Stable taxon names for Bacteria and Archaea are essential for capturing and documenting prokaryotic diversity. They are also crucial for scientific communication, effective accumulation of biological data related to the taxon names and for developing a comprehensive understanding of prokaryotic evolution. However, after more than a hundred years, taxonomists have succeeded in valid publication of only around 30 000 species names, based mostly on pure cultures under the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP), out of the millions estimated to reside in the biosphere. The vast majority of prokaryotic species have not been cultured and are becoming increasingly known to us via culture-independent sequence-based approaches. Until recently, such taxa could only be addressed nomenclaturally via provisional names such as Candidatus or alphanumeric identifiers. Here, we present options and considerations to facilitate validation of names for these taxa using the recently established Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes Described from Sequence Data (SeqCode). Community engagement and participation of relevant taxon specialists are critical and encouraged for the success of endeavours to formally name the uncultured majority.
One hundred and sixty-three extreme halophiles were recovered from a single sample collected from an inland solar saltern in Rio Maior. Based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing 125 isolates were identified as members of the Archaea domain within the genus Halorubrum. Two strains, RMP-11T and RMP-47, showed 99.1 % sequence similarity with the species Halorubrum californiense based on phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence. However, phylogenetic analysis based on five housekeeping genes, atpB, EF-2, glnA, ppsA and rpoB’, showed Halorubrum coriense as the closest related species with 96.7 % similarity. The average nucleotide identity (ANI) of strains RMP-11T, RMP-47 and species Hrr. coriense were within the range of 90.0–90.5 %, supporting that strains RMP-11T and RMP-47 represent a novel species of the genus Halorubrum. These strains formed red-pigmented colonies that were able to grow in a temperature range of 25–50 °C. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) granules were detected in both strains. The polar lipid profile was identical to the neutrophilic species of the genus Halorubrum. The Rio Maior sample from which both strains were isolated was metagenome sequenced. We identified five metagenome-assembled genomes representing novel Halorubrum species but distinct from the species represented by strains RMP-11T and RMP-47. Based on phylogenetic, phylogenomic, comparative genomics, physiological and chemotaxonomic parameters, we describe a new species of the genus Halorubrum represented by strains RMP-11T (=CECT 30760T = DSM 115521T) and RMP-47 (=CECT 30761 = DSM 115541) for which we propose the name Halorubrum miltondacostae sp. nov.
This study provides an emended description of Acinetobacter faecalis, a species previously described based on a single isolate (YIM 103518T) from elephant feces in China. Our emended description is based on 15 novel isolates conspecific with the A. faecalis type strain, obtained from eight cattle farms in the Czech Republic. The A. faecalis strains have relatively small genomes (≈2.5−2.7 Mbp), with a GC content of 36.3−36.7 mol%. Core genome-based phylogenetic analysis showed that the 15 strains, together with the type strain of A. faecalis, form a distinct and internally coherent phylogroup within the genus. Pairwise genomic ANIb values for the 16 A. faecalis strains were 97.32−99.04 %, while ANIb values between the genomes of the 16 strains and those of the other Acinetobacter spp. were ≤ 86.2 %. Analysis of whole-cell MALDI-TOF mass spectra supported the distinctness and cohesiveness of the taxon. The A. faecalis strains could be differentiated from the other validly named Acinetobacter spp. by the absence of hemolytic activity along with their ability to grow at 37 °C and on L-aspartate, ethanol, and L-glutamate but not at 41 °C or on adipate or 2,3-butanediol. Reduced susceptibility to sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and/or streptomycin was shown in eight strains, along with the presence of corresponding antibiotic resistance genes. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive description of A. faecalis and demonstrates its occurrence in cattle feces. Though the ecological role of A. faecalis remains unknown, our results show its ability to acquire antibiotic resistance genes, likely as an adaptation to antibiotic selection pressure in livestock farms.
Arctic soil microbial communities may shift with increasing temperatures and water availability from climate change. We examined temperature and volumetric liquid water content (VWC) in the upper 80 cm of permafrost-affected soil over 2 years (2018–2019) at the Bayelva monitoring station, Ny Ålesund, Svalbard. We show VWC increases with depth, whereas in situ temperature is more stable vertically, ranging from −5°C to 5 °C seasonally. Prokaryotic metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) were obtained at 2–4 cm vertical resolution collected while frozen in April 2018 and at 10 cm vertical resolution collected while thawed in September 2019. The most abundant MAGs were Acidobacteriota, Actinomycetota, and Chloroflexota. Actinomycetota and Chloroflexota increase with depth, while Acidobacteriota classes Thermoanaerobaculia Gp7-AA8, Blastocatellia UBA7656, and Vicinamibacteria Vicinamibacterales are found above 6 cm, below 6 cm, and below 20 cm, respectively. All MAGs have diverse carbon-degrading genes, and Actinomycetota and Chloroflexota have autotrophic genes. Genes encoding β -glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, and xylosidase increase with depth, indicating a greater potential for organic matter degradation with higher VWC. Acidobacteriota dominate the top 6 cm with their classes segregating by depth, whereas Actinomycetota and Chloroflexota dominate below ∼6 cm. This suggests that Acidobacteriota classes adapt to lower VWC at the surface, while Actinomycetota and Chloroflexota persist below 6 cm with higher VWC. This indicates that VWC may be as important as temperature in microbial climate change responses in Arctic mineral soils. Here we describe MAG-based Seqcode type species in the Acidobacteriota, Onstottus arcticum, Onstottus frigus, and Gilichinskyi gelida and in the Actinobacteriota, Mayfieldus profundus.