Few studies have examined the impacts of externally fitted data-loggers and telemetry tags on pinnipeds. We tested for instrument effects on body mass of lactating female gray seals and their offspring and probability of pupping in the next breeding season. Known-age adult females (n = 216) were fitted with instruments in winter, spring, and fall from 1992 to 2018 at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Of those tagged in spring and fall, 61 of 135 returning females and 59 of their offspring were weighed within 5 days postpartum and 79 pups were weighed at weaning. Instrumented females were assigned to treatments based on tag frontal area sums, tag mass, deployment duration, and acoustic tag presence compared to control females without instruments using linear mixed-effects models. None of the treatment effects were included in the preferred models predicting birth mass of offspring or probability of breeding in the following year. The small negative effect (−3% to −7%) on postpartum maternal mass and pup weaning mass (−4.7%) for females instrumented in fall may be an artifact as longer spring deployments showed no effect. Overall, we found that the instruments deployed had no detectable negative effects on the maternal and offspring variables measured.
In the marine environment, many animals use sound to interact and communicate with their conspecifics or other species. Over the last decades, the development of sound recording systems has allowed a significant advance in our knowledge of sound production in marine animals. We deployed miniature sound and movement tags on Antarctic fur seals (AFS), a small otariid foraging on mesopelagic fish, to uncover potential underwater vocalizations in this species. Tags recorded underwater sounds synchronously with high-resolution AFS movements and diving behavior, allowing us to investigate the behavioral context of vocalizations in the natural environment. We provide evidence of underwater vocalizations in foraging female AFS in a context of foraging at sea. AFS produced stereotyped calls made of low-frequency pulses produced in series, exclusively during foraging dives. We hypothesized that these acoustic pulse series could be used as an acoustic lure to confuse or attract fish prey, however, a larger sample size is needed to study the adaptive significance of these underwater vocalizations.
The available data on occurrence patterns of cetaceans in the Red Sea area of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is very limited. The dearth of information is of pressing conservation concern as the coastline is undergoing rapid development as part of the Kingdom's effort to diversify its national economy. To understand how these developments will impact cetaceans in the region, the first large-scale acoustic and visual survey in the Kingdom's part of the Gulf of Aqaba and the northeastern Red Sea was undertaken in 2020. The results of the acoustic surveys reveal 3.6 encounters per 100 km of track line of odontocete species with variable distribution across the study area. No baleen whale vocalizations were detected. Through visual surveys, five odontocete species were identified within the study area: Tursiops truncatus, T. aduncus, Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, and two opportunistic sightings of a single Grampus griseus.
Despite their high pathogenicity, limited knowledge is available on intrahost migration pathways and microhabitat distribution of pseudaliid lungworms. In this study, the distribution of Halocercus delphini in the lungs of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, was analyzed on three scales: between the right and left lungs, within the lungs, and between worm clusters. Evidence of a relationship between the distribution of H. delphini and the perfusion of the lungs of S. coeruleoalba is provided by the consistent correlation of these two factors, both on a longitudinal scale and by the difference in parasite burden between the left and right lung. This relationship, when coupled with the nested pattern of colonization, suggests that this species, like many other metastrongyloids, migrates to the lungs via the circulatory system. Additionally, the concentration of lungworms around the major airways could be a further reflection of the well-perfused nature of these passageways. Equally, this distribution could be a strategy to minimize the distance that larvae must travel to exit the lungs via the trachea, as do most other metastrongyloids. On a more localized scale, the tendency of H. delphini to form distinct heterosexual clusters even at low infection intensities indicates active mate-seeking behavior for reproduction.
Conducting assessments to understand the effects of changing environmental conditions on polar bear (Ursus maritimus) demography has become increasingly important to inform management and conservation. Here, we combined physical (2005–2007) and genetic (2017–2018) mark-recapture with harvest recovery data (2005–2018) to estimate demographic rates of the Davis Strait polar bear subpopulation and examine the possible effects of climate, dynamic ice habitat, and prey resources on survival. Large sample sizes (e.g., 2,513 marked animals) allowed us to estimate temporal variation in annual survival rates using multistate mark-recapture-recovery models. We did not detect statistically significant effects of climate, ice habitat, and prey during the 13-year study. Estimated total abundance in 2006 was 2,190, credible interval (CRI) [1,954, 2,454] and 1,944, CRI [1,593, 2,366] in 2018. Geometric mean population growth rate (0.99, 95% CRI [0.97, 1.01]) indicated the subpopulation may have declined slightly between 2006 and 2018. However, we did not detect a declining trend in survival or substantial change in reproductive metrics over this period. Given forecasts of major environmental change we emphasize the need to review monitoring programs for this subpopulation.