwady, Mekong, and Mahakam. Many populations face risks from human interference, but overall rangewide diversity and connectivity is not well-understood. Here we sequenced 77 complete mitogenomes from across the range of the Irrawaddy dolphin including all obligate riverine populations; eighteen of these were sequenced from historical museum specimens. Phylogenetic analysis showed haplotypes from each riverine population formed separate clades nested within the wider species implying each river system was separately invaded only once. All Irrawaddy dolphin mitogenomes were dated to a last common ancestor ~764 kya. Most lineages appeared after inundation cycles of the Sunda Shelf were initiated ~400 kya. Despite the lack of monophyly among many haplotypes from the same population, no population shared any haplotypes. Rangewide nucleotide diversity was average compared to other odontocetes, but riverine populations were especially low. Differentiation was significant among all populations analyzed with the most divergence occurring between isolated riverine populations. These analyses add more evidence for the necessity of conservation efforts directed towards riverine and other isolated populations of the Irrawaddy dolphin.